Build a HTML5 game like “Knife Hit” with Phaser 3 using only tweens and trigonometry – changing target speed

Talking about Knife Hit game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.

So we are building this physics game called Knife Hit without physics, and that’s fine, so let me show you a brief recap: In step 1 we built the main engine of the game where you can throw knives on a rotating target, and they plunge on the target and rotate with it. In step 2 we saw how to check if a knife lands on a knife which is already on the target. Now we are going to change target rotation at a certain interval of time, to make the game harder. Have a look:
Click or tap to throw a knife. If you have a mobile device, play directly at this link. Ok how does it work? We define a start rotation and at a given interval a random value – which can be positive or negative – is added. Then we toss another random number to see if the target should rotate in the opposite direction. A clamp operation is performed to ensure we don’t get rotation speeds to high to make the game playable. Once we have the current direction speed and the new direction speed, we perform a linear interpolation through one second, by counting the time interval between two update cycles. Look at the completely commented source code:

// the game itself
var game;

// global game options
var gameOptions = {

    // target rotation speed, in degrees per frame
    rotationSpeed: 3,

    // knife throwing duration, in milliseconds
    throwSpeed: 150,

    // minimum angle between two knives
    minAngle: 15,

    // max rotation speed variation, in degrees per frame
    rotationVariation: 2,

    // interval before next rotation speed variation, in milliseconds
    changeTime: 2000,

    // maximum rotation speed, in degrees per frame
    maxRotationSpeed: 6

// once the window loads...
window.onload = function() {

    // game configuration object
    var gameConfig = {

        // render type
       type: Phaser.CANVAS,

       // game width, in pixels
       width: 750,

       // game height, in pixels
       height: 1334,

       // game background color
       backgroundColor: 0x444444,

       // scenes used by the game
       scene: [playGame]

    // game constructor
    game = new Phaser.Game(gameConfig);

    // pure javascript to give focus to the page/frame and scale the game
    window.addEventListener("resize", resize, false);

// PlayGame scene
class playGame extends Phaser.Scene{

    // constructor

    // method to be executed when the scene preloads

        // loading assets
        this.load.image("target", "target.png");
        this.load.image("knife", "knife.png");

    // method to be executed once the scene has been created

        // at the beginning of the game, both current rotation speed and new rotation speed are set to default rotation speed
        this.currentRotationSpeed = gameOptions.rotationSpeed;
        this.newRotationSpeed = gameOptions.rotationSpeed;

        // can the player throw a knife? Yes, at the beginning of the game
        this.canThrow = true;

        // group to store all rotating knives
        this.knifeGroup =;

        // adding the knife
        this.knife = this.add.sprite(game.config.width / 2, game.config.height / 5 * 4, "knife");

        // adding the target = this.add.sprite(game.config.width / 2, 400, "target");

        // moving the target on front = 1;

        // waiting for player input to throw a knife
        this.input.on("pointerdown", this.throwKnife, this);

        // this is how we create a looped timer event
        var timedEvent = this.time.addEvent({
            delay: gameOptions.changeTime,
            callback: this.changeSpeed,
            callbackScope: this,
            loop: true

    // method to change the rotation speed of the target

        // ternary operator to choose from +1 and -1
        var sign = Phaser.Math.Between(0, 1) == 0 ? -1 : 1;

        // random number between -gameOptions.rotationVariation and gameOptions.rotationVariation
        var variation = Phaser.Math.FloatBetween(-gameOptions.rotationVariation, gameOptions.rotationVariation);

        // new rotation speed
        this.newRotationSpeed = (this.currentRotationSpeed + variation) * sign;

        // setting new rotation speed limits
        this.newRotationSpeed = Phaser.Math.Clamp(this.newRotationSpeed, -gameOptions.maxRotationSpeed, gameOptions.maxRotationSpeed);

    // method to throw a knife

        // can the player throw?

            // player can't throw anymore
            this.canThrow = false;

            // tween to throw the knife

                // adding the knife to tween targets
                targets: [this.knife],

                // y destination
                y: + / 2,

                // tween duration
                duration: gameOptions.throwSpeed,

                // callback scope
                callbackScope: this,

                // function to be executed once the tween has been completed
                onComplete: function(tween){

                    // at the moment, this is a legal hit
                    var legalHit = true;

                    // getting an array with all rotating knives
                    var children = this.knifeGroup.getChildren();

                    // looping through rotating knives
                    for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++){

                        // is the knife too close to the i-th knife?
                        if(Math.abs(Phaser.Math.Angle.ShortestBetween(, children[i].impactAngle)) < gameOptions.minAngle){

                            // this is not a legal hit
                            legalHit = false;

                            // no need to continue with the loop

                    // is this a legal hit?

                        // player can now throw again
                        this.canThrow = true;

                        // adding the rotating knife in the same place of the knife just landed on target
                        var knife = this.add.sprite(this.knife.x, this.knife.y, "knife");

                        // impactAngle property saves the target angle when the knife hits the target
                        knife.impactAngle =;

                        // adding the rotating knife to knifeGroup group

                        // bringing back the knife to its starting position
                        this.knife.y = game.config.height / 5 * 4;

                    // in case this is not a legal hit

                        // tween to throw the knife

                            // adding the knife to tween targets
                            targets: [this.knife],

                            // y destination
                            y: game.config.height + this.knife.height,

                            // rotation destination, in radians
                            rotation: 5,

                            // tween duration
                            duration: gameOptions.throwSpeed * 4,

                            // callback scope
                            callbackScope: this,

                            // function to be executed once the tween has been completed
                            onComplete: function(tween){

                                // restart the game

    // method to be executed at each frame. Please notice the arguments.
    update(time, delta){

        // rotating the target += this.currentRotationSpeed;

        // getting an array with all rotating knives
        var children = this.knifeGroup.getChildren();

        // looping through rotating knives
        for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++){

            // rotating the knife
            children[i].angle += this.currentRotationSpeed;

            // turning knife angle in radians
            var radians = Phaser.Math.DegToRad(children[i].angle + 90);

            // trigonometry to make the knife rotate around target center
            children[i].x = + ( / 2) * Math.cos(radians);
            children[i].y = + ( / 2) * Math.sin(radians);

        // adjusting current rotation speed using linear interpolation
        this.currentRotationSpeed = Phaser.Math.Linear(this.currentRotationSpeed, this.newRotationSpeed, delta / 1000);

// pure javascript to scale the game
function resize() {
    var canvas = document.querySelector("canvas");
    var windowWidth = window.innerWidth;
    var windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
    var windowRatio = windowWidth / windowHeight;
    var gameRatio = game.config.width / game.config.height;
    if(windowRatio < gameRatio){ = windowWidth + "px"; = (windowWidth / gameRatio) + "px";
    else{ = (windowHeight * gameRatio) + "px"; = windowHeight + "px";
Now the game is a bit harder. Next time we’ll see how to add apples, although they’re just another kind of item on the target with its own minAngle property. Download the source code.