Talking about SameGame game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.
This is an important update to the SameGame series because I making the game endless, allowing you to create most of the games mentioned in the post 10 successful games you can easily create starting from the SameGame engine and I am using object pooling to handle tiles management. Object pooling is a technique which stores a collection of a particular object that an application will create and keep on hand for those situations where creating each instance is expensive. In this case, each time you pick and remove tiles, their sprites should be destroyed. Then, new sprites should be created to replace the ones you just destroyed. That is, if you make a four tiles combo, you have to destroy the 4 old sprites and create 4 new sprites. Then you make a 11 tiles combo. This means 11 sprites destroyed and 11 new sprites to create. Although I am sure Phaser has a good memory management and garbage collection, this can be very resource-consuming in the long run. So the idea is never to delete removed tiles, which will be temporarily stored in a repository (in this case an array) until a new tile is needed, and we just recover the previously stored tile. This also happens when you buy a pizza at a restaurant, you complain because it’s not tasty, and they pretend to change your bad pizza with a new one but they just serve you the same pizza again. It happens. No doubt. Anyway, this is the game we are going to create: Select a tile with at least another tile of the same color around it, and see what happens. No sprites are destroyed. It’s just object pooling. Here is the source code:
// the game itself
var game;
// this object contains all customizable game options
// changing them will affect gameplay
var gameOptions = {
gameWidth: 800, // game width, in pixels
gameHeight: 800, // game height, in pixels
tileSize: 100, // tile size, in pixels
fieldSize: { // field size, an object
rows: 8, // rows in the field, in units
cols: 8 // columns in the field, in units
colors: [0xff0000, 0x00ff00, 0x0000ff, 0xffff00] // tile colors
// function to be execute once the page loads
window.onload = function() {
// creation of a new Phaser Game
game = new Phaser.Game(gameOptions.gameWidth, gameOptions.gameHeight);
// adding "TheGame" state
game.state.add("TheGame", TheGame);
// launching "TheGame" state
/* ****************** TheGame state ****************** */
var TheGame = function(){};
TheGame.prototype = {
// function to be executed when the game preloads
preload: function(){
// setting background color to dark grey
game.stage.backgroundColor = 0x222222;
// load the only graphic asset in the game, a white tile which will be tinted on the fly
game.load.image("tiles", "assets/sprites/tile.png");
// function to be executed as soon as the game has completely loaded
create: function(){
// scaling the game to cover the entire screen, while keeping its ratio
game.scale.scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL;
// horizontally centering the game
game.scale.pageAlignHorizontally = true;
// vertically centering the game
game.scale.pageAlignVertically = true;
// this function will create the level
createLevel: function(){
// canPick tells if we can pick a tile, we start with "true" has at the moment a tile can be picked
this.canPick = true;
// tiles are saved in an array called tilesArray
this.tilesArray = [];
// this group will contain all tiles
this.tileGroup =;
// we are centering the group, both horizontally and vertically, in the canvas
this.tileGroup.x = (game.width - gameOptions.tileSize * gameOptions.fieldSize.cols) / 2;
this.tileGroup.y = (game.height - gameOptions.tileSize * gameOptions.fieldSize.rows) / 2;
// two loops to create a grid made by "gameOptions.fieldSize.rows" x "gameOptions.fieldSize.cols" columns
for(var i = 0; i < gameOptions.fieldSize.rows; i++){
this.tilesArray[i] = [];
for(var j = 0; j < gameOptions.fieldSize.cols; j++){
// this function adds a tile at row "i" and column "j"
this.addTile(i, j);
// tilePool is the array which will contain removed tiles to be recycled
this.tilePool = [];
// waiting for user input
game.input.onDown.add(this.pickTile, this);
// function to add a tile at "row" row and "col" column
addTile: function(row, col){
// determining x and y tile position according to tile size
var tileXPos = col * gameOptions.tileSize + gameOptions.tileSize / 2;
var tileYPos = row * gameOptions.tileSize + gameOptions.tileSize / 2;
// tile is added as an image
var theTile = game.add.sprite(tileXPos, tileYPos, "tiles");
// setting tile registration point to its center
// adjusting tile width and height according to tile size
theTile.width = gameOptions.tileSize;
theTile.height = gameOptions.tileSize;
// time to assign the tile a random value, which is also a random color
var tileValue = game.rnd.integerInRange(0, gameOptions.colors.length - 1);
// tinting the tile
theTile.tint = gameOptions.colors[tileValue];
// adding the image to "tilesArray" array, creating an object
this.tilesArray[row][col] = {
tileSprite: theTile, // tile image
isEmpty: false, // is it an empty tile? not at the moment
coordinate: new Phaser.Point(col, row), // storing tile coordinate, useful during flood fill
value: tileValue // the value (color) of the tile
// also adding it to "tileGroup" group
// this function is executed at each user input (click or touch)
pickTile: function(e){
// can the player pick a tile?
// determining x and y position of the input inside tileGroup
var posX = e.x - this.tileGroup.x;
var posY = e.y - this.tileGroup.y;
// transforming coordinates into actual rows and columns
var pickedRow = Math.floor(posY / gameOptions.tileSize);
var pickedCol = Math.floor(posX / gameOptions.tileSize);
// checking if row and column are inside the actual game field
if(pickedRow >= 0 && pickedCol >= 0 && pickedRow < gameOptions.fieldSize.rows && pickedCol < gameOptions.fieldSize.cols){
// this is the tile we picked
var pickedTile = this.tilesArray[pickedRow][pickedCol];
// the most secure way to have a clean and empty array
this.filled = [];
this.filled.length = 0;
// performing a flood fill on the selected tile
// this will populate "filled" array
this.floodFill(pickedTile.coordinate, pickedTile.value);
// do we have more than one tile in the array?
if(this.filled.length > 1){
// ok, this is a valid move and player won't be able to pick another tile until all animations have been played
this.canPick = false;
// function to destroy selected tiles
// this function will destroy all tiles we can find in "filled" array
destroyTiles: function(){
// looping through the array
for(var i = 0; i < this.filled.length; i++){
// fading tile out with a tween
var tween = game.add.tween(this.tilesArray[this.filled[i].y][this.filled[i].x].tileSprite).to({
alpha: 0
}, 300, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true);
// placing the sprite in the array of sprites to be recycled
// once the tween has been completed...
// we don't know how many tiles we have already removed, so counting the tweens
// currently in use is a good way, at the moment
// if this was the last tween (we only have one tween running, this one)
if(tween.manager.getAll().length == 1){
// call fillVerticalHoles function to make tiles fall down
}, this);
// now the tile is empty
this.tilesArray[this.filled[i].y][this.filled[i].x].isEmpty = true;
// this function will make tiles fall down
fillVerticalHoles: function(){
// filled is a variable which tells us if we filled a hole
var filled = false;
// looping through the entire gamefield
for(var i = gameOptions.fieldSize.rows - 2; i >= 0; i--){
for(var j = 0; j < gameOptions.fieldSize.cols; j++){
// if we have a tile...
// let's count how many holes we can find below this tile
var holesBelow = this.countSpacesBelow(i, j);
// if holesBelow is greater than zero...
// we filled a hole, or at least we are about to do it
filled = true;
// function to move down a tile at column "j" from "i" to "i + holesBelow" row
this.moveDownTile(i, j, i + holesBelow, false);
// if we looped trough all tiles but did not fill anything...
// let's see if there are horizontal holes to fill
this.canPick = true;
// now it's time to reuse tiles saved in the pool (tilePool array),
// let's start with a loop through each column
for(i = 0; i < gameOptions.fieldSize.cols; i++){
// counting how many empty spaces we have in each column
var topHoles = this.countSpacesBelow(-1, i);
// then for each empty space...
for(j = topHoles - 1; j >= 0; j--){
// get the tile to be reused from the pool
var reusedTile = this.tilePool.shift();
// y position is above the field, to make tile "fall down"
reusedTile.y = (j - topHoles) * gameOptions.tileSize + gameOptions.tileSize / 2;
// x position is just the column
reusedTile.x = i * gameOptions.tileSize + gameOptions.tileSize / 2;
// setting alpha back to 1
reusedTile.alpha = 1;
// setting a new tile value
var tileValue = game.rnd.integerInRange(0, gameOptions.colors.length - 1);
// tinting the tile with the new color
reusedTile.tint = gameOptions.colors[tileValue];
// setting the item with the new values
this.tilesArray[j][i] = {
tileSprite: reusedTile,
isEmpty: false,
coordinate: new Phaser.Point(i, j),
value: tileValue
// and finally make the tile fall down
this.moveDownTile(0, i, j, true);
// function to count how many empty tiles we have under a given tile
countSpacesBelow: function(row, col){
var result = 0;
for(var i = row + 1; i < gameOptions.fieldSize.rows; i++){
result ++;
return result;
// function to move down a tile
moveDownTile: function(fromRow, fromCol, toRow, justMove){
// a tile can be just moved (when it's a "new" tile falling from above) or
// must be moved updating the game field (when it's an "old" tile falling down from its previous position)
// "justMove" flag handles this operation
// saving the tile itself and its value in temporary variables
var tileToMove = this.tilesArray[fromRow][fromCol].tileSprite;
var tileValue = this.tilesArray[fromRow][fromCol].value;
// adjusting tilesArray items actually creating the tile in the new position...
this.tilesArray[toRow][fromCol] = {
tileSprite: tileToMove,
isEmpty: false,
coordinate: new Phaser.Point(fromCol, toRow),
value: tileValue
// the old place now is set to null
this.tilesArray[fromRow][fromCol].isEmpty = true;
// distance to travel, in pixels, by the tile
var distanceToTravel = (toRow * gameOptions.tileSize + gameOptions.tileSize / 2) - this.tilesArray[toRow][fromCol].tileSprite.y
// a tween manages the movement
var tween = game.add.tween(this.tilesArray[toRow][fromCol].tileSprite).to({
y: toRow * gameOptions.tileSize + gameOptions.tileSize / 2
}, distanceToTravel / 2, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true);
// same thing as before to see how many tweens remain alive, and if this is the last
// active tween, call "fillHorizontalHoles" function
if(tween.manager.getAll().length == 1){
this.canPick = true;
}, this)
// function which counts tiles in a column
tilesInColumn: function(col){
var result = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < gameOptions.fieldSize.rows; i++){
result ++;
return result;
// flood fill function, for more information
floodFill: function(p, n){
if(p.x < 0 || p.y < 0 || p.x >= gameOptions.fieldSize.cols || p.y >= gameOptions.fieldSize.rows){
if(!this.tilesArray[p.y][p.x].isEmpty && this.tilesArray[p.y][p.x].value == n && !this.pointInArray(p)){
this.floodFill(new Phaser.Point(p.x + 1, p.y), n);
this.floodFill(new Phaser.Point(p.x - 1, p.y), n);
this.floodFill(new Phaser.Point(p.x, p.y + 1), n);
this.floodFill(new Phaser.Point(p.x, p.y - 1), n);
// there isn't a built-in javascript method to see if an array contains a point, so here it is.
pointInArray: function(p){
for(var i = 0; i < this.filled.length; i++){
if(this.filled[i].x == p.x && this.filled[i].y == p.y){
return true;
return false;
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