Create the HTML5 engine behind iOS hit Memdot with Phaser – step 2: a game prototype
Talking about Memdot game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.
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// the game
var game;
// size of each tile, in pixels
var gridSize = 40;
// colors to be used in game
var colorsInGame = [0xff0000, 0xff8800, 0x00ff00, 0x0000ff, 0xff00ff, 0x555555];
// how many circles in game?
var circlesInGame = 4;
// creation of the game
window.onload = function() {
game = new Phaser.Game(320, 480);
game.state.add("PlayGame", playGame);
var playGame = function(game){}
playGame.prototype = {
preload: function(){
// preloading the assets
game.load.spritesheet("circles", "circles.png", gridSize, gridSize);
game.load.spritesheet("timer", "timer.png", 16, 16);
game.load.image("background", "background.png");
create: function(){
// game won't pause if focus il lost
game.stage.disableVisibilityChange = true;
// checking if it's game over
this.gameOver = false;
// set background color to white
game.stage.backgroundColor = "#ffffff";
// adding a group containing all circles
this.circleGroup =;
// placeCirlces method will handle circle placement and movement
// filling the entire canvas with a tile sprite
this.cover = game.add.tileSprite(0, 0, game.width, game.height, "background");
// setting the cover to tansparent
this.cover.alpha = 0;
// adding a group containing all timers
this.timerGroup =;
// adding 10 circle timers to timerGroup group
for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++){
var timeCircle = game.add.sprite(i * 20, game.height - 20, "timer");
// horizontal centering timerGroup
this.timerGroup.x = (game.width - this.timerGroup.width) / 2;
// function to place the circles on the stage
handleCircles: function(){
// removing old circles, if any
// adding new circles to the game
// after two seconds, let's cover the screen * 2, this.fadeOut, this);
// function to remove circles from the stage
removeOldCircles: function(){
// handlong circles already in game, if any
// set remaining circles back to their colors and frames
item.tint = item.tintColor;
item.frame = 0;
// choosimg a random direction: 1 = left, 2 = up, 3 = right, 4 = down
var randomDirection = game.rnd.integerInRange(1, 4);
// a temporary object which will be used to handle circle tween
var tweenObject = {};
// according to random direction...
case 1:
// left: circle will leave the stage to the left
tweenObject.x = - gridSize;
case 2:
// up: circle will leave the stage to the top
tweenObject.y = - gridSize;
case 3:
// right: circle will leave the stage to the right
tweenObject.x = game.width + gridSize;
case 4:
// down: circle will leave the stage to the bottom
tweenObject.y = game.height + gridSize;
// moving the circle to its new position
var removeTween = game.add.tween(item).to(tweenObject, 500, Phaser.Easing.Cubic.In, true);
}, this)
}, this);
// function to add new circles
addNewCircles: function(){
// possibleColors will contain the same items as colorsInGame array,
// just repeated (circlesInGame - 1) times.
// we want to have more circles with the same color, but not ALL circle with the same color
this.possibleColors = [];
this.possibleColors.lenght = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < colorsInGame.length; i++){
for(var j = 0; j < circlesInGame - 1; j++){
// boardWidth and boardHeight will determine the width and height of the game board,
// according to game size and grid size.
// we subtract 2 from both boardWidth and boardHeight because we don't want
// tiles to be at the very edge of the canvas
var boardWidth = game.width / gridSize - 2;
var boardHeight = game.height / gridSize - 2;
// creation of an array with all possible grid positions
this.positionsArray = [];
this.positionsArray.length = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < (boardWidth) * (boardHeight); i++){
// pickedColors is the array which will contain all colors actually used in this game
this.pickedColors = [];
this.pickedColors.length = 0;
// repeating this loop circlesInGame times
for(var i = 0; i < circlesInGame; i++){
// choosing a random position for the circle.
// this position won't be available anymore as we remove it from positionsArray
var randomPosition = Phaser.ArrayUtils.removeRandomItem(this.positionsArray);
// determining circle x and y position in pixels
var posX = (1 + randomPosition % (boardWidth)) * gridSize;
var posY = (1 + Math.floor(randomPosition / boardWidth)) * gridSize;
// creating the circle as a button which calls circleSelected function
var circle = game.add.button(posX, posY, "circles", this.circleSelected, this);
// adding the circle to circleGroup group
// tinting the circle with a possible color and removing the color
// from the array of possible colors.
// we also save its tint color in a property called tintColor
circle.tintColor = Phaser.ArrayUtils.removeRandomItem(this.possibleColors)
circle.tint = circle.tintColor;
// adding the tint color to pickedColors array, if not already in the array
if(this.pickedColors.indexOf(circle.tint) == -1){
// choosimg a random direction: 1 = left, 2 = up, 3 = right, 4 = down
var randomDirection = game.rnd.integerInRange(1, 4);
// a temporary object which will be used to handle circle tween
var tweenObject = {};
// according to random direction...
case 1:
// left: circle is placed just outside left border and the tween
// will bring it to its initial x position
circle.x = - gridSize;
tweenObject.x = posX;
case 2:
// up: circle is placed just outside upper border and the tween
// will bring it to its initial y position
circle.y = - gridSize;
tweenObject.y = posY;
case 3:
// right: circle is placed just outside right border and the tween
// will bring it to its initial x position
circle.x = game.width + gridSize;
tweenObject.x = posX;
case 4:
// down: circle is placed just outside bottom border and the tween
// will bring it to its initial y position
circle.y = game.height + gridSize;
tweenObject.y = posY;
// adding the tween to circle. This will create the "enter in the stage" effect
game.add.tween(circle).to(tweenObject, 500, Phaser.Easing.Cubic.Out, true);
// this function will cover the screen with a random color
fadeOut: function(){
// this variable will count the ticks
this.timePassed = 1;
// setting all time circles to frame zero
item.frame = 0;
}, this)
// giving the cover a tint color picked among circle colors
this.cover.tint = Phaser.ArrayUtils.getRandomItem(this.pickedColors);
// tweening the cover to fully opaque
var coverTween = game.add.tween(this.cover).to({
alpha: 1
}, 200, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true);
// once the cover is fully opaque...
// bring to top circleGroup as it was hidden by the cover;
// for each circle in circleGroup group...
// tinting it white
item.tint = 0xffffff;
// setting it to frame 1 to show just a white ring
item.frame = 1;
}, this);
// startig the countdown
this.countDown = / 5, 11, this.tick, this);
}, this)
// this function will be called each time a circle is touched
// b is the circle
circleSelected: function(b){
// if the screen is already fully covered...
if(!this.gameOver && this.cover.alpha == 1){
// if the circle has the same tint color of the cover...
// (we use tintColor property we previously saved, because circle tint color now is white)
if(b.tintColor == this.cover.tint){
// then destroy it
// checking if the level is completed, that is there aren't circles with
// cover color still on the stage
var levelCompleted = true;
if(item.tintColor == this.cover.tint){
levelCompleted = false;
}, this);
// if level is completed, advance to next level
// stop the timer;
// turning the cover invisible
this.cover.alpha = 0;
// placing new circles
// if not, show the actual color of the circle
b.tint = b.tintColor
b.frame = 0;
// then stop the timer;
// and it's game over
this.gameOver = true
// wait 5 seconds then restart the game * 5, function(){
}, this);
// function to be executed by countDown timer event
tick: function(e){
// if timePassed is less or equal to 10, that is if there still is time left...
if(this.timePassed <= 10){
// turn off a timer circle
this.timerGroup.getChildAt(10 - this.timePassed).frame = 1;
// increase time passed
this.timePassed ++;
// else, it's game over
//this.gameOver = true;
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