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HTML5 Suika Watermelon Game

Talking about Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.

Having a handy and nice looking level selection screen is a big feature if your game has levels. I already showed you something about it about one year ago with the post HTML5 Phaser Tutorial: how to create a level selection screen with locked levels and stars – finished prototype but in a world which is more and more mobile oriented a swipe control would be more appreciated. That’s why I started from the posts How to create a HTML draggable and scrollable map with inertia using Phaser frameworl and Phaser Tutorial: creation of a HTML5 character selection screen like the one in Crossy Road iOS smash hit and expanded the idea of having a draggable transparent background to simulate a swipe. Yes, I said “simulate” because actually there’s no swipe control, it’s all based on drag events. Have a look at the example:
You can navigate through level selection pages both by dragging and by swiping. The core idea is to check the traveled distance while dragging and if greater than 1/8 the width of the canvas, to consider it a swipe. This way you can handle swipes without checking for pointer position at each frame. Have a look at the source code:
var game;
// colors is actually the array of level pages
var colors = ["0xac81bd","0xff5050","0xdab5ff","0xb5ffda","0xfffdd0","0xcc0000","0x54748b","0x4b0082","0x80ab2f","0xff784e","0xe500db","0x223c4a","0x223c4a","0xf1290e","0x648080","0xbbc1c4","0x6f98a2","0x71717e"];
// columns of thumbnails in each page
var columns = 3;
// rows of thumbnails in each page
var rows = 5;
// thumbnail width, in pixels
var thumbWidth = 60;
// thumbnail height, in pizels
var thumbHeight = 60;
// empty space between two thumbnails, in pixels
var spacing = 20;

window.onload = function() {	
	game = new Phaser.Game(320, 480, Phaser.AUTO, "");
     game.state.add("PlayGame", playGame);

var playGame = function(game){};
playGame.prototype = {
     preload: function(){
          game.load.image("levelthumb", "levelthumb.png");
          game.load.image("transp", "transp.png");
     create: function(){  
          game.stage.backgroundColor = "#000044"; 
          this.pageText = game.add.text(game.width / 2, 16, "Swipe to select level page (1 / " + colors.length + ")", {font: "18px Arial", fill: "#ffffff"})
          this.scrollingMap = game.add.tileSprite(0, 0, colors.length * game.width, game.height, "transp");
          this.scrollingMap.inputEnabled = true;
          this.scrollingMap.input.allowVerticalDrag = false;
          this.scrollingMap.input.boundsRect = new Phaser.Rectangle(game.width - this.scrollingMap.width, game.height - this.scrollingMap.height, this.scrollingMap.width * 2 - game.width, this.scrollingMap.height * 2 - game.height);
          this.currentPage = 0;
          var rowLength = thumbWidth * columns + spacing * (columns - 1);
          var leftMargin = (game.width - rowLength) / 2;
          var colHeight = thumbHeight * columns + spacing * (columns - 1);
          var topMargin = (game.width - colHeight) / 2;
          for(var k = 0; k < colors.length; k++){
               for(var i = 0; i < columns; i++){
                    for(var j = 0; j < rows; j++){
                         var thumb = game.add.image(k * game.width + leftMargin + i * (thumbWidth + spacing), topMargin + j * (thumbHeight + spacing), "levelthumb");
                         thumb.tint = colors[k];
               this.scrollingMap.startPosition = this.scrollingMap.x;
               this.scrollingMap.currentPosition = this.scrollingMap.x;
          }, this);
               if(this.scrollingMap.startPosition - this.scrollingMap.x > game.width / 8){
                    if(this.scrollingMap.startPosition - this.scrollingMap.x < -game.width / 8){
          }, this);
     changePage: function(page){
          this.currentPage += page;
          this.pageText.text = "Swipe to select level page (" + (this.currentPage + 1).toString() + " / " + colors.length + ")"; 
          var tween = game.add.tween(this.scrollingMap).to({
               x: this.currentPage * -game.width    
          }, 300, Phaser.Easing.Cubic.Out, true);
I am using this way of showing levels in my next game. Definitively. Download the source code and give me feedback.

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