Build a HTML5 prototype of “qomp” upcoming game with Phaser and Arcade physics
Talking about qomp game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.
This is the first time I publish a tutorial about the making of an upcoming game, but I stumbled upon Stuffed Wombat‘s upcoming game, “qomp“, and it’s already on my wish list.

You’ll love the concept: what if the ball of Pong game, trapped between paddles since 1972, manages to escape?
A simple concept for a one-button game where you control the bouncing ball and you can only invert its vertical speed by tapping the screen.
Look at the prototype I built:
Just tap or click the game to make the hero change direction, try to bounce here and there and explore the whole level.
The source code is really simple, so here it is, completely commented:
let game;
let gameOptions = {
// hero horizontal speed, in pixels per second
heroSpeed: 150
window.onload = function() {
let gameConfig = {
type: Phaser.AUTO,
backgroundColor: 0x444444,
scale: {
mode: Phaser.Scale.FIT,
autoCenter: Phaser.Scale.CENTER_BOTH,
parent: "thegame",
width: 640,
height: 480
physics: {
default: "arcade",
arcade: {
gravity: {
y: 0
scene: playGame
game = new Phaser.Game(gameConfig);
class playGame extends Phaser.Scene{
this.load.tilemapTiledJSON("level", "level.json");
this.load.image("tile", "tile.png");
this.load.image("hero", "hero.png");
// creation of "level" tilemap = this.make.tilemap({
key: "level"
// add tiles to tilemap
let tile ="tileset01", "tile");
// which layers should we render? That's right, "layer01"
this.layer ="layer01", tile);
// layer (wall) is enabled for collision
// add the hero sprite and enable arcade physics for the hero
this.hero = this.physics.add.sprite(260, 376, "hero");
// make hero bounce
// set hero velocity
this.hero.setVelocity(gameOptions.heroSpeed * Math.cos(Math.PI / 4), gameOptions.heroSpeed * Math.sin(Math.PI / 4));
// listener for input
this.input.on("pointerdown", this.changeDirection, this);
// set world bounds to allow camera to follow the hero
this.cameras.main.setBounds(0, 0, 1920, 1440);
// make the camera follow the hero
// method to make the change direction
// invert hero y velocity
this.hero.body.velocity.y *= -1;
// method to be executed at each frame
// handle collision between hero and tiles, this.layer);
// flip hero according to direction
this.hero.flipX = this.hero.body.velocity.x < 0;
Obviously the original game has a lot of additional features, but this is how I’d build player movement and collision detection. Download the source code.
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