Talking about Boom Dots game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.
Did you play the iOS free game Boom Dots?
It’s a quick and simple one-button game we are going to create with Phaser in a few lines, using mostly tweens, just like I made in the creation of Mass Attack
First, have a look at what we are going to create:
Click anywhere on the stage to fire the small ball before it disappears to the bottom of the stage. Hit the big ball to score points and advance levels.
What’s your best score?
The game was made with Phaser 2.3 in less than 100 lines of code, uncommented at the moment because I want to create a step by step tutorial later, when I’ll add more features:
window.onload = function() { var game = new Phaser.Game(320, 480, Phaser.CANVAS); var player; var enemy; var playerTween; var enemyTween; var score=0; var scoreText; var topScore; var play = function(game){} play.prototype = { preload:function(){ game.load.image("player", "player.png"); game.load.image("enemy", "enemy.png"); }, create:function(){ score = 0; topScore = localStorage.getItem("topboomdots")==null?0:localStorage.getItem("topboomdots"); scoreText = game.add.text(10,10,"-",{ font:"bold 16px Arial", fill: "#acacac" }); updateScore(); player = game.add.sprite(game.width/2,game.height/5*4,"player"); player.anchor.setTo(0.5); enemy = game.add.sprite(game.width,0,"enemy"); enemy.anchor.set(0.5); placePlayer(); placeEnemy(); }, update:function(){ if(Phaser.Math.distance(player.x,player.y,enemy.x,enemy.y)<player.width/2+enemy.width/2){ enemyTween.stop(); playerTween.stop(); score ++; console.log(Math.abs(player.x-enemy.x)) if(Math.abs(player.x-enemy.x)<10){ score += 2; } placeEnemy(); placePlayer(); updateScore(); } } } function die(){ localStorage.setItem("topboomdots",Math.max(score,topScore)); game.state.start("Play"); } function updateScore(){ scoreText.text = "Score: "+score+" - Best: "+topScore; } function placePlayer(){ player.x = game.width/2; player.y = game.height/5*4; playerTween = game.add.tween(player).to({ y:game.height },10000-score*10,"Linear",true); playerTween.onComplete.add(die,this); game.input.onDown.add(fire, this); } function placeEnemy(){ enemy.x = game.width-enemy.width/2; enemy.y = -enemy.width/2; var enemyEnterTween = game.add.tween(enemy).to({ y: game.rnd.between(enemy.width*2,game.height/4*3-player.width/2) },200,"Linear",true); enemyEnterTween.onComplete.add(moveEnemy,this); } function moveEnemy(){ enemyTween = game.add.tween(enemy).to({ x: enemy.width/2 },500+game.rnd.between(0,2500),Phaser.Easing.Cubic.InOut,true); enemyTween.yoyo(true,0); enemyTween.repeat(50, 0); } function fire(){ game.input.onDown.remove(fire, this); playerTween.stop(); playerTween = game.add.tween(player).to({ y:-player.width },500,"Linear",true); playerTween.onComplete.add(die,this); } game.state.add("Play",play); game.state.start("Play"); }
It should be quite clear, anyway leave a comment if you have questions. Obviously you can download the source code.
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