Talking about Bricks game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.
Today I would like to celebrate a milestone. The 200th game prototype published on the blog. As of today, I reverse engineered 200 games, from old Flash glories to modern iOS and Android games.
In “Bricks” the aim of the game is simple, as you can expect from any game developed by Ketchapp.
You have to match bricks of the same color to cleaar lines and prevent them to reach the top of the screen.
To clear lines, simply tap the column whose top brick matches the color of the lone brick. How long will you resist?
It might seem the classic tile based game, and actually it is, but I wanted to try a different approach not relying on any array to check for matches, and using massively overlapRect
method instead.
This method will search the given rectangular area and return an array of all physics bodies that overlap with it. Exactly what we need.
Have a look at the game:
Tap the proper column to make top brick match the color of the brick on the line and destroy it.
If bricks reach the top of the canvas, it’s game over.
The source code is fully commented, have a deep look at it because the game has been built in a quite unconventional way: a mix of physics velocity and tweens, but the result as you may see works really well:
let game;
let gameOptions = {
// number of columns
columns: 5,
// number of rows, must be high enough to allow object pooling
rows: 20,
// tile speed in pixels per second
tileSpeed: 200
window.onload = function() {
let gameConfig = {
type: Phaser.AUTO,
scale: {
mode: Phaser.Scale.FIT,
autoCenter: Phaser.Scale.CENTER_BOTH,
parent: "thegame",
width: 750,
height: 1334
physics: {
default: "arcade"
scene: playGame
game = new Phaser.Game(gameConfig);
class playGame extends Phaser.Scene{
this.load.spritesheet("tiles", "tiles.png", {
frameWidth: 100,
frameHeight: 100
// physics group which manages all tiles in game
this.tileGroup =
// determining tile size according to game width and columns
this.tileSize = game.config.width / gameOptions.columns;
// time to add tiles to the game
for(let i = 0; i < gameOptions.rows; i++){
// build an array with integers between 0 and gameOptions.columns - 1: [0, 1, 2, ..., gameOptions.columns - 1]
let values = Phaser.Utils.Array.NumberArray(0, gameOptions.columns - 1);
// then we shuffle the array
// save middle column color of first row
if(i == 0){
var middleColor = values[Math.floor(gameOptions.columns / 2)];
// now we place the tiles, row by row
for(let j = 0; j < gameOptions.columns; j++){
// add a tile. Tile frame is set according to "values" shuffled array
let tile = this.tileGroup.create(j * this.tileSize, i * this.tileSize + game.config.height / 4 * 3, "tiles", values[j]);
// call adjustTile method to adjust tile origin and display size
// let's build once again an array with integers between 0 and gameOptions.columns - 1
let values = Phaser.Utils.Array.NumberArray(0, gameOptions.columns - 1);
// remove the item at "middlecolor" position because we don't want it to be randomly selected
values.splice(middleColor, 1);
// add the player to the game. Player color is picked amoung "values" array items, which does not contain anymore "middlecolor" value
this.player = this.tileGroup.create(this.tileSize * Math.floor(gameOptions.columns / 2), game.config.height / 4 * 3 - this.tileSize, "tiles", Phaser.Utils.Array.GetRandom(values));
// adjust player origin and display size
// move entire tile group up by gameOptions.tileSpeed pixels / second
// can the player move? Yes, at the moment
this.canMove = true;
// did we match any tile? No, at the moment
this.matched = false;
// wait for player input
this.input.on("pointerdown", this.moveTile, this);
// method to set tile origin and display size
// set origin at the top left corner
// set display width and height to "tileSize" pixels
sprite.displayWidth = this.tileSize;
sprite.displayHeight = this.tileSize;
// method to move player tile
// if we can move...
// determine column according to input coordinate and tile size
let column = Math.floor(pointer.x / this.tileSize);
// get the ditance from current player tile and destination
let distance = Math.floor(Math.abs(column * this.tileSize - this.player.x) / this.tileSize);
// did we actually move?
if(distance > 0){
// we can't move anymore
this.canMove = false;
// tween the player to destination tile
targets: [this.player],
x: column * this.tileSize,
duration: distance * 30,
callbackScope: this,
onComplete: function(){
// at the end of the tween, check for tile match
// method to check tile matches
// get tile below player tile
let tileBelow = this.physics.overlapRect(this.player.x + this.tileSize / 2, this.player.y + this.tileSize * 1.5, 1, 1);
// "tileBelow" is an array so we have to compare the first - and only - item frame with player frame. Are the two frames the same?
if(tileBelow[0] =={
// we have a match
this.matched = true;
// check the whole row below player tile
let rowBelow = this.physics.overlapRect(0, this.player.y + this.tileSize * 1.5, game.config.width, 1);
// tween down the player
targets: [this.player],
y: tileBelow[0].gameObject.y,
duration: 100,
callbackScope: this,
onUpdate: function(tween, target){
// at each update, we have to adjust player position because tiles continue moving up
this.player.y = Math.min(this.player.y, tileBelow[0].gameObject.y)
// at the end of the tween, we have to move the row at the bottom, to reuse sprites
onComplete: function(){
// the good old array with all integers from zero to gameOptions.columns - 1
let values = Phaser.Utils.Array.NumberArray(0, gameOptions.columns - 1);
// let's shuffle the array
// place all tiles below the lowest row
for(let i = 0; i < gameOptions.columns; i++){
rowBelow[i].gameObject.y += this.tileSize * gameOptions.rows;
// check for matches again, there could be a combo
// what to do when player moved but there isn't any match?
// we can move again
this.canMove = true;
// is there a previous match? Did we come here from a previous match?
// no more matches
this.matched = false;
// get the tile below the player
let tileBelow = this.physics.overlapRect(this.player.x + this.tileSize / 2, this.player.y + this.tileSize * 1.5, 1, 1);
// the good old array with all integers from zero to gameOptions.columns - 1
let values = Phaser.Utils.Array.NumberArray(0, gameOptions.columns - 1);
// remove the item at "frame" value of tile below the player pbecause we don't want it to be randomly selected
values.splice(tileBelow[0], 1);
// change player frame
// method to be executed at each frame
// if the player touches the top of the screen...
if(this.player.y < 0){
// gmae over man, restart the game
The magic of coding is there are infinite ways to achieve the same result, and this time we built a tile based game in an experimental way, and it worked thanks to the power of Phaser. Download the source code.
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