Adapting the Dungeon Raid engine to create a iOS hit “Dots” prototype
Talking about Dots game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.
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var game;
var gameOptions = {
gameWidth: 800,
gameHeight: 1400,
tileSize: 140,
fieldSize: {
rows: 6,
cols: 5
fallSpeed: 250,
diagonal: false,
colors: [0xff0000, 0x00ff00, 0x0000ff, 0xffff00, 0xff00ff]
window.onload = function() {
game = new Phaser.Game(gameOptions.gameWidth, gameOptions.gameHeight);
game.state.add("TheGame", TheGame);
var TheGame = function(){};
TheGame.prototype = {
preload: function(){
game.stage.backgroundColor = 0x444444;
game.load.image("tiles", "assets/sprites/tiles.png");
game.load.spritesheet("arrows", "assets/sprites/arrows.png", 420, 420);
create: function(){
game.scale.scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL;
game.scale.pageAlignHorizontally = true;
game.scale.pageAlignVertically = true;
game.input.onDown.add(this.pickTile, this);
createLevel: function(){
this.tilesArray = [];
this.arrowsArray = [];
// group creation and placement to stay in the center of the canvas
this.tileGroup =;
this.arrowsGroup =;
this.tileGroup.x = (game.width - gameOptions.tileSize * gameOptions.fieldSize.cols) / 2;
this.tileGroup.y = (game.height - gameOptions.tileSize * gameOptions.fieldSize.rows) / 2;
this.arrowsGroup.x = this.tileGroup.x;
this.arrowsGroup.y = this.tileGroup.y;
tileMask =, this.tileGroup.y);
tileMask.drawRect(0, 0, gameOptions.tileSize * gameOptions.fieldSize.cols, gameOptions.tileSize * gameOptions.fieldSize.rows);
this.tileGroup.mask = tileMask;
// tile creation
for(var i = 0; i < gameOptions.fieldSize.rows; i++){
this.tilesArray[i] = [];
for(var j = 0; j < gameOptions.fieldSize.cols; j++){
this.addTile(i, j);
this.removedTiles = [];
addTile: function(row, col){
// adding a new tile
var tileXPos = col * gameOptions.tileSize + gameOptions.tileSize / 2;
var tileYPos = row * gameOptions.tileSize + gameOptions.tileSize / 2;
var theTile = game.add.sprite(tileXPos, tileYPos, "tiles");
theTile.picked = 0;
theTile.coordinate = new Phaser.Point(col, row);
theTile.value = Phaser.ArrayUtils.getRandomItem(gameOptions.colors);
theTile.tint = theTile.value;
this.tilesArray[row][col] = theTile;
var text = game.add.text(-gameOptions.tileSize / 4, 0, "R" + theTile.coordinate.y.toString() + ", C" + theTile.coordinate.x.toString(), {fill: "#000", font:"bold 24px Arial"});
pickTile: function(e){
// picking the first tile
this.visitedTiles = [];
this.visitedTiles.length = 0;
this.square = false;
if(this.tileGroup.getBounds().contains(e.position.x, e.position.y)){
var col = Math.floor((e.position.x - this.tileGroup.x) / gameOptions.tileSize);
var row = Math.floor((e.position.y - this.tileGroup.y) / gameOptions.tileSize);
this.tilesArray[row][col].alpha = 0.5;
this.tilesArray[row][col].picked = 1;
this.pickedColor = this.tilesArray[row][col].value
game.input.onDown.remove(this.pickTile, this);
game.input.onUp.add(this.releaseTile, this);
game.input.addMoveCallback(this.moveTile, this);
console.log("Picked tile at R" + row + ", C" + col);
moveTile: function(e){
// we are over a tile
if(this.tileGroup.getBounds().contains(e.position.x, e.position.y)){
var col = Math.floor((e.position.x - this.tileGroup.x) / gameOptions.tileSize);
var row = Math.floor((e.position.y - this.tileGroup.y) / gameOptions.tileSize);
// we aren't over the latest visited tile
if(row != this.visitedTiles[this.visitedTiles.length - 1].y || col != this.visitedTiles[this.visitedTiles.length - 1].x){
var distance = new Phaser.Point(e.position.x - this.tileGroup.x, e.position.y - this.tileGroup.y).distance(this.tilesArray[row][col]);
// we are inside enough a tile
if(distance < gameOptions.tileSize * 0.4 && this.tilesArray[row][col].value == this.pickedColor){
// a new, adjacent tile
if(!this.tilesArray[row][col].picked && this.checkAdjacent(new Phaser.Point(col, row), this.visitedTiles[this.visitedTiles.length - 1])){
this.tilesArray[row][col].picked = 1;
this.tilesArray[row][col].alpha = 0.5;
console.log("Adding tile at R" + row + ", C" + col);
// backtrack
if(this.visitedTiles.length > 1 && row == this.visitedTiles[this.visitedTiles.length - 2].y && col == this.visitedTiles[this.visitedTiles.length - 2].x){
this.tilesArray[this.visitedTiles[this.visitedTiles.length - 1].y][this.visitedTiles[this.visitedTiles.length - 1].x].picked --;
// it was a "simple" tile
if(this.tilesArray[this.visitedTiles[this.visitedTiles.length - 1].y][this.visitedTiles[this.visitedTiles.length - 1].x].picked == 0){
this.tilesArray[this.visitedTiles[this.visitedTiles.length - 1].y][this.visitedTiles[this.visitedTiles.length - 1].x].alpha = 1;
// it was a tile forming a square
this.square = false;
this.arrowsArray[this.arrowsArray.length - 1].destroy();
console.log("Back to tile at R" + row + ",C" + col);
// square
if(!this.square && this.tilesArray[row][col].picked && this.visitedTiles.length > 3 && row == this.visitedTiles[this.visitedTiles.length - 4].y && col == this.visitedTiles[this.visitedTiles.length - 4].x){
this.tilesArray[row][col].picked ++;
this.square = true;
console.log("Making a square on R" + row + ",C" + col);
releaseTile: function(){
game.input.onUp.remove(this.releaseTile, this);
game.input.deleteMoveCallback(this.moveTile, this);
// clear the path
// make tiles fall down
// create new tiles
checkAdjacent: function(p1, p2){
return (Math.abs(p1.x - p2.x) <= 1) && (Math.abs(p1.y - p2.y) <= 1);
return (Math.abs(p1.x - p2.x) == 1 && p1.y - p2.y == 0) || (Math.abs(p1.y - p2.y) == 1 && p1.x - p2.x == 0);
addArrow: function(){
// adding the arrows
var fromTile = this.visitedTiles[this.visitedTiles.length - 2];
var arrow = game.add.sprite(this.tilesArray[fromTile.y][fromTile.x].x, this.tilesArray[fromTile.y][fromTile.x].y, "arrows");
// this routine handles arrow frame and angle according to its direction
var tileDiff = new Phaser.Point(this.visitedTiles[this.visitedTiles.length - 1].x, this.visitedTiles[this.visitedTiles.length - 1].y)
tileDiff.subtract(this.visitedTiles[this.visitedTiles.length - 2].x, this.visitedTiles[this.visitedTiles.length - 2].y);
if(tileDiff.x == 0){
arrow.angle = -90 * tileDiff.y;
arrow.angle = 90 * (tileDiff.x + 1);
if(tileDiff.y != 0){
arrow.frame = 1;
if(tileDiff.y + tileDiff.x == 0){
arrow.angle -= 90;
clearPath: function(){
if(this.visitedTiles.length > 1){
for(var i = 0; i < this.visitedTiles.length; i++){
console.log("Removed tile R" + this.visitedTiles[i].y + ", C" + this.visitedTiles[i].x);
this.tilesArray[this.visitedTiles[i].y][this.visitedTiles[i].x].visible = false;
this.tilesArray[this.visitedTiles[i].y][this.visitedTiles[i].x] = null;
console.log("Removed tilesArray entry [" + this.visitedTiles[i].y + "][" + this.visitedTiles[i].x + "]");
for(var i = 0; i < this.visitedTiles.length; i++){
this.tilesArray[this.visitedTiles[i].y][this.visitedTiles[i].x].picked = false;
this.tilesArray[this.visitedTiles[i].y][this.visitedTiles[i].x].alpha = 1;
for(var i = 0; i < gameOptions.fieldSize.rows; i++){
for(var j = 0; j < gameOptions.fieldSize.cols; j++){
if(this.tilesArray[i][j].value == this.pickedColor){
console.log("Removed tile R" + i + ", C" + j);
this.tilesArray[i][j].visible = false;
this.tilesArray[i][j] = null;
console.log("Removed tilesArray entry [" + i + "][" + j + "]");
tilesFallDown: function(){
for(var i = gameOptions.fieldSize.cols - 1; i >= 0; i--){
for(var j = 0; j < gameOptions.fieldSize.rows; j++){
if(this.tilesArray[i][j] != null){
var holes = this.holesBelow(i, j);
if(holes > 0){
var coordinate = new Phaser.Point(this.tilesArray[i][j].coordinate.x, this.tilesArray[i][j].coordinate.y);
var destination = new Phaser.Point(j, i + holes);
console.log("Tile at R" + coordinate.y + ", C" + coordinate.x + " moves to R" + destination.y + ", C" + destination.x)
var tween = game.add.tween(this.tilesArray[i][j]).to({
y: this.tilesArray[i][j].y + holes * gameOptions.tileSize
}, gameOptions.fallSpeed, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true);
tween.onComplete.add(this.nextPick, this)
this.tilesArray[destination.y][destination.x] = this.tilesArray[i][j]
console.log("Replenished tilesArray entry [" + destination.y + "][" + destination.x + "]");
this.tilesArray[coordinate.y][coordinate.x] = null;
console.log("Removed tilesArray entry [" + coordinate.y + "][" + coordinate.x + "]");
this.tilesArray[destination.y][destination.x].coordinate = new Phaser.Point(destination.x, destination.y)
this.tilesArray[destination.y][destination.x].children[0].text = "R" + destination.y + ", C" + destination.x;
placeNewTiles: function(){
for(var i = 0; i < gameOptions.fieldSize.cols; i++){
var holes = this.holesInCol(i);
if(holes > 0){
for(var j = 1; j <= holes; j++){
var tileXPos = i * gameOptions.tileSize + gameOptions.tileSize / 2;
var tileYPos = -j * gameOptions.tileSize + gameOptions.tileSize / 2;
var theTile = this.removedTiles.pop();
theTile.position = new Phaser.Point(tileXPos, tileYPos);
theTile.visible = true;
theTile.alpha = 1;
theTile.picked = 0;
theTile.value = Phaser.ArrayUtils.getRandomItem(gameOptions.colors);
theTile.tint = theTile.value;
var tween = game.add.tween(theTile).to({
y: theTile.y + holes * gameOptions.tileSize
}, gameOptions.fallSpeed, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true)
tween.onComplete.add(this.nextPick, this)
theTile.coordinate = new Phaser.Point(i, holes - j);
this.tilesArray[holes - j][i] = theTile;
theTile.children[0].text = "R" + theTile.coordinate.y + ", C" + theTile.coordinate.x;
console.log("Created a new tile at R" + theTile.coordinate.y.toString() + ", C" + theTile.coordinate.x.toString());
console.log("Added tilesArray entry [" + (holes - j).toString() + "][" + i + "]");
nextPick: function(){
if(!game.input.onDown.has(this.pickTile, this)){
game.input.onDown.add(this.pickTile, this);
holesBelow: function(row, col){
var result = 0;
for(var i = row + 1; i < gameOptions.fieldSize.rows; i++){
if(this.tilesArray[i][col] == null){
result ++;
return result;
holesInCol: function(col){
var result = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < gameOptions.fieldSize.rows; i++){
if(this.tilesArray[i][col] == null){
result ++;
return result;
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