Talking about Game development, HTML5 and Monetize.
Today I received the newsletter from FGL with a link to 1st quarter 2014 developer sales stats.
What really surprised me was this chart:
HTML5 games are generating more and more revenue, day by day. You may say “I already knew it, what’s the point”.
Well, the point is we aren’t talking about a chart based upon every HTML5 game revenue, but a chart based on FGL HTML5 game revenue.
You know FGL means Flash Game License, because it was born as a marketplace for Flash games, at a time when the most complex non-flash action browser game was… hmmm maybe Minesweeper?
As of today, in my opinion FGL is still used a lot to market Flash games and only a niche – although a growing niche – is currently using it to market HTML5 games.
With this in mind, you should see HTML5 game revenues are growing a lot more than FGL can show us, so I have two advices for you today:
1) Start making games also for HTML5 capable devices – you can still develop Flash games, I am doing it, but I am not exclusively develop Flash games anymore
2) Start using FGL to market them. They have a growing number of options to let you monetize your hard work and they are even able to pay you up to $200 in advance.
While I am writing this post, my Whack a Creep game just passed FGL Q&A tests and is ready to generate some income. I’ll keep you up to date.
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