Create a Flash ball game with visual from above tutorial part 4
In the 4th part I am going to explain a feature that a race game must have: the laps Read steps 1, 2 and 3 before continuing Having laps in a track will result in a longer race. The bad thing is that if you don’t design laps with some more actionscript than normally required, … Create a Flash ball game with visual from above tutorial part 4
Create a Flash ball game with visual from above tutorial part 3
January 16th update: 4th part released In the third part of this tutorial I am going to fix a minor bug and introduce three new tiles: info tile (displays a message when the ball rolls over it) reverse control tile (reverses the controls of the ball) checkpoint tile (makes you respawn at the checkpoint tile … Create a Flash ball game with visual from above tutorial part 3
Create a Flash ball game with visual from above tutorial part 2
December 13th update: 3rd part released January 16th update: 4th part released This is the second part of the tutorial about the creation of a Flash ball game with visual from above. I suggest you to read part 1 before reading this post. Here I will start adding features to our game as said in … Create a Flash ball game with visual from above tutorial part 2
Create a Flash ball game with visual from above tutorial
August 3rd update: 2nd part released December 13th update: 3rd part released January 16th update: 4th part released This tutorial does not cover anything new (well, this first part of this tutorial) but shows you how to create a Flash ball game with a visual from above and some decent graphics. Being a ball game, … Create a Flash ball game with visual from above tutorial