Learn how to make iPhone games with Cocos2d for iPhone 0.99 Beginner’s Guide
Talking about Game development, iOS and Reviews.
Do you want to start the 2011 learning something new? If you aren’t developing iPhone games yet, then reading Packt Publishing’s Cocos2d for iPhone 0.99 Beginner’s Guide is a must. You should know I am writing, tech editing and reviewing Packt’s books, and I want to show you what I am reading just now:
Expect a review as well as a series of tutorials as soon as I finish reading the book, meanwhile read some book specs:
Cocos2d for iPhone is a robust but simple-to-use 2D game framework for iPhone. If you are just starting with game programming, cocos2d will enable you to make your first game in no time. Even if you are a seasoned game developer, you will still be able to benefit from what it offers. Yet beginning with cocos2d for iPhone may be an arduous task without a proper guide.
Cocos2d for iPhone 0.99 Beginner’s Guide will help you to learn how to make games with cocos2d from the ground up. You will learn all the key concepts of the framework and game programming in general while building your first game using this exciting platform.
You will start by learning the basics of cocos2d then you will learn how to enhance your game with a lot of cool features and eye candy. After spending a little time learning the basics, you will jump straight into action. The book will then teach you to build games from scratch and how to add animations, sounds, and particle effects to them. Then you will be guided to have your game behave as in real life by using a physics engine. After reading Cocos2d for iPhone 0.99 Beginner’s Guide, you will be able to write your own games for iPhone while using all the elements Pros use. There are a lot of examples, images, and diagrams to get you up to speed in no time.
This book is a practical guide for building your own fun and exciting iPhone games in no time using the cocos2d for iPhone framework.
What you will learn from this book :
* Learn the basics of the most popular 2D framework for iPhone
* Packed with tips and tricks for using this framework
* Use actions and effects to make your graphics stand out
* Implement particles to make your players vibrate
* Make huge levels with Tilemaps
* Play sounds in many different ways
* Give your game real-life physics
* Integrate OpenFeint, the most popular social gaming network, with your game
See you in a while with some iPhone tutorials!
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