Talking about Spring Ninja game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.
Here we are talking about Spring Ninja prototype again.
What about adding a double jump feature to the final HTML5 prototype I showed you in this post.
First, let’s have a look at the result:
Click and hold to jump, and do the same thing while in the air to perform a double jump.
Let’s now have a look at the source code, with the new lines highlighted:
window.onload = function() { var game = new Phaser.Game(640, 480, Phaser.CANVAS); var ninja; var ninjaGravity = 800; var ninjaJumpPower; var score=0; var scoreText; var topScore; var powerBar; var powerTween; var placedPoles; var poleGroup; var minPoleGap = 100; var maxPoleGap = 300; var ninjaJumping; var ninjaFallingDown; var jumps; var maxExtraJumps = 1; var play = function(game){} play.prototype = { preload:function(){ game.load.image("ninja", "ninja.png"); game.load.image("pole", "pole.png"); game.load.image("powerbar", "powerbar.png"); }, create:function(){ ninjaJumping = false; ninjaFallingDown = false; score = 0; placedPoles = 0; jumps = 0; poleGroup =; topScore = localStorage.getItem("topFlappyScore")==null?0:localStorage.getItem("topFlappyScore"); scoreText = game.add.text(10,10,"-",{ font:"bold 16px Arial" }); updateScore(); game.stage.backgroundColor = "#87CEEB"; game.physics.startSystem(Phaser.Physics.ARCADE); ninja = game.add.sprite(80,0,"ninja"); ninja.anchor.set(0.5); ninja.lastPole = 1; game.physics.arcade.enable(ninja); ninja.body.gravity.y = ninjaGravity; addPole(80); }, update:function(){ game.physics.arcade.collide(ninja, poleGroup, checkLanding); if(ninja.y>game.height){ die(); } } } game.state.add("Play",play); game.state.start("Play"); function updateScore(){ scoreText.text = "Score: "+score+"\nBest: "+topScore; } function prepareToJump(){ if(ninja.body.velocity.y==0 || jumps<maxExtraJumps){ jumps++; powerBar = game.add.sprite(ninja.x,ninja.y-50,"powerbar"); powerBar.width = 0; powerTween = game.add.tween(powerBar).to({ width:100 }, 1000, "Linear",true); game.input.onDown.remove(prepareToJump, this); game.input.onUp.add(jump, this); } } function jump(){ ninjaJumpPower= -powerBar.width*3-100 powerBar.destroy(); game.tweens.removeAll(); ninja.body.velocity.y = ninjaJumpPower*2; ninjaJumping = true; powerTween.stop(); game.input.onUp.remove(jump, this); if(jumps<maxExtraJumps){ game.input.onDown.add(prepareToJump, this); } } function addNewPoles(){ var maxPoleX = 0; poleGroup.forEach(function(item) { maxPoleX = Math.max(item.x,maxPoleX) }); var nextPolePosition = maxPoleX + game.rnd.between(minPoleGap,maxPoleGap); addPole(nextPolePosition); } function addPole(poleX){ if(poleX<game.width*2){ placedPoles++; var pole = new Pole(game,poleX,game.rnd.between(250,380)); game.add.existing(pole); pole.anchor.set(0.5,0); poleGroup.add(pole); var nextPolePosition = poleX + game.rnd.between(minPoleGap,maxPoleGap); addPole(nextPolePosition); } } function die(){ localStorage.setItem("topFlappyScore",Math.max(score,topScore)); game.state.start("Play"); } function checkLanding(n,p){ game.input.onDown.remove(prepareToJump, this); if(n.body.touching.down){ var border = n.x-p.x if(Math.abs(border)>23){ n.body.velocity.x=border*2; n.body.velocity.y=-200; } else{ jumps=0; game.input.onDown.add(prepareToJump, this); } var poleDiff = p.poleNumber-n.lastPole; if(poleDiff>0){ score+= Math.pow(2,poleDiff); updateScore(); n.lastPole= p.poleNumber; ninja.x=80; } if(ninjaJumping){ ninjaJumping = false; } } else{ ninjaFallingDown = true; poleGroup.forEach(function(item) { item.body.velocity.x = 0; }); } } Pole = function (game, x, y) {, game, x, y, "pole"); game.physics.enable(this, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE); this.body.immovable = true; this.poleNumber = placedPoles; }; Pole.prototype = Object.create(Phaser.Sprite.prototype); Pole.prototype.constructor = Pole; Pole.prototype.update = function() { if(ninjaJumping && !ninjaFallingDown){ this.body.velocity.x = ninjaJumpPower; } else{ this.body.velocity.x = 0 } if(this.x<-this.width){ this.destroy(); addNewPoles(); } } }
Since the game engine has been already built in the previous step, there are only a few new lines to see:
Line 17: defining jumps
variable to keep track of consecutive jumps
Line 18: we’ll define another variable to make the script more universal: now you can decide how many extra jumps are allowed
Line 31: at the start of the game, jumps
is set to zero
Line 60: we have to add another condition to let the player jump, that is we didn’t reach the extra jumps cap already
Line 61: now let’s increment jump
by 1
Line 79: if we did not reach the maximum amount of extra jumps…
Line 80: … we add the listener to trigger mouse/touch input
Line 107: as soon as we touch the ground, re remove the listener
Line 114: if the player landed safely on the ground…
Line 115: reset jumps
variable to zero
Line 116: add input listener once again
And we developed double jump. Download the full source code.
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