Simulate planet gravity with Phaser + Box2D as seen on Angry Birds Space
Talking about Angry Birds Space game, Box2D, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.
I am sure you are playing Angry Birds Fight! during these days. I do, and having a new Angry Bird game on my phone reminded me of the old Angry Birds Space and the AS3+Box2D tutorial I made three years ago.
Following the same concept, I made the same thing using Phaser and the Box2D plugin. This is what I created with just a few lines:
Here we have two planets with their gravity zones, click anywhere on the stage to place a crate and watch it fall on the planet or remain floating in the space.
The source code is really easy:
var game; // groups containing crates and planets var crateGroup; var planetGroup; // a force reducer to let the simulation run smoothly var forceReducer = 0.005; // graphic object where to draw planet gravity area var gravityGraphics; window.onload = function() { game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.AUTO, ""); game.state.add("PlayGame",playGame); game.state.start("PlayGame"); } var playGame = function(game){}; playGame.prototype = { preload: function(){ game.load.image("crate", "crate.png"); game.load.image("planet", "planet.png"); game.load.image("bigplanet", "bigplanet.png"); }, create: function(){ // adding groups crateGroup =; planetGroup =; // adding graphic objects gravityGraphics =, 0); gravityGraphics.lineStyle(2,0xffffff,0.5); // stage setup game.stage.backgroundColor = "#222222"; // physics initialization game.physics.startSystem(Phaser.Physics.BOX2D); // adding a couple of planets. Arguments are: // x position // y position // gravity radius // gravity force // graphic asset addPlanet(180, 200, 250, 150, "planet"); addPlanet(570, 350, 400, 250, "bigplanet"); // waiting for player input game.input.onDown.add(addCrate, this); }, update: function(){ // looping through all crates for(var i=0;i<;i++){ var c = crateGroup.getChildAt(i); // looping through all planets for(var j=0;j<;j++){ var p = planetGroup.getChildAt(j); // calculating distance between the planet and the crate var distance = Phaser.Math.distance(c.x,c.y,p.x,p.y); // checking if the distance is less than gravity radius if(distance<p.width/2+p.gravityRadius/2){ // calculating angle between the planet and the crate var angle = Phaser.Math.angleBetween(c.x,c.y,p.x,p.y); // add gravity force to the crate in the direction of planet center c.body.applyForce(p.gravityForce*Math.cos(angle)*forceReducer,p.gravityForce*Math.sin(angle)*forceReducer); } } } } } // function to add a crate function addCrate(e){ var crateSprite = game.add.sprite(e.x, e.y, "crate"); crateGroup.add(crateSprite); game.physics.box2d.enable(crateSprite); } // function to add a planet function addPlanet(posX, posY, gravityRadius, gravityForce, asset){ var planet = game.add.sprite(posX, posY, asset); planet.gravityRadius = gravityRadius; planet.gravityForce = gravityForce planetGroup.add(planet); game.physics.box2d.enable(planet); planet.body.static = true; // look how I create a circular body planet.body.setCircle(planet.width / 2); gravityGraphics.drawCircle(planet.x, planet.y, planet.width+planet.gravityRadius); }
And here we have our planet gravity made with Phaser and Box2D. As usual you can download the source code.
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