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Talking about Blogging.

If you read this message, you are reading a 10 years old blog!!


Yes, today the blog is 10 years old, I started blogging on May 26, 2006 writing about a way to have WordPress in two or more languages without using any plugin. I don’t even know if there was such this kind of plugin at the time.

Ten years, 5 books, about 50 games (got to count them all some day) and 1,392 posts later I am still here to bother you with my scripts.

The blog managed to survive when AS2 died to give room to AS3 and when AS3 died to give room to HTML5. And I hope it will survive for a lot more time.

I would really like to thank all you readers, you are the ones giving me the motivation to keep experimenting, learning and writing.

Unfortunately, during these years some great sites I loved and which inspired me a lot, sadly closed. I would like to remember them:

GotoAndPlay, one of the biggest resources for Flash games, not updated since 2008.

Quasimondo, Mario Klingemann’s Flash Blog, not updated since 2011.

Tony Pa‘s site. This guy made fun games and wrote the best Flash platformer tutorial ever. Then he simply disappeared. He was such an inspiration to me, just like…

Outside of Society, another great tutorial site which inspired me, not seriously blogging since 2012.

MochiMedia: THE company which brought indie web game development to the gold age, closed in 2014.

Jay is Games, once the best web game reviews site, recently “on hold”.

John Cooney and his games, not making games for two years, my first Flash tutorial was inspired by one of his games.

Sean Cooper, a genius in making Flash games, not active for quite some time, rumors say he quit game development to run a restaurant.

Orisinal by Ferry Halim, not making any more games as far as I can see.

Sephiroth, not blogging since 2014.

Cristalab, blog of a geek from Venezuela which had some troubles just for being a geek in Venezuela.

Playtomic, the best analytics services for Flash games, closed some years ago.

Flashkit: still the biggest source for Flash stuff, not updated since a long time.

To all owners of these sites I would like to say thank you. You inspired me a lot. I hope everything is running well on your side.

If you remember one of more of these sites, or remember other sites I forgot to mention, let me know with a comment or a message.

And thank you again for reading me for 10 years.

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