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Talking about Ballz game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.

Ballz” series has been quite popular when I released it in 2018, and I was about to add predictive trajectory when I figured out it was still coded in Phaser 2.

I wanted to quickly port it into Phaser 3 but it also lacked object pooling and some other cool features, so I decided to rewrite it almost from scratch.

And I also commented every line of source code along the way, so this was quite an hard work but I really hope you will appreciate it.

First things first, let’s have a look at the final result:

Tap/click and drag to the bottom to aim the ball, release to launch it.

Get extra balls to activate multiball mode, and don’t let blocks touch the ground or it’s game over.

A lot of Phaser features have been used in the making of this prototype: Arcade physics – and the ball is actually a square – to manage the game engine, tween to make blocks and extra balls move, and actions to, well, execute actions on all children of a physics group.

The source code is quite big, but it’s completely commented and you are free to ask questions:

let game;
let gameOptions = {

    // ball size, compared to game width
    ballSize: 0.04,

    // ball speed, in pixels per second
    ballSpeed: 1000,

    // blocks per line, or block columns :)
    blocksPerLine: 7,

    // block lines
    blockLines: 8,

    // max amount of blocks per line
    maxBlocksPerLine: 4,

    // probability 0 -> 100 of having an extra ball in each line
    extraBallProbability: 60
window.onload = function() {
    let gameConfig = {
        type: Phaser.AUTO,
        scale: {
            mode: Phaser.Scale.FIT,
            autoCenter: Phaser.Scale.CENTER_BOTH,
            parent: "thegame",
            width: 640,
            height: 960
        physics: {
            default: "arcade"
        scene: playGame
    game = new Phaser.Game(gameConfig);

// game states

class playGame extends Phaser.Scene {
    constructor() {
    preload() {
        this.load.image("ball", "ball.png");
        this.load.image("panel", "panel.png");
        this.load.image("trajectory", "trajectory.png");
        this.load.image("block", "block.png");
    create() {

        // at the beginning of the game, we wait for player input
        this.gameState = WAITING_FOR_PLAYER_INPUT;

        // it's not game over... yet
        this.gameOver = false;

        // we start from level zero
        this.level = 0;

        // array used to recycle destroyed blocks
        this.recycledBlocks = [];

        // determine block size according to game width and the number of blocks for each line
        this.blockSize = game.config.width / gameOptions.blocksPerLine;

        // determine game field height according to block size and block lines
        this.gameFieldHeight = this.blockSize * gameOptions.blockLines;

        // empty space is the amount of the stage not covered by game field
        this.emptySpace = game.config.height - this.gameFieldHeight;

        // set bounds of the physics world, this.emptySpace / 2, game.config.width, this.gameFieldHeight);

        // creation of physics groups where to place blocks, balls and extra balls
        this.blockGroup =;
        this.ballGroup =;
        this.extraBallGroup =;

        // the upper panel is called scorePanel because probably you'll want to display player score here
        let scorePanel = this.add.sprite(game.config.width / 2, 0, "panel");
        scorePanel.displayWidth = game.config.width;
        scorePanel.displayHeight = this.emptySpace / 2;
        scorePanel.setOrigin(0.5, 0);

        // bottom panel
        this.bottomPanel = this.add.sprite(game.config.width / 2, game.config.height, "panel");
        this.bottomPanel.displayWidth = game.config.width;
        this.bottomPanel.displayHeight = this.emptySpace / 2;
        this.bottomPanel.setOrigin(0.5, 1);

        // determine actual ball size in pixels
        this.ballSize = game.config.width * gameOptions.ballSize;

        // add the first ball
        this.addBall(game.config.width / 2, game.config.height - this.bottomPanel.displayHeight - this.ballSize / 2, false);

        // add the trajectory sprite

        // add a block line

        // input listeners
        this.input.on("pointerdown", this.startAiming, this);
        this.input.on("pointerup", this.shootBall, this);
        this.input.on("pointermove", this.adjustAim, this);

        // lister for collision with world bounds"worldbounds", this.checkBoundCollision, this);

    // method to add the ball at a given position x, y. The third argument tells us if it's an extra ball
    addBall(x, y, isExtraBall) {

        // ball creation as a child of ballGroup or extraBallGroup
        let ball = isExtraBall ? this.extraBallGroup.create(x, y, "ball") : this.ballGroup.create(x, y, "ball");

        // resize the ball
        ball.displayWidth = this.ballSize;
        ball.displayHeight = this.ballSize;

        // maximum bounce
        ball.body.setBounce(1, 1);

        // if it's an extra ball...
        if(isExtraBall) {

            // set a custom "row" property to 1
            ball.row = 1;

            // set a custom "collected" property to false
            ball.collected = false;

        // if it's not an extra ball...
        else {

            // ball collides with world bounds
            ball.body.collideWorldBounds = true;

            // ball fires a listener when colliding on world bounds
            ball.body.onWorldBounds = true;

    // method to add a block line
    addBlockLine() {

        // increase level number
        this.level ++;

        // array where to store placed blocks positions
        let placedBlocks = [];

        // will we place an extra ball too?
        let placeExtraBall = Phaser.Math.Between(0, 100) < gameOptions.extraBallProbability;

        // execute the block "gameOptions.maxBlocksPerLine" times
        for(let i = 0; i < gameOptions.maxBlocksPerLine; i ++) {

            // random block position
            let blockPosition =  Phaser.Math.Between(0, gameOptions.blocksPerLine - 1);

            // is this block position empty?
            if(placedBlocks.indexOf(blockPosition) == -1) {

                // save this block position

                // should we place an extra ball?
                if(placeExtraBall) {

                    // no more extra balls
                    placeExtraBall = false;

                    // add the extra ball
                    this.addBall(blockPosition * this.blockSize + this.blockSize / 2, this.blockSize / 2 + this.emptySpace / 2, true);

                // this time we don't place an extra ball, but a block
                else {

                    // if we don't have any block to recycle...
                    if(this.recycledBlocks.length == 0) {

                        // add a block
                        this.addBlock(blockPosition * this.blockSize + this.blockSize / 2, this.blockSize / 2 + this.emptySpace / 2, false);


                        // recycle a block
                        this.addBlock(blockPosition * this.blockSize + this.blockSize / 2, this.blockSize / 2 + this.emptySpace / 2, true)

    // method to add a block at a given x,y position. The third argument tells us if the block is recycled
    addBlock(x, y, isRecycled) {

        // block creation as a child of blockGroup
        let block = isRecycled ? this.recycledBlocks.shift() : this.blockGroup.create(x, y, "block");

        // resize the block
        block.displayWidth = this.blockSize;
        block.displayHeight = this.blockSize;

        // custom property to save block value
        block.value = this.level;

        // custom property to save block row
        block.row = 1;

        // if the block is recycled...
        if(isRecycled) {
            block.x = x;
            block.y = y;
            block.text.x = block.x;
            block.text.y = block.y;

        // if the block is not recycled...
        else {
            // text object to show block value
            let text = this.add.text(block.x, block.y, block.value, {
                font: "bold 32px Arial",
                align: "center",
                color: "#000000"

            // text object is stored as a block custom property
            block.text = text;

        // block is immovable, does not react to collisions
        block.body.immovable = true;

    // method to get the ball position
    getBallPosition() {

        // select gallGroup children
        let children = this.ballGroup.getChildren();

        // return x and y properties of first child
        return {
            x: children[0].x,
            y: children[0].y

    // method to add the trajectory sprite
    addTrajectory() {

        // get ball position
        let ballPosition = this.getBallPosition();

        // add trajectory sprite
        this.trajectory = this.add.sprite(ballPosition.x, ballPosition.y, "trajectory");

        // set registration point to bottom center
        this.trajectory.setOrigin(0.5, 1);

        // hide sprite

    // method to start aiming
    startAiming() {

        // are we waiting for player input?
        if(this.gameState == WAITING_FOR_PLAYER_INPUT) {

            // the angle of fire is not legal at the moment
            this.legalAngleOfFire = false;

            // change game state because now the player is aiming
            this.gameState = PLAYER_IS_AIMING;

            // place trajectory sprite over the ball
            this.trajectory.x = this.getBallPosition().x;
            this.trajectory.y = this.getBallPosition().y;

    // method to adjust the aim
    adjustAim(e) {

        // is the player aiming?
        if(this.gameState == PLAYER_IS_AIMING) {

            // determine x and y distance between current and initial input
            let distX = e.x - e.downX;
            let distY = e.y - e.downY;

            // is y distance greater than 10, that is: is the player dragging down?
            if(distY > 10) {

                // this is a legal agne of fire
                this.legalAngleOfFire = true;

                // show trajectory sprite

                // determine dragging direction
                this.direction = Phaser.Math.Angle.Between(e.x, e.y, e.downX, e.downY);

                // rotate trajectory sprite accordingly
                this.trajectory.angle = Phaser.Math.RadToDeg(this.direction) + 90;

            // y distance is smaller than 10, that is: player is not dragging down

                // not a legal angle of fire
                this.legalAngleOfFire = false;

                // hide trajectory sprite

    // method to shoot the ball
    shootBall() {

        // is the player aiming?
        if(this.gameState == PLAYER_IS_AIMING) {

            // hide trajectory sprite

            // do we have a legal angle of fire?
            if(this.legalAngleOfFire) {

                // change game state
                this.gameState = BALLS_ARE_RUNNING;

                // no balls have landed already
                this.landedBalls = 0;

                // adjust angle of fire
                let angleOfFire = Phaser.Math.DegToRad(this.trajectory.angle - 90);

                // iterate through all balls
                this.ballGroup.getChildren().forEach(function(ball, index) {

                    // add a timer event which fires a ball every 0.1 seconds
                        delay: 100 * index,
                        callback: function() {

                            // set ball velocity
                            ball.body.setVelocity(gameOptions.ballSpeed * Math.cos(angleOfFire), gameOptions.ballSpeed * Math.sin(angleOfFire));

            // we don't have a legal angle of fire
            else {

                // let's wait for player input again
                this.gameState = WAITING_FOR_PLAYER_INPUT;

    // method to check collision between a ball and the bounds
    checkBoundCollision(ball, up, down, left, right) {

        // we only want to check lower bound and only if balls are running
        if(down && this.gameState == BALLS_ARE_RUNNING) {

            // stop the ball

            // increase the amount of landed balls
            this.landedBalls ++;

            // if this is the first landed ball...
            if(this.landedBalls == 1) {

                // save the ball in firstBallToLand variable
                this.firstBallToLand = ball;

    // method to be executed at each frame
    update() {

        // if Arcade physics is updating or balls are running and all balls have landed...
        if((this.gameState == ARCADE_PHYSICS_IS_UPDATING) || this.gameState == BALLS_ARE_RUNNING && this.landedBalls == this.ballGroup.getChildren().length) {

            // if the game state is still set to BALLS_ARE_RUNNING...
            if(this.gameState == BALLS_ARE_RUNNING) {

                // ... basically wait a frame to let Arcade physics update body positions
                this.gameState = ARCADE_PHYSICS_IS_UPDATING;

            // if Arcade already updated body positions...

                // time to prepare for next move
                this.gameState = PREPARING_FOR_NEXT_MOVE;

                // move the blocks

                // move the balls

                // move the extra balls

        // if balls are running...
        if(this.gameState == BALLS_ARE_RUNNING) {

            // handle collisions between balls and blocks

            // handle collisions between ball and extra balls

    // method to move all blocks down a row
    moveBlocks() {

        // we will move blocks with a tween

            // we set all blocks as tween target
            targets: this.blockGroup.getChildren(),

            // which properties are we going to tween?
            props: {

                // y property
                y: {

                    // each block is moved down from its position by its display height
                    getEnd: function(target) {
                        return target.y + target.displayHeight;

            // scope of callback function
            callbackScope: this,

            // each time the tween updates...
            onUpdate: function(tween, target) {

                // tween down the value text too
                target.text.y = target.y;

            // once the tween completes...
            onComplete: function() {

                // wait for player input again
                this.gameState = WAITING_FOR_PLAYER_INPUT;

                // execute an action on all blocks
                Phaser.Actions.Call(this.blockGroup.getChildren(), function(block) {

                    // update row custom property
                    block.row ++;

                    // if a block reached the bottom of the game area...
                    if(block.row == gameOptions.blockLines) {

                        // ... it's game over
                        this.gameOver = true;
                }, this);

                // if it's not game over...
                if(!this.gameOver) {

                    // add another block line

                // if it's game over...
                else {

                    // ...restart the game

            // tween duration, 1/2 second
            duration: 500,

            // tween easing
            ease: "Cubic.easeInOut"

    // method to move all balls to first landed ball position
    moveBalls() {

        // we will move balls with a tween

            // we set all balls as tween target
            targets: this.ballGroup.getChildren(),

            // set x to match the horizontal position of the first landed ball
            x: this.firstBallToLand.gameObject.x,

            // tween duration, 1/2 second
            duration: 500,

            // tween easing
            ease: "Cubic.easeInOut"

    // method to move all extra balls
    moveExtraBalls() {

        // execute an action on all extra balls
        Phaser.Actions.Call(this.extraBallGroup.getChildren(), function(ball) {

            // if a ball reached the bottom of the game field...
            if(ball.row == gameOptions.blockLines) {

                // set it as "collected"
                ball.collected = true;

        // we will move balls with a tween

            // we set all extra balls as tween target
            targets: this.extraBallGroup.getChildren(),

            // which properties are we going to tween?
            props: {

                // x property
                x: {

                    getEnd: function(target) {

                        // is the ball marked as collected?
                        if(target.collected) {

                            // set x to match the horizontal position of the first landed ball
                            return target.scene.firstBallToLand.gameObject.x;

                        // ... or leave it in its place
                        return target.x;

                // same thing with y position
                y: {
                    getEnd: function(target) {
                        if(target.collected) {
                            return target.scene.firstBallToLand.gameObject.y;
                        return target.y + target.scene.blockSize;

            // scope of callback function
            callbackScope: this,

            // once the tween completes...
            onComplete: function() {

                // execute an action on all extra balls
                Phaser.Actions.Call(this.extraBallGroup.getChildren(), function(ball) {

                    // if the ball is not collected...
                    if(!ball.collected) {

                        // ... increase its row property
                        ball.row ++;

                    // if the ball has been collected...
                    else {

                        // remove the ball from extra ball group

                        // add the ball to ball group

                        // set extra ball properties
                        ball.body.collideWorldBounds = true;
                        ball.body.onWorldBounds = true;
                        ball.body.setBounce(1, 1);
                }, this);

            // tween duration, 1/2 second
            duration: 500,

            // tween easing
            ease: "Cubic.easeInOut"

    // method to handle collision between a ball and a block
    handleBallVsBlock() {

        // check collision between ballGroup and blockGroup members, this.blockGroup, function(ball, block) {

            // decrease block value
            block.value --;

            // if block value reaches zero...
            if(block.value == 0) {

                // push block into recycledBlocks array

                // remove the block from blockGroup

                // hide the block
                block.visible = false;

                // hide block text
                block.text.visible = false;

            // if block value does not reach zero...

                // update block text
        }, null, this);

    // method to handle collision between a ball and an extra ball
    handleBallVsExtra() {

        // check overlap between ballGroup and extraBallGroup members, this.extraBallGroup, function(ball, extraBall) {

            // set extra ball as collected
            extraBall.collected = true;

            // add a tween to move the ball down

                // the target is the extra ball
                targets: extraBall,

                // y destination position is the very bottom of game area
                y: game.config.height - this.bottomPanel.displayHeight - extraBall.displayHeight / 2,

                // tween duration, 0.2 seconds
                duration: 200,

                // tween easing
                ease: "Cubic.easeOut"
        }, null, this);

Really a lot of lines, and still no predictive trajectory, but it will be added in next step, meanwhile download the source code.

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