HTML5 “Watermelon Game” using Phaser and Box2D powered by Planck.js updated with new square and pentagon shapes – Get it on Gumroad
Talking about Watermelon Game game, Box2D, Game development, HTML5, Javascript, Phaser and TypeScript.
Here we go with a big update to HTML5 Watermelon Game prototype powered by Phaser and Box2D.
On Gumroad page now you can find a big update with square and pentagon shapes.
All posts in this tutorial series:
Step 1: setup and basic game mechanics.
Step 2: delays and explosions.
Step 3: particle effects and more space for customization.
Step 4: how to handle user input.
Step 5: scrolling background, “next” icon and game over condition.
Step 6: saving best score with local storage and using object pooling to save resources.
Step 7: square and pentagon bodies added. Get the full source code on Gumroad.
Look at the game in action:
Play the game and get the full commented source code for as low as $5 on Gumroad, but be quick because more updates are along their way and price will increase.
From the experience of more than 500 tutorials about Phaser framework, here is a complete Watermelon game which will make you learn game development using Phaser and TypeScript.
Studying and playing with this source code will allow you to learn on a real-world working example, covering, among other things, how to:
– Install a webpack Phaser project with all dependencies.
– Create a Phaser project.
– Preload graphics, sounds and all needed assets.
– Use bitmap fonts.
– Place and move sprites on the screen.
– Wait for player input and handle it.
– Create animations using tweens.
– Play sounds.
– Recycle resources to save memory using object pooling.
– Use particles to generate explosion effects.
– Handle and save high scores and game data.
– Use Box2D physics library.
– Simulate a physics world.
– Create physics circles.
– Create physics boxes.
– Create physics pentagons.
– Detect collisions.
– Render a Box2D world using Phaser sprites.
Learn HTML5 game development by studying on a real world example on Gumroad.
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