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Talking about Color Hit game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.

Do you play games on GAMEE? It’s a free gaming network which offers real money prizes.

I do not play for money at GAMEE, but I like its hyper causal games, and Color Hit is one of them.

It’s a game similar to Knife Hit, which has already been explained in a tutorial series, but rather than simply throwing knives at a target, Color Hit introduces colored sectors and knives.

Obviously, you can only hit target sectors which match with the color of the knife you are throwing, or it’s game over.

Have a try:

Click or tap to throw a knife. Match knife color with target color or it’s game over. Also, do not throw knives over other knives.

Easy and fun, and here is the completely commented source code:

// the game itself
let game;

// global game options
let gameOptions = {

    // target radius, in pixels
    targetRadius: 200,

    // array with all target colors
    targetColors: [0xff0000, 0x00ff00, 0x0000ff],

    // target Y position, in screen height ratio
    targetY: 1 / 4,

    // target rotation speed, in degrees per frame
    rotationSpeed: 3,

    // knife throwing duration, in milliseconds
    throwSpeed: 150,

    // minimum angle between two knives
    minAngle: 15,

    // max rotation speed variation, in degrees per frame
    rotationVariation: 2,

    // interval before next rotation speed variation, in milliseconds
    changeTime: 2000,

    // maximum rotation speed, in degrees per frame
    maxRotationSpeed: 6

// once the window loads...
window.onload = function() {
    let gameConfig = {
        type: Phaser.AUTO,
        backgroundColor: 0xeeeeee,
        scale: {
            mode: Phaser.Scale.FIT,
            autoCenter: Phaser.Scale.CENTER_BOTH,
            parent: "thegame",
            width: 750,
            height: 1334
        scene: playGame
    game = new Phaser.Game(gameConfig);

// PlayGame scene
class playGame extends Phaser.Scene {

    // constructor
    constructor() {

    // method to be executed when the scene preloads
    preload() {

        // load the knife
        this.load.image("knife", "knife.png");

    // method to be executed once the scene has been created
    create() {

        // make a graphic object but don'y add it to the game
        let graphics ={
            x: 0,
            y: 0,
            add: false

        // angle covered by a slice
        this.sliceAngle = 2 * Math.PI / gameOptions.targetColors.length;

        // loop through all colors
        for(let i = 0; i < gameOptions.targetColors.length; i ++) {

            // set fill stile
            graphics.fillStyle(gameOptions.targetColors[i], 1);

            // draw a target slice
            graphics.slice(gameOptions.targetRadius, gameOptions.targetRadius, gameOptions.targetRadius, 2 * Math.PI - this.sliceAngle * i, 2 * Math.PI - this.sliceAngle * (i + 1), true);

            // close and fill the path

        // generate wheel texture from the graphics
        graphics.generateTexture("wheel", gameOptions.targetRadius * 2, gameOptions.targetRadius * 2);

        // at the beginning of the game, both current rotation speed and new rotation speed are set to default rotation speed
        this.currentRotationSpeed = gameOptions.rotationSpeed;
        this.newRotationSpeed = gameOptions.rotationSpeed;

        // can the player throw a knife? Yes, at the beginning of the game
        this.canThrow = true;

        // group to store all rotating knives
        this.knifeGroup =;

        // add the knife
        this.knife = this.add.sprite(game.config.width / 2, game.config.height / 5 * 4, "knife");

        // random color of the target to hit = Phaser.Math.Between(0, gameOptions.targetColors.length - 1);

        // tint the knife accordingly
        this.knife.tint = gameOptions.targetColors[];

        // add the target = this.add.sprite(game.config.width / 2, game.config.height * gameOptions.targetY, "wheel");

        // move the target to front = 1;

        // wait for player input to throw a knife
        this.input.on("pointerdown", this.throwKnife, this);

        // this is how we create a looped timer event
        let timedEvent = this.time.addEvent({

            // delay, in milliseconds
            delay: gameOptions.changeTime,

            // callback function
            callback: this.changeSpeed,

            // callback scope
            callbackScope: this,

            // the event will repeat endlessly
            loop: true

    // method to change the rotation speed of the target
    changeSpeed() {

        // random number between -gameOptions.rotationVariation and gameOptions.rotationVariation
        let variation = Phaser.Math.FloatBetween(-gameOptions.rotationVariation, gameOptions.rotationVariation);

        // new rotation speed
        this.newRotationSpeed = (this.currentRotationSpeed + variation) * Phaser.Math.RND.sign();

        // set new rotation speed limits
        this.newRotationSpeed = Phaser.Math.Clamp(this.newRotationSpeed, -gameOptions.maxRotationSpeed, gameOptions.maxRotationSpeed);

    // method to throw a knife
    throwKnife() {

        // can the player throw?
        if(this.canThrow) {

            // player can't throw anymore
            this.canThrow = false;

            // tween to throw the knife

                // add the knife to tween targets
                targets: [this.knife],

                // y destination
                y: + / 2,

                // tween duration
                duration: gameOptions.throwSpeed,

                // callback scope
                callbackScope: this,

                // function to be executed once the tween has been completed
                onComplete: function(tween) {

                    // at the moment, this is a legal hit
                    let legalHit = true;

                    // if the knife hit the wrong color...
                    if(Math.floor(Phaser.Math.Angle.Normalize( - Math.PI / 2) / this.sliceAngle) != {

                        // ... not a legal hit
                        legalHit = false;

                    // if still a legal hit...
                    else {
                        // get an array with all rotating knives
                        let children = this.knifeGroup.getChildren();

                        // loop through rotating knives
                        for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i ++) {

                            // is the knife too close to the i-th knife?
                            if(Math.abs(Phaser.Math.Angle.ShortestBetween(, children[i].impactAngle)) < gameOptions.minAngle) {

                                // this is not a legal hit
                                legalHit = false;

                                // no need to continue with the loop

                    // is this a legal hit?
                    if(legalHit) {

                        // player can now throw again
                        this.canThrow = true;

                        // addi the rotating knife in the same place of the knife just landed on target
                        let knife = this.add.sprite(this.knife.x, this.knife.y, "knife");

                        // impactAngle property saves the target angle when the knife hits the target
                        knife.impactAngle =;

                        knife.tint = gameOptions.targetColors[];

                        // add the rotating knife to knifeGroup group

                        // bring back the knife to its starting position
                        this.knife.y = game.config.height / 5 * 4;

                        // set a new random color target
               = Phaser.Math.Between(0, gameOptions.targetColors.length - 1);

                        // tint the knife accordingly
                        this.knife.tint = gameOptions.targetColors[];

                    // in case this is not a legal hit

                        // tween to make the knife fall down

                            // add the knife to tween targets
                            targets: [this.knife],

                            // y destination
                            y: game.config.height + this.knife.height,

                            // rotation destination, in radians
                            rotation: 5,

                            // tween duration
                            duration: gameOptions.throwSpeed * 4,

                            // callback scope
                            callbackScope: this,

                            // function to be executed once the tween has been completed
                            onComplete: function(tween) {

                                // restart the game

    // method to be executed at each frame. Please notice the arguments.
    update(time, delta) {

        // rotate the target += this.currentRotationSpeed;

        // get an array with all rotating knives
        let children = this.knifeGroup.getChildren();

        // loop through rotating knives
        for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i ++) {

            // rotate the knife
            children[i].angle += this.currentRotationSpeed;

            // turn knife angle in radians
            let radians = Phaser.Math.DegToRad(children[i].angle + 90);

            // trigonometry to make the knife rotate around target center
            children[i].x = + ( / 2) * Math.cos(radians);
            children[i].y = + ( / 2) * Math.sin(radians);

        // adjust current rotation speed using linear interpolation
        this.currentRotationSpeed = Phaser.Math.Linear(this.currentRotationSpeed, this.newRotationSpeed, delta / 1000);

I found it more fun than Knife Hit because of the different colors, maybe we could randomize a bit more sector colors, in a further step, meanwhile download the source code.

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