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HTML5 Suika Watermelon Game

Talking about 1+2=3 game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.

If you think you are quick and clever with simple math operations, 1+2=3 will prove your skills.

Starting from this the prototype, I added some kind of story and 132 levels (yes, 132) then released Matt Vs Math, which was sponsored by Softgames.

The concept remains interesting, so I decided to update it to Phaser 3, but first have a go with the game:

Although the game is very simple, looking at the source code you will learn some key concepts like tweens, timer and sprite masking.

// the game itself
var game;

var gameOptions = {

	// maximum length of the sum
	maxSumLen: 5,

	// local storage name used to save high score
	localStorageName: "oneplustwo",

	// time allowed to answer a question, in milliseconds
	timeToAnswer: 3000,

	// score needed to increase difficulty
	nextLevel: 400

// once the window has been loaded...
window.onload = function() {

    // game configuration object
    var gameConfig = {
        width: 500,
        height: 500,
        scene: [playGame],
        backgroundColor: 0x444444

    // creation of the game itself
    game = new Phaser.Game(gameConfig);

// "PlayGame" scene
class playGame extends Phaser.Scene{

	// when the scene preloads...

		// preloading images
		this.load.image("timebar", "timebar.png");

		// preloading a spritesheet where each sprite is 400x50 pixels
		this.load.spritesheet("buttons", "buttons.png", {
            frameWidth: 400,
            frameHeight: 50

	// when the sceen has been created...

		// it's not game over yet...
		this.isGameOver = false;

		// current score is set to zero
		this.score = 0;

		// we'll also keep track of correct answers
		this.correctAnswers = 0;

		// topScore gets the previously saved value in local storage if any, zero otherwise
		this.topScore = localStorage.getItem(gameOptions.localStorageName) == null ? 0 : localStorage.getItem(gameOptions.localStorageName);

		// sumsArray is the array with all possible questions
		this.sumsArray = [];

		// rather than tossing a random question each time, I found easier
		// to store all possible questions in an array then draw a random question
		// each time. I just need an algorithm to generate all possible questions.

		// let's start building all possible questions with this loop
		// ranging from 1 (only one operator, like 1+1) to maxSumLen
		// (in this case 5, like 1+1+1+1-1-1)
		for(var i = 1; i < gameOptions.maxSumLen; i++){

			// defining sumsArray[i] as an array of three empty arrays
			this.sumsArray[i]=[[], [], []];

			// looping from 1 to 3, which are the possible results of each sum
			for(var j = 1; j <= 3; j++){

				// buildTrees is the core of the script, see it explained
				// some lines below
				this.buildThrees(j, 1, i, j);

		// try this! You will see all possible combinations

		// questionText is the text object which will display the question
		this.questionText = this.add.text(250 , 160, "-", {
			font: "bold 72px Arial"

		// setting questionText registration point to its center

		// scoreText will keep the current score
		this.scoreText = this.add.text(10, 10, "-", {
			font: "bold 24px Arial"

		// loop to create the three answer buttons
		for(i = 0; i < 3; i++){

			// creation of the answer button
			var numberButton = this.add.sprite(game.config.width / 2, 250 + i * 75, "buttons");

            // showing the i-th frame

            // setting numberButton interactive

            // calling checkAnswer method if clicked/tapped
            numberButton.on("pointerdown", this.checkAnswer);

		// adding the time bar
		var numberTimer =  this.add.sprite(game.config.width / 2, 325, "timebar");

        // the same image will also be used as a mask
        this.buttonMask = this.add.sprite(game.config.width / 2, numberTimer.y, "timebar");

        // we do not need to show the mask image

        // creation of the mask itself
        var mask = this.buttonMask.createBitmapMask();

        // applying mask to number timer

		// method to ask next question

	// buildThrees method, it will find all possible sums
	// arguments:
	// initialNumber: the first number. Each question always start with a positive number
	// currentIndex: it's the amount of operands already placed in the sum
	// limit: the max amount of operands allowed in the question
	// currentString: the string generated so far
	buildThrees(initialNummber, currentIndex, limit, currentString){

		// the possible operands, from -3 to 3, excluding the zero
		var numbersArray = [-3, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3];

		// looping from 0 to numbersArray's length
		for(var i = 0; i < numbersArray.length; i++){

			// "sum" is the sum between the first number and current numberArray item
			var sum = initialNummber + numbersArray[i];

			// output string is generated by the concatenation of current string with
			// current numbersArray item. I am adding a "+" if the item is greater than zero,
			// otherwise it already has its "-"
			var outputString = currentString + (numbersArray[i] < 0 ? "" : "+") + numbersArray[i];

			// if sum is between 1 and 3 and we reached the limit of operands we want...
			if(sum > 0 && sum < 4 && currentIndex == limit){

				// then push the output string into sumsArray[amount of operands][result]
				this.sumsArray[limit][sum - 1].push(outputString);

			// if the amount of operands is still below the amount we want...
			if(currentIndex < limit){

				// recursively calling buildThrees, passing as arguments:
				// the current sum
				// the new amount of operands
				// the amount of operands we want
				// the current output string
				this.buildThrees(sum, currentIndex + 1, limit, outputString);

	// this method asks next question

		// updating score text
		this.scoreText.setText("Score: " + this.score.toString() + "\nBest Score: " + this.topScore.toString());

		// if we already answered more than one question...
		if(this.correctAnswers > 1){

			// stopping time tween

			// resetting mask horizontal position
			this.buttonMask.x = game.config.width / 2;

		// if we already answered at least one question...
		if(this.correctAnswers > 0){

			// tween to slide out the mask, unvealing what's behind it
            this.timeTween = this.tweens.add({
                targets: this.buttonMask,
                x: -150,
                duration: gameOptions.timeToAnswer,
                callbackScope: this,
                onComplete: function(){

                    // calling "gameOver" method. "?" is the string to display

		// drawing a random result between 0 and 2 (it will be from 1 to 3)
		this.randomSum = Phaser.Math.Between(0, 2);

		// choosing question length according to current score
		var questionLength = Math.min(Math.floor(this.score / gameOptions.nextLevel) + 1, 4)

		// updating question text
		this.questionText.setText(this.sumsArray[questionLength][this.randomSum][Phaser.Math.Between(0, this.sumsArray[questionLength][this.randomSum].length - 1)]);

	// method to check the answer, the argument is the button pressed

		// we check the answer only if it's not game over yet

			// button frame is equal to randomSum means the answer is correct
			if( == this.scene.randomSum){

				// score is increased according to the time spent to answer
     			this.scene.score += Math.floor((this.scene.buttonMask.x + 350) / 4);

				// one more correct answer

				// moving on to next question

			// wrong answer

				// if it's not the first question...
     			if(this.scene.correctAnswers > 1) {

					// stop the tween

				// calling "gameOver" method. " + 1" is the string to display
     			this.scene.gameOver( + 1);

	// method to end the game. The argument is the string to write

		// changing background color

		// displaying game over text
		this.questionText.setText(this.questionText.text + " = " + gameOverString);

		// now it's game over
		this.isGameOver = true;

		// updating top score in local storage
		localStorage.setItem(gameOptions.localStorageName, Math.max(this.score, this.topScore));

		// restart the game after two seconds
            delay: 2000,
            callback: function(){
            callbackScope: this

What is your best score? Have fun with the game and download the source code.

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