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Talking about Down The Mountain game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.

I usually update the Down the Mountain prototype every summer, so it’s time to release another update, porting the latest version to Phaser 3. The game features object pooling to recycle all blocks – actually hexagons – which fly off the top of the canvas. Have a look:
Tap or click on the left half of the canvas to move left, on the right half of the canvas to move right. I managed to handle player position and scrolling using pure math rather than looking for their world coordinates. This makes the code look a bit more clean. I still have some doubts about using Bezier curves on tweeens, so in this version the tweens uses a linear movement rather than a curve to properly simulate a jump, but I’ll be studying it. Containers have also been used, since there is no way to add children to sprites. Have a look at the source code:
<pre class="wp-block-syntaxhighlighter-code">var game;

var gameOptions = {
    hexagonWidth: 70,
    hexagonHeight: 80,
    gridSizeX: 5,
    gridSizeY: 14

window.onload = function() {
    var gameConfig = {
        thpe: Phaser.CANVAS,
        width: 600,
        height: 600,
        backgroundColor: 0xffffff,
        scene: [playGame]
    game = new Phaser.Game(gameConfig);
    window.addEventListener("resize", resize, false);
class playGame extends Phaser.Scene{
        this.load.image("hexagon", "hexagon.png");
        this.load.spritesheet("marker", "marker.png",  {
            frameWidth: 56,
            frameHeight: 64
        this.playerMove = true;
        this.playerCol = 2;
        this.playerRow = 0;
        this.hexagonPool = [];
        this.hexagonContainer = this.add.container();
        for(var i = 0; i < gameOptions.gridSizeY; i ++){
        this.hexagonContainer.x = (game.config.width - gameOptions.hexagonWidth * gameOptions.gridSizeX) / 2;
        this.hexagonContainer.y = 20;
        this.marker = this.add.sprite(gameOptions.hexagonWidth * gameOptions.gridSizeX / 2, 6, "marker");
        this.input.on("pointerdown", function(e){
                if(e.x < (game.config.width / 2) && (this.playerCol > 0 || (this.playerRow % 2 == 1))){
                    this.placeMarker(this.playerCol - (1 - this.playerRow % 2), this.playerRow + 1);
                if(e.x >= (game.config.width / 2) &&  this.playerCol < gameOptions.gridSizeX - 1){
                    this.placeMarker(this.playerCol + (this.playerRow % 2), this.playerRow + 1);
        }, this)
        var playerPosition = this.marker.y + this.hexagonContainer.y;
        if(playerPosition > 60){
            var distance = 60 - playerPosition;
            this.hexagonContainer.y += distance / 25;
        for(var i = 0; i < this.hexagonContainer.list.length; i++){
            var blockPosition = this.hexagonContainer.list[i].y + this.hexagonContainer.y;
            if(blockPosition < -gameOptions.hexagonHeight){
                this.hexagonContainer.list[i].y += gameOptions.hexagonHeight * (gameOptions.gridSizeY * 3 / 4);
        for(var j = 0; j < gameOptions.gridSizeX - i % 2; j ++){
            var singleHexagonContainer = this.add.container();
            var hexagonX = gameOptions.hexagonWidth * j + (gameOptions.hexagonWidth / 2) * (i % 2);
            var hexagonY = gameOptions.hexagonHeight * i / 4 * 3;
            singleHexagonContainer.x = hexagonX;
            singleHexagonContainer.y = hexagonY;
            var hexagon = this.add.sprite(0, 0, "hexagon");
            hexagon.setOrigin(0, 0);
            var hexagonText = this.add.text(gameOptions.hexagonWidth / 3, gameOptions.hexagonHeight / 5, i + "," + j, {
                color: "#000000"
    placeMarker(posX, posY){
        this.playerRow = posY;
        this.playerCol = posX;
        var nextX = gameOptions.hexagonWidth * (2 * posX + 1 + posY % 2) / 2;
        var nextY = gameOptions.hexagonHeight * (3 * posY + 1) / 4 - 14;
        this.playerMove = false;
        var bezierX = gameOptions.hexagonWidth;
        if(this.marker.x > nextX){
            bezierX *= -1;
            targets: [this.marker],
            x: nextX,
            y: nextY,
            duration: 100,
            callbackScope: this,
            onComplete: function(){
                this.playerMove = true;

// pure javascript to scale the game
function resize() {
    var canvas = document.querySelector("canvas");
    var windowWidth = window.innerWidth;
    var windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
    var windowRatio = windowWidth / windowHeight;
    var gameRatio = game.config.width / game.config.height;
    if(windowRatio < gameRatio){ = windowWidth + "px"; = (windowWidth / gameRatio) + "px";
    else{ = (windowHeight * gameRatio) + "px"; = windowHeight + "px";
See you soon with Bezier tweens, meanwhile download the source code.

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