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HTML5 Suika Watermelon Game

Talking about Space is Key game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.

If you enjoyed last week’s update to Space is Key series adding Phaser 2.6.2 version in the post Create a HTML5 game like Space is Key using Phaser, tweens and ARCADE physics you will like this update as I am showing you how to create levels adding deadly obstacles. Let’s see what we are going to create:
Click or touch the canvas to make the player jump, don’t hit an obstacle or you will have to restart from scratch. I am showing you the full source code, with each line commented for you to understand it, and with new lines highlighted, so you will find easy to see what I added to the original prototype.
// the game itself
var game;

// global object with all game options
var gameOptions = {

     // game width
     gameWidth: 640,
     // game height 
	gameHeight: 480,
     // width of each floor
     floorWidth: 640,
     // height of each floor
     floorHeight: 20,
     // array with vertical floors potision
     floorY: [100, 220, 340, 460],
     // horizontal floor position
     floorX: 0,
     // size of the hero
     squareSize: 16,
     // horizontal speed of the hero
     squareSpeed: 170,
     // game gravity
     squareGravity: 450,
     // force to be applied at each jump
     jumpForce: -210,
     // jump tween length, in milliseconds
     jumpTime: 500

// this is where we store level information
// gameLevels is an array.
// each gameLevel item is an array with floor information
// each gameLevel[floor] item is an object with:
// * obstacle width
// * obstacle height
// * obstacle position
var gameLevels = [
     // floor 0
               width: 60,
               height: 30,
               x: 200
               width: 60,
               height: 30,
               x: 400
     // floor 1
               width: 40,
               height: 30,
               x: 250
               width: 70,
               height: 25,
               x: 450
               width: 30,
               height: 20,
               x: 100
     // floor 2
               width: 10,
               height: 35,
               x: 150
               width: 10,
               height: 35,
               x: 300
               width: 10,
               height: 35,
               x: 550
     // floor 3
               width: 80,
               height: 10,
               x: 280

// when the window loads
window.onload = function() {

     // game creation	
	game = new Phaser.Game(gameOptions.gameWidth, gameOptions.gameHeight);
     // adding game state
     game.state.add("TheGame", TheGame);
     // starting game state

var TheGame = function(){};

TheGame.prototype = {

     // when the state preloads
     preload: function(){
          // setting the game on maximum scale mode
          game.scale.scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL;
          game.scale.pageAlignHorizontally = true;
          game.scale.pageAlignVertically = true; 
          // preloading the only game assets, a tile which will be used both for the square and the floor
		game.load.image("tile", "assets/sprites/tile.png");   
     // once the state is ready
     create: function(){
          // creation of a group where we will place all floors
          this.groundGroup =;
          // creation of a group where we will place all spikes, or obstacles, or whatever you will name them
          this.spikeGroup =;		
          // we start on the first floor
          this.levelFloor = 0;
          // adding the hero on the first floor
          this.theSquare = game.add.sprite(gameOptions.floorX + gameOptions.squareSize / 2, gameOptions.floorY[0] - gameOptions.squareSize / 2, "tile");
          // setting hero registration point
          // setting hero width and height
          this.theSquare.width = gameOptions.squareSize;
          this.theSquare.height = gameOptions.squareSize;
          // chen the hero jump?
          this.theSquare.canJump = true;
          // enabling ARCADE physics on the hero
          game.physics.enable(this.theSquare, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);
          // setting hero horizontal velocity
          this.theSquare.body.velocity.x = gameOptions.squareSpeed;
          // gravity applied to the square
          this.theSquare.body.gravity.y = gameOptions.squareGravity;
          // time to create the floors
          for(var i = 0; i < gameOptions.floorY.length; i++){
               // each floor is a tile sprite
               var floor = game.add.tileSprite(gameOptions.floorX, gameOptions.floorY[i], gameOptions.floorWidth, gameOptions.floorHeight, "tile");	
               // let's enable ARCADE physics on floors too
               game.physics.enable(floor, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);
               // floors can't move
               floor.body.immovable = true;
               // adding the floor to ground group
               // time to place the spikes
               // let's loop through this level spikes
               for(var j = 0; j < gameLevels[i].length; j++){
                    // creating the spike as a tileSprite
                    var spike = game.add.tileSprite(gameOptions.floorX + gameLevels[i][j].x, gameOptions.floorY[i], gameLevels[i][j].width, gameLevels[i][j].height, "tile");
                    // setting spike anchor point
                    spike.anchor.set(0.5, 1);
                    // enabling ARCADE physics to the spike
                    game.physics.enable(spike, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);
                    // spikes can't move
                    spike.body.immovable = true;
                    // adding the spike to spike group
          // waiting for player input, then call squareJump function
          game.input.onDown.add(this.squareJump, this);
     // at each frame
     update: function(){
          // making the hero collide with floors so it won't fallo down
          game.physics.arcade.collide(this.theSquare, this.groundGroup);
          // checking if the hero overlaps with anything in spike group
          game.physics.arcade.overlap(this.theSquare, this.spikeGroup, function(){
               // in this case, restart the game
          }, null, this);
          // if the hero leaves the floor to the right or to the left...
          if((this.theSquare.x > gameOptions.floorX + gameOptions.floorWidth && this.levelFloor % 2 == 0) || (this.theSquare.x < gameOptions.floorX && this.levelFloor % 2 == 1)){
               // increasing floor number or setting it back to zero
               this.levelFloor = (this.levelFloor + 1) % gameOptions.floorY.length; 
               // adjusting hero speed according to floor number: from left to right on even floors, from right to left on odd floors
               this.theSquare.body.velocity.x = (this.levelFloor % 2 == 0) ? gameOptions.squareSpeed : -gameOptions.squareSpeed; 
               // no vertical velocity
               this.theSquare.body.velocity.y = 0;
               // the hero can jump again 
               this.theSquare.canjump = true; 
               // adjusting hero vertical and horizontal position
               this.theSquare.y = gameOptions.floorY[this.levelFloor] - gameOptions.squareSize / 2;
               this.theSquare.x = (this.levelFloor % 2 == 0) ? gameOptions.floorX : gameOptions.floorX + gameOptions.floorWidth;   
               // stopping the jump tween if running
               if(this.jumpTween && this.jumpTween.isRunning){
                    this.theSquare.angle = 0;
          // if the hero as its feet on the ground, it can jump
               this.theSquare.canJump = true;
     // when the player jumps
     squareJump: function(){
          // if the hero can jump...
               // preventing it to jump while in the air
               this.theSquare.canJump = false;
               // adding a vertical force to the player
               this.theSquare.body.velocity.y = gameOptions.jumpForce;
               // setting a jump rotation angle just to make the square rotate
               var jumpAngle = this.levelFloor % 2 == 0 ? 180 : -180;
               // using a tween to rotate the player
               this.jumpTween = game.add.tween(this.theSquare).to({
                    angle: this.theSquare.angle + jumpAngle
               }, gameOptions.jumpTime, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true);
With just a few lines we added deadly obstacles and level design, next time we’ll see how to add particle effects and more levels, meanwhile download the source code.

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