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Talking about Actionscript 3, Box2D, Contests, Flash, Game development and Monetize.

I would like you to play BarBalance

It’s a Box2D game made for the 60 seconds to fame contest built around Stabilize! concept.

You can follow the various steps during the creation of this game at this post and the links you will find in it (I won’t fill this post with links…)

You probably noticed I created a website for the game.

Once the contest will be over and the winners will be announced on friday december 11, I’ll start making a couple of game versions with a more interesting and complex gameplay (this is quite simple because it’s meant to end in 60 seconds) with some interesting additional features if the game is played on the website.

It’s also a good way to give some credit to all “underground” third party libraries such as Box2D and SWFObject.

So, from now on, every game I’ll make will have its own site.

If you like to buy a lifetime banner for a few bucks, give me a shout… you know I’ll drive some millions people to the site :)

Never miss an update! Subscribe, and I will bother you by email only when a new game or full source code comes out.