Create a HTML5 game like “Pudi” using Phaser – Match games meet Tetris
Talking about Pudi game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.
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var game;
var gameOptions = {
gameWidth: 500,
gameHeight: 500,
circleColors: [0xfe153a, 0x36dffa, 0xec9f10, 0x27f118],
circlePositions: [new Phaser.Point(-125, -125), new Phaser.Point(125, -125), new Phaser.Point(125, 125), new Phaser.Point(-125, 125)]
var SWIPEUP = 0;
var SWIPEDOWN = 1;
var SWIPELEFT = 2;
window.onload = function() {
game = new Phaser.Game(gameOptions.gameWidth, gameOptions.gameHeight);
game.state.add("PlayGame", playGame);
var playGame = function(game){}
playGame.prototype = {
preload: function(){
game.load.image("circle", "circle.png");
create: function(){
game.stage.backgroundColor = 0x444444;
this.circleGroup =;
this.circleGroup.position.set(game.width / 2, game.height / 2);
this.circlesArray = [];
for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++){
var circle = game.add.sprite(gameOptions.circlePositions[i].x, gameOptions.circlePositions[i].y, "circle");
circle.tint = gameOptions.circleColors[i];
game.input.onTap.add(this.handleTap, this);
game.input.onDown.add(this.beginSwipe, this);
handleTap: function(pointer, doubleTap){
var tweenRight = game.add.tween(this.circlesArray[0]).to({
x: this.circlesArray[0].x + 250
}, 200, Phaser.Easing.Cubic.Out, true);
var tweenLeft = game.add.tween(this.circlesArray[1]).to({
x: this.circlesArray[1].x - 250
}, 200, Phaser.Easing.Cubic.Out, true);
var tempSprite = this.circlesArray[0];
this.circlesArray[0] = this.circlesArray[1];
this.circlesArray[1] = tempSprite;
beginSwipe: function(e) {
game.input.onDown.remove(this.beginSwipe, this);
game.input.onUp.add(this.endSwipe, this);
endSwipe: function(e) {
game.input.onUp.remove(this.endSwipe, this);
var swipeTime = e.timeUp - e.timeDown;
var swipeDistance = Phaser.Point.subtract(e.position, e.positionDown);
var swipeMagnitude = swipeDistance.getMagnitude();
var swipeNormal = Phaser.Point.normalize(swipeDistance);
if(swipeMagnitude > 20 && swipeTime < 1000 && (Math.abs(swipeNormal.y) > 0.8 || Math.abs(swipeNormal.x) > 0.8)) {
if(swipeNormal.x > 0.8) {
this.handleSwipe(SWIPERIGHT, e.position);
if(swipeNormal.x < -0.8) {
this.handleSwipe(SWIPELEFT, e.position);
if(swipeNormal.y > 0.8) {
this.handleSwipe(SWIPEDOWN, e.position);
if(swipeNormal.y < -0.8) {
this.handleSwipe(SWIPEUP, e.position);
} else {
game.input.onDown.add(this.beginSwipe, this);
handleSwipe: function(dir, startPoint) {
var degrees = ((dir == SWIPERIGHT) || (dir == SWIPEUP && startPoint.x < game.width / 2) || (dir == SWIPEDOWN && startPoint.x > game.width / 2)) ? 90 : -90;
var rotateTween = game.add.tween(this.circleGroup).to({
angle: degrees
}, 200, Phaser.Easing.Cubic.Out, true);
if(degrees == 90){
this.circleGroup.angle = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++){
this.circlesArray[i].position.set(gameOptions.circlePositions[i].x, gameOptions.circlePositions[i].y);
}, this);
game.input.onDown.add(this.beginSwipe, this);
game.input.onTap.add(this.handleTap, this);
I am using the onTap event which also allows me to detect double taps.
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