Talking about Bejeweled game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.
Today I am going to show you how to merge the Match 3 Bejeweled HTML5 prototype I made a couple of months ago with the feature which allows to rotate a matrix explained in the post Understanding Phaser array utilities using ArrayUtils class to add a twist in Bejeweled games as I already showed you some years ago in the post Bejeweled AS3 engine with array rotation, back in old Flash AS3 days.
This is the result:
Make a match and see what happens. Before showing you the source code, here is a brief overview about the idea behind it:
* All orbs are inside a group, but unfortunately groups do not have anchor points because anchor point is a texture-related feature and groups do not have textures.
* No anchor point means we can’t rotate a group around its center, but only around its upper left corner, until…
* Groups have pivot points which are basically the same, with a different way to be defined: while anchor points are set with values from 0 to 1 where 0.5 is the center, pivot points must be defined in pixels, which means in some cases they are even more accurate.
* We create the group, we place the orbs then we set pivot point on its center and we move the group to the right and to the bottom by half its width and height.
* To make the stage rotate, we create a tween rotating the group by 90 degrees. This will only create the visual effect.
* Once the animation is completed, time to work behind the curtain by rotating the matrix, resetting group angle and reposition the orbs according to their new matrix position.
And that’s it:
var game; var fieldSize = 7; var orbColors = 6; var orbSize = 100; // var swapSpeed = 200; var fallSpeed = 500; var destroySpeed = 200; var fastFall = true; // var gameArray = []; var removeMap = []; var orbGroup; var selectedOrb; var canPick = true; // var hand; var handTween; window.onload = function() { game = new Phaser.Game(700, 700); game.state.add("PlayGame", playGame) game.state.start("PlayGame"); } var playGame = function(game){} playGame.prototype = { preload: function(){ game.load.spritesheet("orbs", "assets/sprites/orbs.png", orbSize, orbSize); game.load.image("hand", "assets/sprites/hand.png"); }, create: function(){ drawField(); showSuggestion(); canPick = true; game.input.onDown.add(orbSelect); game.input.onUp.add(orbDeselect); } } function drawField(){ orbGroup =; for(var i = 0; i < fieldSize; i ++){ gameArray[i] = []; for(var j = 0; j < fieldSize; j ++){ var orb = game.add.sprite(orbSize * j + orbSize / 2, orbSize * i + orbSize / 2, "orbs"); orb.anchor.set(0.5); orbGroup.add(orb); do{ var randomColor = game.rnd.between(0, orbColors - 1); orb.frame = randomColor; gameArray[i][j] = { orbColor: randomColor, orbSprite: orb } } while(isMatch(i, j)); } } selectedOrb = null; hand = game.add.sprite(0, 0, "hand"); hand.anchor.set(0.5); hand.visible = false; orbGroup.pivot.set(350, 350); orbGroup.position.set(350, 350); } function showSuggestion(){ var matchFound = false; for(var i = 0; i < fieldSize - 1; i ++){ for(var j = 0; j < fieldSize - 1; j ++){ tmpSwap(i, j, i + 1, j); if(matchInBoard()){ hand.visible = true; hand.x = gameArray[i + 1][j].orbSprite.x + 16; hand.y = gameArray[i + 1][j].orbSprite.y + 70; handTween = game.add.tween(hand).to({ y: hand.y + 100 }, 500, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true, 0, -1, true); matchFound = true; } tmpSwap(i, j, i + 1, j); if(matchFound){ return; } tmpSwap(i, j, i, j + 1); if(matchInBoard()){ hand.visible = true; hand.x = gameArray[i][j + 1].orbSprite.x + 16; hand.y = gameArray[i][j + 1].orbSprite.y + 70; handTween = game.add.tween(hand).to({ x: hand.x + 100 }, 500, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true, 0, -1, true); matchFound = true; } tmpSwap(i, j, i, j + 1); if(matchFound){ return; } } } console.log("no match"); } function tmpSwap(row1, col1, row2, col2){ var tmp = gameArray[row1][col1]; gameArray[row1][col1] = gameArray[row2][col2]; gameArray[row2][col2] = tmp; } function orbSelect(e){ if(canPick){ hand.visible = false; handTween.stop(); var row = Math.floor(e.clientY / orbSize); var col = Math.floor(e.clientX / orbSize); var pickedOrb = gemAt(row, col) if(pickedOrb != -1){ if(selectedOrb == null){ pickedOrb.orbSprite.scale.setTo(1.2); pickedOrb.orbSprite.bringToTop(); selectedOrb = pickedOrb; game.input.addMoveCallback(orbMove); } else{ if(areTheSame(pickedOrb, selectedOrb)){ selectedOrb.orbSprite.scale.setTo(1); selectedOrb = null; } else{ if(areNext(pickedOrb, selectedOrb)){ selectedOrb.orbSprite.scale.setTo(1); swapOrbs(selectedOrb, pickedOrb, true); } else{ selectedOrb.orbSprite.scale.setTo(1); pickedOrb.orbSprite.scale.setTo(1.2); selectedOrb = pickedOrb; game.input.addMoveCallback(orbMove); } } } } } } function orbDeselect(e){ game.input.deleteMoveCallback(orbMove); } function orbMove(event, pX, pY){ if( == 0){ var distX = pX - selectedOrb.orbSprite.x; var distY = pY - selectedOrb.orbSprite.y; var deltaRow = 0; var deltaCol = 0; if(Math.abs(distX) > orbSize / 2){ if(distX > 0){ deltaCol = 1; } else{ deltaCol = -1; } } else{ if(Math.abs(distY) > orbSize / 2){ if(distY > 0){ deltaRow = 1; } else{ deltaRow = -1; } } } if(deltaRow + deltaCol != 0){ var pickedOrb = gemAt(getOrbRow(selectedOrb) + deltaRow, getOrbCol(selectedOrb) + deltaCol); if(pickedOrb != -1){ selectedOrb.orbSprite.scale.setTo(1); swapOrbs(selectedOrb, pickedOrb, true); game.input.deleteMoveCallback(orbMove); } } } } function swapOrbs(orb1, orb2, swapBack){ canPick = false; var fromColor = orb1.orbColor; var fromSprite = orb1.orbSprite; var toColor = orb2.orbColor; var toSprite = orb2.orbSprite; gameArray[getOrbRow(orb1)][getOrbCol(orb1)].orbColor = toColor; gameArray[getOrbRow(orb1)][getOrbCol(orb1)].orbSprite = toSprite; gameArray[getOrbRow(orb2)][getOrbCol(orb2)].orbColor = fromColor; gameArray[getOrbRow(orb2)][getOrbCol(orb2)].orbSprite = fromSprite; var orb1Tween = game.add.tween(gameArray[getOrbRow(orb1)][getOrbCol(orb1)].orbSprite).to({ x: getOrbCol(orb1) * orbSize + orbSize / 2, y: getOrbRow(orb1) * orbSize + orbSize / 2 }, swapSpeed, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true); var orb2Tween = game.add.tween(gameArray[getOrbRow(orb2)][getOrbCol(orb2)].orbSprite).to({ x: getOrbCol(orb2) * orbSize + orbSize / 2, y: getOrbRow(orb2) * orbSize + orbSize / 2 }, swapSpeed, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true); orb2Tween.onComplete.add(function(){ if(!matchInBoard() && swapBack){ swapOrbs(orb1, orb2, false); } else{ if(matchInBoard()){ handleMatches(); } else{ canPick = true; selectedOrb = null; } } }); } function areNext(orb1, orb2){ return Math.abs(getOrbRow(orb1) - getOrbRow(orb2)) + Math.abs(getOrbCol(orb1) - getOrbCol(orb2)) == 1; } function areTheSame(orb1, orb2){ return getOrbRow(orb1) == getOrbRow(orb2) && getOrbCol(orb1) == getOrbCol(orb2); } function gemAt(row, col){ if(row < 0 || row >= fieldSize || col < 0 || col >= fieldSize){ return -1; } return gameArray[row][col]; } function getOrbRow(orb){ return Math.floor(orb.orbSprite.y / orbSize); } function getOrbCol(orb){ return Math.floor(orb.orbSprite.x / orbSize); } function isHorizontalMatch(row, col){ return gemAt(row, col).orbColor == gemAt(row, col - 1).orbColor && gemAt(row, col).orbColor == gemAt(row, col - 2).orbColor; } function isVerticalMatch(row, col){ return gemAt(row, col).orbColor == gemAt(row - 1, col).orbColor && gemAt(row, col).orbColor == gemAt(row - 2, col).orbColor; } function isMatch(row, col){ return isHorizontalMatch(row, col) || isVerticalMatch(row, col); } function matchInBoard(){ for(var i = 0; i < fieldSize; i++){ for(var j = 0; j < fieldSize; j++){ if(isMatch(i, j)){ return true; } } } return false; } function handleMatches(){ removeMap = []; for(var i = 0; i < fieldSize; i++){ removeMap[i] = []; for(var j = 0; j < fieldSize; j++){ removeMap[i].push(0); } } handleHorizontalMatches(); handleVerticalMatches(); destroyOrbs(); } function handleVerticalMatches(){ for(var i = 0; i < fieldSize; i++){ var colorStreak = 1; var currentColor = -1; var startStreak = 0; for(var j = 0; j < fieldSize; j++){ if(gemAt(j, i).orbColor == currentColor){ colorStreak ++; } if(gemAt(j, i).orbColor != currentColor || j == fieldSize - 1){ if(colorStreak >= 3){ console.log("VERTICAL :: Length = "+colorStreak + " :: Start = ("+startStreak+","+i+") :: Color = "+currentColor); switch(colorStreak){ case 3: for(var k = 0; k < colorStreak; k++){ removeMap[startStreak + k][i] ++; } break; case 4: for(var k = 0; k < fieldSize; k++){ removeMap[k][i] ++; } break; default: for(var k = 0; k < fieldSize; k++){ for(var l = 0; l < fieldSize; l++){ if(gemAt(k, l).orbColor == currentColor){ removeMap[k][l] ++; } } } break; } } startStreak = j; colorStreak = 1; currentColor = gemAt(j, i).orbColor; } } } } function handleHorizontalMatches(){ for(var i = 0; i < fieldSize; i++){ var colorStreak = 1; var currentColor = -1; var startStreak = 0; for(var j = 0; j < fieldSize; j++){ if(gemAt(i, j).orbColor == currentColor){ colorStreak ++; } if(gemAt(i, j).orbColor != currentColor || j == fieldSize - 1){ if(colorStreak >= 3){ console.log("HORIZONTAL :: Length = "+colorStreak + " :: Start = ("+i+","+startStreak+") :: Color = "+currentColor); switch(colorStreak){ case 3: for(var k = 0; k < colorStreak; k++){ removeMap[i][startStreak + k] ++; } break; case 4: for(var k = 0; k < fieldSize; k++){ removeMap[i][k] ++; } break; default: for(var k = 0; k < fieldSize; k++){ for(var l = 0; l < fieldSize; l++){ if(gemAt(k, l).orbColor == currentColor){ removeMap[k][l] ++; } } } break; } } startStreak = j; colorStreak = 1; currentColor = gemAt(i, j).orbColor; } } } } function destroyOrbs(){ var destroyed = 0; for(var i = 0; i < fieldSize; i++){ for(var j = 0; j < fieldSize; j++){ if(removeMap[i][j]>0){ var destroyTween = game.add.tween(gameArray[i][j].orbSprite).to({ alpha: 0 }, destroySpeed, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true); destroyed ++; destroyTween.onComplete.add(function(orb){ orb.destroy(); destroyed --; if(destroyed == 0){ makeOrbsFall(); if(fastFall){ replenishField(); } } }); gameArray[i][j] = null; } } } } function makeOrbsFall(){ var fallen = 0; var restart = false; for(var i = fieldSize - 2; i >= 0; i--){ for(var j = 0; j < fieldSize; j++){ if(gameArray[i][j] != null){ var fallTiles = holesBelow(i, j); if(fallTiles > 0){ if(!fastFall && fallTiles > 1){ fallTiles = 1; restart = true; } var orb2Tween = game.add.tween(gameArray[i][j].orbSprite).to({ y: gameArray[i][j].orbSprite.y + fallTiles * orbSize }, fallSpeed, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true); fallen ++; orb2Tween.onComplete.add(function(){ fallen --; if(fallen == 0){ if(restart){ makeOrbsFall(); } else{ if(!fastFall){ replenishField(); } } } }) gameArray[i + fallTiles][j] = { orbSprite: gameArray[i][j].orbSprite, orbColor: gameArray[i][j].orbColor } gameArray[i][j] = null; } } } } if(fallen == 0){ replenishField(); } } function replenishField(){ var replenished = 0; var restart = false; for(var j = 0; j < fieldSize; j++){ var emptySpots = holesInCol(j); if(emptySpots > 0){ if(!fastFall && emptySpots > 1){ emptySpots = 1; restart = true; } for(i = 0; i < emptySpots; i++){ var orb = game.add.sprite(orbSize * j + orbSize / 2, - (orbSize * (emptySpots - 1 - i) + orbSize / 2), "orbs"); orb.anchor.set(0.5); orbGroup.add(orb); var randomColor = game.rnd.between(0, orbColors - 1); orb.frame = randomColor; gameArray[i][j] = { orbColor: randomColor, orbSprite: orb } var orb2Tween = game.add.tween(gameArray[i][j].orbSprite).to({ y: orbSize * i + orbSize / 2 }, fallSpeed, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true); replenished ++; orb2Tween.onComplete.add(function(){ replenished --; if(replenished == 0){ if(restart){ makeOrbsFall(); } else{ if(matchInBoard()){, handleMatches); } else{ var rotateBoard = game.add.tween(orbGroup).to({ angle: 90 }, 1000, Phaser.Easing.Bounce.Out, true); rotateBoard.onComplete.add(function(){ gameArray = Phaser.ArrayUtils.rotateMatrix(gameArray, -90); for(var i = 0; i < fieldSize; i++){ for(var j = 0; j < fieldSize; j++){ gameArray[i][j].orbSprite.angle += 90; gameArray[i][j].orbSprite.x = j * orbSize + orbSize / 2; gameArray[i][j].orbSprite.y = i * orbSize + orbSize / 2; } } orbGroup.angle = 0; canPick = true; selectedOrb = null; showSuggestion(); }, this) } } } }) } } } } function holesBelow(row, col){ var result = 0; for(var i = row + 1; i < fieldSize; i++){ if(gameArray[i][col] == null){ result ++; } } return result; } function holesInCol(col){ var result = 0; for(var i = 0; i < fieldSize; i++){ if(gameArray[i][col] == null){ result ++; } } return result; }
Hope you can add a twist to your match 3 games, you can also download the source code of the entire project.
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