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Talking about Circle Chain game, Game development, iOS and Stencyl.

In my various attempts to port Circle Chain to iPhone I couldn’t forget to create the basic engine with StencylWorks, and as usual it was very easy.

Let me show how does it work. First, we need to create a scene and an actor, the green circle.

Since StencylWorks automatically adds Box2D physics to actors, we need to disable it:

Then the scene behavior will just place ten green circles:

Finally, the behavior attached to the green circle actor will handle the entire movement, assigning to each circle a random position and a random direction and moving it around the screen:

And if you are running StencylWorks on a Mac, you can even test it in the official SDK simulator, as you can see here:

But testing is not over, I promise I’ll explore all possible ways to easily convert your Flash blockbusters into iPhone apps.

Stay tuned.

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