Your first Phaser 3 + Matter.js physics example
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// to be executed once the window loads
window.onload = function(){
// game configuration object
var gameConfig = {
// render type
type: Phaser.CANVAS,
// game width, in pixels
width: 640,
// game height, in pixels
height: 480,
// game background color
backgroundColor: "#000044",
// physics settings
physics: {
// we are using matter.js engine
default: "matter"
// array with all game scenes, just one: playGame
scene: [playGame]
// game constructor
var game = new Phaser.Game(gameConfig);
// playGame Class
var playGame = new Phaser.Class({
// it extends Phaser.Scene
Extends: Phaser.Scene,
// scene initialization
// constructor
function playGame(){
// calling the scene, assigning it "PlayGame" key, {key: "PlayGame"});
// function to be executed when the scene is loading
preload: function(){
// loading crate image
this.load.image("crate", "crate.png");
// function to be executed once the scene has been created
create: function(){
// setting Matter world bounds, -200, game.config.width, game.config.height + 200);
// waiting for user input
this.input.on("pointerdown", function(pointer){
// getting Matter bodies under the pointer
var bodiesUnderPointer = Phaser.Physics.Matter.Matter.Query.point(, pointer);
// if there isn't any body under the pointer...
if(bodiesUnderPointer.length == 0){
// create a crate
this.matter.add.sprite(pointer.x, pointer.y, "crate");
// this is where I wanted to remove the crate. Unfortunately I did not find a quick way to delete the Sprite
// bound to a Matter body, so I am setting it to invisible, then remove the body.
bodiesUnderPointer[0].gameObject.visible = false;[0])
}, this);
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