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HTML5 Suika Watermelon Game

Talking about String Avoider game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.

I was recreating some levels of the original String Avoider game when something on level one captured my attention: it’s a little scissor icon I always avoided because I thought it was a deadly obstacle to avoid, but for some reason today I hit it and discovered collecting scissors does not kill you but shorten the string. This means, it’s a powerup. So let’s add this kind of powerup to the game. First, I need a new icon to be added to my sprite sheet file which now it’s called icons.png. Here it is: Now I am ready to place the new icon on the game, check for collision when the string moves, and shorten the string by actually deleting the second half of the array of points which forms the string. Have a look at the game:
Touch the canvas, and “start” circle will disappear revealing the string, drag your finger anywhere and see how the string follows your finger movements. Make your string touch an obstacle or reach the end and the game will restart in two seconds. Get the scissors powerup and the string will shorten. If you have a mobile device, play the game directly at this link. The code is very easy and the few lines added have been highlighted to make them even more clear:
// the game itself
var game

var gameOptions = {

     // game width
     gameWidth: 640,
     // game height
     gameHeight: 960,
     // number of segments which build the tail
     tailSegments: 300,
     // lenght of each segment
     segmentLength: 2     

// when the window loads
window.onload = function() {
     // game creation	
	game = new Phaser.Game(gameOptions.gameWidth, gameOptions.gameHeight);
     // adding game state
     game.state.add("TheGame", TheGame);
     // starting game state

var TheGame = function(){};

TheGame.prototype = {

     // when the state preloads
     preload: function(){
          // setting the game on maximum scale mode to cover the entire screen
          game.scale.scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL;
          game.scale.pageAlignHorizontally = true;
          game.scale.pageAlignVertically = true;
          // preloading maze image, a PNG image with transparency
          game.load.image("maze", "assets/sprites/maze.png");
          // preloading game icons as spritesheet
          game.load.spritesheet("icons", "assets/sprites/icons.png", 80, 80);
     // once the state has been created
     create: function(){
          // creation of a bitmap data with the same size as the game
          this.bitmap = game.make.bitmapData(game.width, game.height);
          // drawing "maze" image on the bitmap data
          // updating bitmap data to let it have actual image data
          // adding the bitmap data as a sprite
          game.add.sprite(0, 0, this.bitmap);  
          // adding start icon
          this.startSpot = game.add.sprite(80, 80, "icons", 0);
          // setting start icon registration point to its centre
          // adding end icon
          this.endSpot = game.add.sprite(game.width - 80, game.height - 80, "icons", 1);
          // setting start icon registration point to its centre
          // adding scissors icon
          this.scissors = game.add.sprite(140, 800, "icons", 2);
          // setting scissors icon registration point to its centre
          // just a flag to inform us if we already had an input, that is if the player already clicked/touched the canvas
          this.firstInput = true;
          // we create a graphics instance called "canvas", we'll draw the string on it
          this.canvas =, 0);
          // segments is the array which will contain string segments
          this.segments = []; 
          // waiting for player input to call startMove method
          game.input.onDown.add(this.startMove, this); 
     // startMove method, will be called each time the player touches/clicks the canvas
     startMove: function(e){
          // checking if it's the first input: player clicks/touchs the canvas for the first time
               // not the first input anymore
               this.firstInput = false;
               // making start icon invisible
               this.startSpot.visible = false;
               // populating segments array with an amount of "gameOptions.tailSegments" Phaser Point objects
               for(var i = 0; i < gameOptions.tailSegments; i++){
                    // I want the string to be a circle at first, so I am using a little trigonometry to place these points accordingly
                    var radians = 12 * Math.PI * i / gameOptions.tailSegments + Math.PI / 4;
                    // creating Points objects and placing them into segments array. "10" is the radius of the circle
                    this.segments[i] = new Phaser.Point(this.startSpot.x + 10 * Math.cos(radians), this.startSpot.y + 10 * Math.sin(radians));
               // calling moveString function. Actually this function moves and renders the string, and the two arguments represent
               // respectively the x and y movement to apply to string's head. We set them to zero because there's no movement
               this.moveString(0, 0);                            
          // removing callback
          game.input.onDown.remove(this.startMove, this);
          // add a move callback to be fired when the player moves the mouse/finger and call dragString method
          game.input.addMoveCallback(this.dragString, this);   
          // add a up callback to be fired when the player releases the finger/mouse button and call endMove method
          game.input.onUp.add(this.endMove, this);
          // saving current event position, that is the position where the player is currently touching/clicking
          this.startPosition = e.position;
     // endMove method is called when the player released the finger/the mouse button
     endMove: function(){
          // waiting for player input to call startMove method
          game.input.onDown.add(this.startMove, this);
          // removing other listeners
          game.input.onUp.remove(this.endMove, this);
          game.input.deleteMoveCallback(this.dragString, this);     
     // dragString method is called when the player moves the finger or the mouse while keeping mouse button pressed
     dragString: function(e){
          // calling moveString function. Actually this function moves and renders the string, and the two arguments represent
          // respectively the x and y movement to apply to string's head.
          // We set them to represent the distance from current input position and previous input position
          this.moveString(e.position.x - this.startPosition.x, e.position.y - this.startPosition.y);
          // updating startPosition variable
          this.startPosition = new Phaser.Point(e.position.x, e.position.y);     
     // moveString method updates and renders the string
     moveString: function(x, y){
          // it's not game over yet
          var gameOver = false;
          // clearing the canvas, ready to be redrawn
          // setting line style to a 4 pixel thick line, red, 100% opaque
          this.canvas.lineStyle(4, 0x00ff00, 1);
          // the head of the string is current input position
          var head = new Phaser.Point(this.segments[0].x + x, this.segments[0].y + y);
          // placing the pen on the head
          this.canvas.moveTo(head.x, head.y);
          // the first segment is the head itself
          this.segments[0] = new Phaser.Point(head.x, head.y);
          // checking if we collected scissors powerup while it's still visible
          if(this.segments[0].distance(this.scissors.position) < this.scissors.width / 4 && this.scissors.visible){
               // setting scissors powerup as not visible 
               this.scissors.visible = false;
               // remove the second half of the string
               this.segments.splice(this.segments.length / 2 - 1, this.segments.length / 2); 
          // looping through all segments starting from the second one
          for(var i = 1; i < this.segments.length - 1; i++){
               // determining the angle between current segment and previous segment
               var nodeAngle = Math.atan2(this.segments[i].y - this.segments[i - 1].y, this.segments[i].x - this.segments[i - 1].x);
               // calculating new segment position according to previous segment position and the angle
               this.segments[i] = new Phaser.Point(this.segments[i - 1].x + gameOptions.segmentLength * Math.cos(nodeAngle), this.segments[i - 1].y + gameOptions.segmentLength * Math.sin(nodeAngle));
               // getting the color behind the segment
               var color = this.bitmap.getPixelRGB(Math.round(this.segments[i].x), Math.round(this.segments[i].y));
               // if the color alpha is different than zero, that is it's not a transparent pixel...
               if(color.a != 0){
                    // from now on, draw the string in red
                    this.canvas.lineStyle(4, 0xff0000, 1);
                    // game over...
                    gameOver = true;                    
               // drawing the segment
               this.canvas.lineTo(this.segments[i].x, this.segments[i].y);
               this.canvas.moveTo(this.segments[i].x, this.segments[i].y); 
          // if it's game over or the head of the string is fairly inside the end spot...
          if(this.segments[0].distance(this.endSpot.position) < this.endSpot.width / 4 || gameOver){
               // removing listeners
               game.input.onUp.remove(this.endMove, this);
               game.input.deleteMoveCallback(this.dragString, this);
               // wait 2 seconds before restarting the game.
      * 2, function(){
               }, this);                               

And now you are able to add scissors powerup. Next step, time to create levels, meanwhile download the source code.

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