Create a Flash game like Cirplosion – AS3 version
Some days ago I published Create a Flash game like Cirplosion using AS2, now it’s time to do it using AS3. AS3 is becoming more and more popular so I think it’s time to give it more exposure. This is the uncommented AS3 version of Cirplosion. I would like you to compare it with AS2 … Create a Flash game like Cirplosion – AS3 version
Create a Flash game like Cirplosion
Do you remember Cirplosion? It was quite successful some time ago, and now it’s time to create a game like it. In this tutorial we’ll design the main engine. When you are going to design a game, or to write whatever script, try to explain yourself what you are about to do. Let me try … Create a Flash game like Cirplosion