Calculating dynamic light and shadows in tile based roguelike games – part 2: drawing circles in a tile based environment
Talking about Roguelike game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.
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and drawCircle
functions, the other lines have just been written to make the demo work.
var game;
var gridWidth = 40;
var gridHeight = 40;
var tileSize = 16;
var sightRadius = 7;
window.onload = function() {
game = new Phaser.Game(640, 640, Phaser.AUTO, "");
game.state.add("PlayGame", playGame);
var playGame = function(game){};
playGame.prototype = {
preload: function(){
game.load.image("tile", "tile.png");
create: function(){
var startCol = game.rnd.between(0, gridWidth - 1);
var startRow = game.rnd.between(0, gridHeight - 1);
this.startPoint = game.add.sprite(startCol * tileSize, startRow * tileSize, "tile");
this.startPoint.inputEnabled = true;
this.startPoint.input.boundsRect = new Phaser.Rectangle(0, 0, game.width, game.height);
this.startPoint.input.enableSnap(tileSize, tileSize, true, true);
var endCol = game.rnd.between(0, gridWidth - 1);
var endRow = game.rnd.between(0, gridHeight - 1);
} while (startRow == endRow && startCol == endCol);
this.endPoint = game.add.sprite(endCol * tileSize, endRow * tileSize, "tile");
this.endPoint.inputEnabled = true;
this.endPoint.input.boundsRect = new Phaser.Rectangle(0, 0, game.width, game.height);
this.endPoint.input.enableSnap(tileSize, tileSize, true, true);
this.lineGroup =;
update: function(){
this.drawBresenham(this.startPoint.x / tileSize, this.startPoint.y / tileSize, this.endPoint.x / tileSize, this.endPoint.y / tileSize);
this.drawCircle(this.startPoint.x / tileSize, this.startPoint.y / tileSize, sightRadius);
this.drawCircle(this.endPoint.x / tileSize, this.endPoint.y / tileSize, sightRadius);
drawBresenham: function(x0, y0, x1, y1){
var dx = Math.abs(x1 - x0);
var sx = -1;
if(x0 < x1){
var sx = 1
var dy = Math.abs(y1 - y0);
var sy = -1;
if(y0 < y1){
var sy = 1;
var err = -dy / 2;
if(dx > dy){
err = dx / 2;
var tile = game.add.sprite(x0 * tileSize, y0 * tileSize, "tile");
tile.alpha = 0.5;
var e2 = err;
if(e2 > -dx){
err -= dy;
x0 += sx;
if(e2 < dy){
err += dx;
y0 += sy;
} while(x0 != x1 || y0 != y1)
drawCircle: function(x0, y0, radius){
var x = -radius
var y = 0;
var err = 2 - 2 * radius;
do {
console.log((x0 - x) * tileSize);
this.placeTile((x0 - x) * tileSize, (y0 + y) * tileSize, 0.5, 0xff0000);
this.placeTile((x0 - y) * tileSize, (y0 - x) * tileSize, 0.5, 0xff0000);
this.placeTile((x0 + x) * tileSize, (y0 - y) * tileSize, 0.5, 0xff0000);
this.placeTile((x0 + y) * tileSize, (y0 + x) * tileSize, 0.5, 0xff0000);
radius = err;
if (radius <= y){
err += y * 2 + 1;
if (radius > x || err > y){
err += x * 2 + 1;
} while (x < 0);
placeTile: function(x, y, alpha, tint){
var tile = game.add.sprite(x, y, "tile");
tile.tint = tint;
tile.alpha = alpha;
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