Talking about Flash, Game development and Monetize.
In my latest game, Red Flowers, I introduced a new way to show ads.
At the bottom of the level-select screen, I am showing three ads. One linking to this blog, one asking for a PayPal donation, and one linking to
Now it’s the time to publish some stats after 10k views.
First, I have to say banners appear randomly, and I did not count how many times every banner has been shown.
But, according to probability theory, in a large number of views each banner should have been shown the same number of times.
Let’s see the results:
Banner to this blog: 280 clicks
Banner to PayPal: 238 clicks
Banner to 339 clicks
Total clicks: 857
Click ratio: 857/11,055*100 = 7.75% (11,055 is the exact number of views I managed to look at the stats… it’s quite hard to stop at 10,000 sharp…)
It’s a great click-through in my opinion, and sponsors should have more interest in showing their ads in level-select screen rather than in useless fancy preloaders.
Now you may think: OMG you got 238 PayPal donations!!!
You’re wrong. I just got 2, for as much as $7… but it’s still a $0.63 eCPM that adds to $0.23 MochiAds is giving me at the moment.
At the moment I am completing another game with a different way to show banners (yes! another one!)
Stay tuned, as usual…
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