Build a HTML5 game like “Risky Road” using Phaser – step 5: drawing a better terrain

Talking about Risky Road game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.

My Risky Road tutorial series has been quite successful, and I also buil a game out of it, it’s called RRRisky Hills and you can play it from my page.

I was asked to explain how I managed to paint the hills that way, so here is the answer:

1 – Create an array with all colors you want to use to paint the hills.

2 – Create another array specifying the height of each color slice.

3 – Loop through the array and draw the same hills, just shifted down by the amount of pixels specified at step 2.

This is the result:

Tap and hold to accelerate, don’t make the crate fall off the cart.

The source code is pretty similar to the one explained in previous step, anyway I highlighted the new lines:

var game;

var gameOptions = {

    // start vertical point of the terrain, 0 = very top; 1 = very bottom
    startTerrainHeight: 0.5,

    // max slope amplitude, in pixels
    amplitude: 100,

    // slope length range, in pixels
    slopeLength: [150, 350],

    // a mountain is a a group of slopes.
    mountainsAmount: 3,

    // amount of slopes for each mountain
    slopesPerMountain: 6,

    // car acceleration
    carAcceleration: 0.01,

    // maximum car velocity
    maxCarVelocity: 1,

    // rocks ratio, in %
    rocksRatio: 5,

    // mountain colors
    mountainColors: [0x3d6728, 0x244016, 0x2d2c2c, 0x3a3232, 0x2d2c2c],

    // line width for each mountain color, in pixels
    mountainColorsLineWidth: [0, 70, 100, 110, 500]
window.onload = function() {
    let gameConfig = {
        type: Phaser.AUTO,
        backgroundColor: 0x75d5e3,
        scale: {
            mode: Phaser.Scale.FIT,
            autoCenter: Phaser.Scale.CENTER_BOTH,
            parent: "thegame",
            width: 750,
            height: 1334
        physics: {
            default: "matter",
            matter: {
                debug: true,
                debugBodyColor: 0x000000
        scene: playGame
    game = new Phaser.Game(gameConfig);
class playGame extends Phaser.Scene{

        // creation of pool arrays
        this.bodyPool = [];
        this.rocksPool = [];

        // array to store mountains
        this.mountainGraphics = [];

        // mountain start coordinates
        this.mountainStart = new Phaser.Math.Vector2(0, 0);

        // loop through all mountains
        for(let i = 0; i < gameOptions.mountainsAmount; i++){

            // each mountain is a graphics object
            this.mountainGraphics[i] =;

            // generateTerrain is the method to generate the terrain. The arguments are the graphics object and the start position
            this.mountainStart = this.generateTerrain(this.mountainGraphics[i], this.mountainStart);

        // method to add the car, arguments represent x and y position
        this.addCar(250, game.config.height / 2 - 70);

        // the car is not accelerating
        this.isAccelerating = false;

        // input management
        this.input.on("pointerdown", this.accelerate, this);
        this.input.on("pointerup", this.decelerate, this);

        // collision check between the diamond and the car. Any other diamond collision is not allowed"collisionstart", function(event, bodyA, bodyB){
            if((bodyA.label == "diamond" && bodyB.label != "car") || (bodyB.label == "diamond" && bodyA.label != "car")){


        // a text to show when we are flying
        this.flyingText = this.add.text(100, 100, "FLYING!!", {
            fontFamily: "Arial",
            fontSize: 128,
            color: "#FF8800"

        // variable to count the time flying
        this.flyingTime = 0;

        // this event will check all active collisions"collisionactive", function(e){

            // no wheels colliding
            this.wheelsColliding = false;

            // a collision made by a pair of bodies

                // if a colliding body's label is "wheel"...
                if(p.bodyA.label == "wheel" || p.bodyB.label == "wheel"){

                    // at least a wheel is colliding
                    this.wheelsColliding = true;

    // method to generate the terrain. Arguments: the graphics object and the start position
    generateTerrain(graphics, mountainStart){

        // place graphics object
        graphics.x = mountainStart.x;

        // draw the ground

        // array to store slope points
        let slopePoints = [];

        // variable to count the amount of slopes
        let slopes = 0;

        // slope start point
        let slopeStart = new Phaser.Math.Vector2(0, mountainStart.y);

        // set a random slope length
        let slopeLength = Phaser.Math.Between(gameOptions.slopeLength[0], gameOptions.slopeLength[1]);

        // determine slope end point, with an exception if this is the first slope of the fist mountain: we want it to be flat
        let slopeEnd = (mountainStart.x == 0) ? new Phaser.Math.Vector2(slopeStart.x + gameOptions.slopeLength[1] * 1.5, 0) : new Phaser.Math.Vector2(slopeStart.x + slopeLength, Math.random());

        // current horizontal point
        let pointX = 0;

        // while we have less slopes than regular slopes amount per mountain...
        while(slopes < gameOptions.slopesPerMountain){

            // slope interpolation value
            let interpolationVal = this.interpolate(slopeStart.y, slopeEnd.y, (pointX - slopeStart.x) / (slopeEnd.x - slopeStart.x));

            // if current point is at the end of the slope...
            if(pointX == slopeEnd.x){

                // increase slopes amount
                slopes ++;

                // next slope start position
                slopeStart = new Phaser.Math.Vector2(pointX, slopeEnd.y);

                // next slope end position
                slopeEnd = new Phaser.Math.Vector2(slopeEnd.x + Phaser.Math.Between(gameOptions.slopeLength[0], gameOptions.slopeLength[1]), Math.random());

                // no need to interpolate, we use slope start y value
                interpolationVal = slopeStart.y;

            // current vertical point
            let pointY = game.config.height * gameOptions.startTerrainHeight + interpolationVal * gameOptions.amplitude;

            // add new point to slopePoints array
            slopePoints.push(new Phaser.Math.Vector2(pointX, pointY));

            // move on to next point
            pointX ++ ;

        // simplify the slope
        let simpleSlope = simplify(slopePoints, 1, true);

        // loop through all simpleSlope points starting from the second
        for(let i = 1; i < simpleSlope.length; i++){

            // define a line between previous and current simpleSlope points
            let line = new Phaser.Geom.Line(simpleSlope[i - 1].x, simpleSlope[i - 1].y, simpleSlope[i].x, simpleSlope[i].y);

            // calculate line length, which is the distance between the two points
            let distance = Phaser.Geom.Line.Length(line);

            // calculate the center of the line
            let center = Phaser.Geom.Line.GetPoint(line, 0.5);

            // calculate line angle
            let angle = Phaser.Geom.Line.Angle(line);

            // if the pool is empty...
            if(this.bodyPool.length == 0){

                // create a new rectangle body
                let body = this.matter.add.rectangle(center.x + mountainStart.x, center.y, distance, 10, {
                    isStatic: true,
                    angle: angle,
                    friction: 1,
                    restitution: 0,
                    collisionFilter: {
                        category: 2
                    label: "ground"

                // assign inPool property to check if the body is in the pool
                body.inPool = false;


            // if the pool is not empty...

                // get the body from the pool
                let body = this.bodyPool.shift();

                // change inPool property
                body.inPool = false;

                // reset, reshape and move the body to its new position
                this.matter.body.setPosition(body, {
                    x: center.x + mountainStart.x,
                    y: center.y
                let length = body.area / 10;
                this.matter.body.setAngle(body, 0)
                this.matter.body.scale(body, 1 / length, 1);
                this.matter.body.scale(body, distance, 1);
                this.matter.body.setAngle(body, angle);

            // should we add a rock?
            if(Phaser.Math.Between(0, 100) < gameOptions.rocksRatio && (mountainStart.x > 0 || i != 1)){

                // random rock position
                let size = Phaser.Math.Between(20, 30)
                let depth = Phaser.Math.Between(0, size / 2)
                let rockX = center.x + mountainStart.x + depth * Math.cos(angle + Math.PI / 2);
                let rockY = center.y + depth * Math.sin(angle + Math.PI / 2);

                // draw the rock
                graphics.fillStyle(0x6b6b6b, 1);
                graphics.fillCircle(rockX - mountainStart.x, rockY, size);

                // if the pool is empty...
                if(this.rocksPool.length == 0){

                    // create a new circle body
                    let rock =, rockY, size, {
                        isStatic: true,
                        angle: angle,
                        friction: 1,
                        restitution: 0,
                        collisionFilter: {
                            category: 2
                        label: "rock"

                    // assign inPool property to check if the body is in the pool
                    rock.inPool = false;

                    // get the rock from the pool
                    let rock = this.rocksPool.shift();

                    // resize the rock
                    this.matter.body.scale(rock, size / rock.circleRadius, size / rock.circleRadius);

                    // move the rock to its new position
                    this.matter.body.setPosition(rock, {
                        x: rockX,
                        y: rockY
                    rock.inPool = false;

        // new way to draw the slopes
        for(let i = 0; i < gameOptions.mountainColors.length; i++){
            graphics.moveTo(0, game.config.height * 2);
                graphics.lineTo(point.x, point.y + gameOptions.mountainColorsLineWidth[i]);
            graphics.lineTo(simpleSlope[simpleSlope.length - 1].x, game.config.height * 2);
            graphics.lineTo(0, game.config.height * 2);

        // old way to draw the slopes
        /*graphics.moveTo(0, game.config.height * 2);
            graphics.lineTo(point.x, point.y);
        graphics.lineTo(pointX, game.config.height * 2);
        graphics.lineTo(0, game.config.height * 2);

        // draw the grass
        graphics.lineStyle(16, 0x6b9b1e);
            graphics.lineTo(point.x, point.y);

        // assign a custom "width" property to the graphics object
        graphics.width = pointX - 1

        // return the coordinates of last mountain point
        return new Phaser.Math.Vector2(graphics.x + pointX - 1, slopeStart.y);

    // method to build the car
    addCar(posX, posY){

        // car is made by three rectangle bodies which will be merged into a compound object
        let floor = Phaser.Physics.Matter.Matter.Bodies.rectangle(posX, posY, 100, 10, {
            label: "car"
        let rightBarrier = Phaser.Physics.Matter.Matter.Bodies.rectangle(posX + 45, posY - 15, 10, 20, {
            label: "car"
        let leftBarrier = Phaser.Physics.Matter.Matter.Bodies.rectangle(posX - 45, posY - 15, 10, 20, {
            label: "car"

        // this is how we create the compound object
        this.body = Phaser.Physics.Matter.Matter.Body.create({

            // array of single bodies
            parts: [floor, leftBarrier, rightBarrier],
            friction: 1,
            restitution: 0

        // add the body to the world;

        // the diamond. It cannot fall off the car
        this.diamond = this.matter.add.rectangle(posX, posY - 40, 30, 30, {
            friction: 1,
            restitution: 0,
            label: "diamond"

        // add front wheel. A circle
        this.frontWheel = + 35, posY + 25, 30, {
            friction: 1,
            restitution: 0,
            collisionFilter: {
                mask: 2
            label: "wheel"

        // add rear wheel
        this.rearWheel = - 35, posY + 25, 30, {
            friction: 1,
            restitution: 0,
            collisionFilter: {
                mask: 2
            label: "wheel"

        // these two constraints will bind front wheel to the body
        this.matter.add.constraint(this.body, this.frontWheel, 20, 0, {
            pointA: {
                x: 30,
                y: 0
        this.matter.add.constraint(this.body, this.frontWheel, 20, 0, {
            pointA: {
                x: 45,
                y: 0

        // same thing for rear wheel
        this.matter.add.constraint(this.body, this.rearWheel, 20, 0, {
            pointA: {
                x: -30,
                y: 0
        this.matter.add.constraint(this.body, this.rearWheel, 20, 0, {
            pointA: {
                x: -45,
                y: 0

    // method to accelerate
        this.isAccelerating = true;

    // method to decelerate
        this.isAccelerating = false;

    update(t, dt){

        // if wheels aren't colliding...

            // add frame delta time to flying time
            this.flyingTime += dt;

            // we can say the car is flying when it's in the air for more than 0.5 seconds
            if(this.flyingTime > 500){

                // show flying text

        // if wheels aren colliding...

            // reset flying time
            this.flyingTime = 0;

            // hide flying text

        // zoom is calculated according to car speed.
        // zoom = 1: no zoom
        // zoom > 1: zoom in
        // zoom < 1: zoom out
        let zoom = 1 - Phaser.Math.Clamp(this.body.speed, 0, 15) / 25

        // zoomTo method allows the camera to zoom at "zoom" ratio in 1000 milliseconds
        // the most important argument is the 4th argument.
        // If set to "false", camera won't adjust its zoom if already zooming.
        this.cameras.main.zoomTo(zoom, 1000, "Linear", false);

        // make the game follow the car
        this.cameras.main.scrollX = this.body.position.x - game.config.width / 4 + game.config.width * (1 - this.cameras.main.zoom);
        this.cameras.main.scrollY = this.body.position.y - game.config.height / 2.2;

        // flyingText too should follow the car
        this.flyingText.x = 100 + this.cameras.main.scrollX;

        // adjust velocity according to acceleration
            let velocity = this.frontWheel.angularSpeed + gameOptions.carAcceleration;
            velocity = Phaser.Math.Clamp(velocity, 0, gameOptions.maxCarVelocity);

            // set angular velocity to wheels
            this.matter.body.setAngularVelocity(this.frontWheel, velocity);
            this.matter.body.setAngularVelocity(this.rearWheel, velocity);

        // loop through all mountains

            // if the mountain leaves the screen to the left...
            if(this.cameras.main.scrollX > item.x + item.width + game.config.width){

                // reuse the mountain
                this.mountainStart = this.generateTerrain(item, this.mountainStart)

        // get all bodies
        let bodies =;

        // loop through all bodies

            // if the body is out of camera view to the left side and is not yet in the pool..
            if(this.cameras.main.scrollX > body.position.x + game.config.width && !body.inPool){

                // ...add the body to proper pool
                    case "ground":
                    case "rock":
                body.inPool = true;

    // method to apply a cosine interpolation between two points
    interpolate(vFrom, vTo, delta){
        let interpolation = (1 - Math.cos(delta * Math.PI)) * 0.5;
        return vFrom * (1 - interpolation) + vTo * interpolation;

And here you have a procedural terrain with some style. Download the source code.