Learning iPhone Game Development with Cocos2D 3.0 book review
Talking about Game development, iOS and Reviews.
If you are looking for a book which can teach you how to create amazing games for your iPhone using native code, then Learning iPhone Game Development with Cocos2D 3.0 is the book you need.
The book starts with a brief overview about Cocos2D features and games developed with it, in chapter 1.
Chapter 2 explains how to Download and install Cocos2D, create and modify your first Cocos2D project and finally run it, starting from an Xcode project.
Chapter 3 explains what’s under the hood of Cocos2D, especially display list hierarchy and management.
In Chapter 4 you will start building your game, an hunting game called Cocohunt. You will create a game scene, populate it with your background images and sprites, as well as moving them around the screen no matter of the actual framerate. This large and interesting chapter also covers sprite animation using spritesheets. At the end of the chapter, you will have a complete game ready to be played once you’ll add interactivity.
And that’s what happens in chapter 5 when you learn how to handle touches and make the game react accordingly. Also, you will be able to manage collisions using the bounding box detection.
Chapter 6 covers text and bitmap fonts, useful to create titles, game information and labels
Chapter 7 covers more in depth animation and introduces particle effects, while chapter 8 is focused on music and sound effects.
A polished game should have clear buttons and menus, and chapter 9 will show you how to add them, as well as pausing the game and building a leaderboard.
Chapter 10 teaches all about physics, building another game, while 2d and isometric tilemaps are covered in chapter 11.
By the end of the book, you will be able to build your own games for iPhone using Cocos2D. No doubt.
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