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Talking about Reviews and WordPress.

Having a nice and original blog theme is very important if you want to distinguish from the crowd.

Unfortunately, designing a theme from scratch can be difficult due to a lot of variables to consider: header, sidebars, buttons, css and more.

There are a lot of free and not free themes available on the web, but the best ones are downloaded a thousand times every day… not exactly what I would call “unique”…

So I am going to introduce you a software able to create a quality WordPress theme in a matter of minutes, without any knowledge of HTML, Php, Css and so on.

It’s Artisteer and I am going to review it.

The most interesting idea about Artisteer is the “Suggest” button… you can let Artisteer suggest the whole theme, playing with more than 100 variables, or make it suggest only some features, such as typography, color schemes, buttons, menu and so on.

These are three randomly generated themes.

It’s important to know each theme was created in a click. In a review, some pictures are worth a thousand words.

The software is localized in all most popular languages (not italian, though)

I also would like you to see how a feature not so easy to code, like columns layout, can be easily set with a click

If you afraid you can’t choose a decent color scheme, Artisteer helps you with a wide range of preset palettes

Obviously every element of the blog is fully customizable through dialog windows… even interesting effects like shadows can be set in a click

Look… you can create drop down menus without writing a single line of javascript

How many tutorials did you read about round buttons? Here they are…

The header is fully customizable. You can choose from a set of buit-in images or upload your own. Don’t be afraid to miss a feature… there is a complete manual for you to read

The final test… the theme is finally ready anf I am about to export it… this is the fight of the night…

The software created all necessary files ready to be uploaded…

And here it is my blog with the new theme… fully compatible with WordPress 2.7

Artisteer costs $99.95 – about as much as ONE premium theme – until February 15, 2009, and there is a demo to let you test its features.

A must have.

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