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Talking about Dungeon Raid game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.

This new step of the HTML5 Dungeon Raid tile engine made with Phaser adds two new features and moves a bit beyond the Dungeon Raid tutorial series I blogged during these times. First, I am adding two new variables to let you decide the number of rows and columns you want in your game field. You aren’t stuck to square game fields anymore. Moreover, removed tiles arent’ destroyed then re-created but just hidden and shown again. This should save resources especially on mobile devices. Also, a mask hides falling tiles, you will find it useful when you create the game GUI around this engine. Here is the game:
Draw to remove tiles and don’t forget to look at the very detailed log which will explain what happens when you play: You will find this feature very useful when you want to custom the engine. Here is the source code:
var game;

var gameOptions = {
	gameWidth: 800, 
	gameHeight: 1400, 
	tileSize: 140, 
	fieldSize: {
          rows: 6,
          cols: 5
     fallSpeed: 250

window.onload = function() {	
	game = new Phaser.Game(gameOptions.gameWidth, gameOptions.gameHeight);
     game.state.add("TheGame", TheGame);

var TheGame = function(){};

TheGame.prototype = {
     preload: function(){
          game.stage.backgroundColor = 0x444444;
          game.load.image("tiles", "assets/sprites/tiles.png");
          game.load.spritesheet("arrows", "assets/sprites/arrows.png", 420, 420);     
  	create: function(){
          game.scale.scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL;
		game.scale.pageAlignHorizontally = true;
		game.scale.pageAlignVertically = true;   
          game.input.onDown.add(this.pickTile, this);
	createLevel: function(){
          this.tilesArray = [];
          this.arrowsArray = [];
          // group creation and placement to stay in the center of the canvas
		this.tileGroup =;
          this.arrowsGroup =;
          this.tileGroup.x = (game.width - gameOptions.tileSize * gameOptions.fieldSize.cols) / 2;
          this.tileGroup.y = (game.height -  gameOptions.tileSize * gameOptions.fieldSize.rows) / 2;
          this.arrowsGroup.x = this.tileGroup.x;
          this.arrowsGroup.y = this.tileGroup.y;
          tileMask =, this.tileGroup.y);
          tileMask.drawRect(0, 0, gameOptions.tileSize * gameOptions.fieldSize.cols, gameOptions.tileSize * gameOptions.fieldSize.rows);
          this.tileGroup.mask = tileMask;
          // tile creation
  		for(var i = 0; i < gameOptions.fieldSize.rows; i++){
               this.tilesArray[i] = [];
			for(var j = 0; j < gameOptions.fieldSize.cols; j++){
				this.addTile(i, j);
          this.removedTiles = [];
	addTile: function(row, col){
          // adding a new tile
		var tileXPos = col * gameOptions.tileSize + gameOptions.tileSize / 2;
		var tileYPos = row * gameOptions.tileSize + gameOptions.tileSize / 2;
		var theTile = game.add.sprite(tileXPos, tileYPos, "tiles");
          theTile.picked = false;
          theTile.coordinate = new Phaser.Point(col, row);
          this.tilesArray[row][col] = theTile;
          var text = game.add.text(-gameOptions.tileSize / 4, 0, "R" + theTile.coordinate.y.toString() + ", C" + theTile.coordinate.x.toString(), {fill: "#000", font:"bold 24px Arial"});
     pickTile: function(e){
          // picking the first tile
          this.visitedTiles = [];
          this.visitedTiles.length = 0;
          if(this.tileGroup.getBounds().contains(e.position.x, e.position.y)){
               var col = Math.floor((e.position.x - this.tileGroup.x) / gameOptions.tileSize);
               var row = Math.floor((e.position.y - this.tileGroup.y) / gameOptions.tileSize);
               this.tilesArray[row][col].alpha = 0.5;
               this.tilesArray[row][col].picked = true;
               game.input.onDown.remove(this.pickTile, this);
	     	game.input.onUp.add(this.releaseTile, this);
	     	game.input.addMoveCallback(this.moveTile, this);
               console.log("Picked tile at R" + row + ", C" + col);
     moveTile: function(e){
          // we are over a tile
          if(this.tileGroup.getBounds().contains(e.position.x, e.position.y)){
               var col = Math.floor((e.position.x - this.tileGroup.x) / gameOptions.tileSize);
               var row = Math.floor((e.position.y - this.tileGroup.y) / gameOptions.tileSize);
               var distance = new Phaser.Point(e.position.x - this.tileGroup.x, e.position.y - this.tileGroup.y).distance(this.tilesArray[row][col]);
               // we are inside enough a tile
               if(distance < gameOptions.tileSize * 0.4){
                    // a new, adjacent tile
                    if(!this.tilesArray[row][col].picked && this.checkAdjacent(new Phaser.Point(col, row), this.visitedTiles[this.visitedTiles.length - 1])){
                         this.tilesArray[row][col].picked = true;
                         this.tilesArray[row][col].alpha = 0.5;
                         console.log("Adding tile at R" + row + ", C" + col);
                    // backtrack
                         if(this.visitedTiles.length > 1 && row == this.visitedTiles[this.visitedTiles.length - 2].y && col == this.visitedTiles[this.visitedTiles.length - 2].x){
                              this.tilesArray[this.visitedTiles[this.visitedTiles.length - 1].y][this.visitedTiles[this.visitedTiles.length - 1].x].picked = false;
                              this.tilesArray[this.visitedTiles[this.visitedTiles.length - 1].y][this.visitedTiles[this.visitedTiles.length - 1].x].alpha = 1;
                              this.arrowsArray[this.arrowsArray.length - 1].destroy();
                              console.log("Back to tile at R" + row + ",C" + col);
     releaseTile: function(){
          game.input.onUp.remove(this.releaseTile, this);
		game.input.deleteMoveCallback(this.moveTile, this);  
          // clear the path
          // make tiles fall down
          // create new tiles
     checkAdjacent: function(p1, p2){
          return (Math.abs(p1.x - p2.x) <= 1) && (Math.abs(p1.y - p2.y) <= 1);
     addArrow: function(){   
          // adding the arrows
          var fromTile = this.visitedTiles[this.visitedTiles.length - 2];
          var arrow = game.add.sprite(this.tilesArray[fromTile.y][fromTile.x].x, this.tilesArray[fromTile.y][fromTile.x].y, "arrows");
          // this routine handles arrow frame and angle according to its direction
          var tileDiff = new Phaser.Point(this.visitedTiles[this.visitedTiles.length - 1].x, this.visitedTiles[this.visitedTiles.length - 1].y)       
          tileDiff.subtract(this.visitedTiles[this.visitedTiles.length - 2].x, this.visitedTiles[this.visitedTiles.length - 2].y);          
          if(tileDiff.x == 0){
               arrow.angle = -90 * tileDiff.y;     
               arrow.angle = 90 * (tileDiff.x + 1); 
               if(tileDiff.y != 0){
                    arrow.frame = 1;
                    if(tileDiff.y + tileDiff.x == 0){
                         arrow.angle -= 90;
     clearPath: function(){
          for(var i = 0; i < this.visitedTiles.length; i++){
               console.log("Removed tile R" + this.visitedTiles[i].y + ", C" + this.visitedTiles[i].x);
			this.tilesArray[this.visitedTiles[i].y][this.visitedTiles[i].x].visible = false;
               this.tilesArray[this.visitedTiles[i].y][this.visitedTiles[i].x] = null;
               console.log("Removed tilesArray entry [" + this.visitedTiles[i].y + "][" + this.visitedTiles[i].x + "]");
     tilesFallDown: function(){
          for(var i = gameOptions.fieldSize.cols - 1; i >= 0; i--){
			for(var j = 0; j < gameOptions.fieldSize.rows; j++){
				if(this.tilesArray[i][j] != null){
                         var holes = this.holesBelow(i, j);
                         if(holes > 0){
                              var coordinate = new Phaser.Point(this.tilesArray[i][j].coordinate.x, this.tilesArray[i][j].coordinate.y);
                              var destination = new Phaser.Point(j, i + holes);
                              console.log("Tile at R" + coordinate.y + ", C" + coordinate.x + " moves to R" + destination.y + ", C" + destination.x)
                              var tween = game.add.tween(this.tilesArray[i][j]).to({
                                   y: this.tilesArray[i][j].y + holes * gameOptions.tileSize 
                              }, gameOptions.fallSpeed, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true);
                              tween.onComplete.add(this.nextPick, this)
                              this.tilesArray[destination.y][destination.x] = this.tilesArray[i][j]
                              console.log("Replenished tilesArray entry [" + destination.y + "][" + destination.x + "]");
                              this.tilesArray[coordinate.y][coordinate.x] = null;
                              console.log("Removed tilesArray entry [" + coordinate.y + "][" + coordinate.x + "]");
                              this.tilesArray[destination.y][destination.x].coordinate = new Phaser.Point(destination.x, destination.y)
                              this.tilesArray[destination.y][destination.x].children[0].text = "R" + destination.y + ", C" + destination.x; 
     placeNewTiles: function(){
          for(var i = 0; i < gameOptions.fieldSize.cols; i++){
               var holes = this.holesInCol(i);
               if(holes > 0){
                    for(var j = 1; j <= holes; j++){
                         var tileXPos = i * gameOptions.tileSize + gameOptions.tileSize / 2;
               		var tileYPos = -j * gameOptions.tileSize + gameOptions.tileSize / 2;
                         var theTile = this.removedTiles.pop();
                         theTile.position = new Phaser.Point(tileXPos, tileYPos);
                         theTile.visible = true;
                         theTile.alpha = 1;
                         theTile.picked = false;
                         var tween = game.add.tween(theTile).to({
                              y: theTile.y + holes * gameOptions.tileSize
                         }, gameOptions.fallSpeed, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true)
                         tween.onComplete.add(this.nextPick, this)
                         theTile.coordinate = new Phaser.Point(i, holes - j);
                         this.tilesArray[holes - j][i] = theTile;
                         theTile.children[0].text = "R" + theTile.coordinate.y + ", C" + theTile.coordinate.x; 
                         console.log("Created a new tile at R" + theTile.coordinate.y.toString() + ", C" + theTile.coordinate.x.toString());
                         console.log("Added tilesArray entry [" + (holes - j).toString() + "][" + i + "]");
     nextPick: function(){
          if(!game.input.onDown.has(this.pickTile, this)){
               game.input.onDown.add(this.pickTile, this);
     holesBelow: function(row, col){
          var result = 0;
          for(var i = row + 1; i < gameOptions.fieldSize.rows; i++){
               if(this.tilesArray[i][col] == null){
                    result ++;          
          return result;
     holesInCol: function(col){
          var result = 0;
          for(var i = 0; i < gameOptions.fieldSize.rows; i++){
               if(this.tilesArray[i][col] == null){
                    result ++;          
          return result;     
You can also download the source code and use it in your projects. Next time, more features to turn it into a math game.

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