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HTML5 Suika Watermelon Game

Talking about 1+2=3 game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.

A couple of years ago I published a 100 lines html5 prototype of 1+2=3 game using Phaser. Some months later, I picked uo the prototype, added some kind of story and 132 levels (yes, 132) and released Matt Vs Math, which was sponsored by Softgames. The prototype remained uncommented and some readers asked me to add comments mostly to know how I was able to generate random questions with increasing difficulty. Today, I am rewriting the original prototype updated to latest Phaser CE version (2.8.5) and with the game able to restart once it’s game over. This is the game:
Click or touch the button with 1, 2 or 3 according to the expression shown. What’s your best score? If you have a mobile device, you can play it directly at this link. And finally this is the source code, commented and updated as you asked:
// the game itself
var game;

var gameOptions = {

	// maximum length of the sum
	maxSumLen: 5,

	// local storage name used to save high score
	localStorageName: "oneplustwo",

	// time allowed to answer a question, in milliseconds
	timeToAnswer: 3000,

	// score needed to increase difficulty
	nextLevel: 400

// once the window has been completely loaded...
window.onload = function() {

	// create a 500x500 pixels game using CANVAS rendering
	game = new Phaser.Game(500, 500, Phaser.CANVAS);

	// create "PlayGame" state and start it
	game.state.add("PlayGame", playGame, true);

// "PlayGame" state
var playGame = function(game){}
playGame.prototype = {

	// when the state preloads...
    preload: function(){

        // making the game cover the biggest window area possible while showing all content
        game.scale.scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL;
        game.scale.pageAlignHorizontally = true;
        game.scale.pageAlignVertically = true;

		// do not pause the game when it loses focus
		game.stage.disableVisibilityChange = true;

        // changing background color
        game.stage.backgroundColor = 0x444444;

		// preloading images
		game.load.image("timebar", "timebar.png");

		// preloading a spritesheet where each sprite is 400x50 pixels
		game.load.spritesheet("buttons", "buttons.png", 400, 50);


	// when the state has been created...
    create: function(){

		// it's not game over yet...
		this.isGameOver = false;

		// current score is set to zero
		this.score = 0;

		// we'll also keep track of correct answers
		this.correctAnswers = 0;

		// topScore gets the previously saved value in local storage if any, zero otherwise
		this.topScore = localStorage.getItem(gameOptions.localStorageName) == null ? 0 : localStorage.getItem(gameOptions.localStorageName);

		// sumsArray is the array with all possible questions
		this.sumsArray = [];

		// rather than tossing a random question each time, I found easier
		// to store all possible questions in an array then draw a random question
		// each time. I just need an algorithm to generate all possible questions.

		// let's start building all possible questions with this loop
		// ranging from 1 (only one operator, like 1+1) to maxSumLen
		// (in this case 5, like 1+1+1+1-1-1)
		for(var i = 1; i < gameOptions.maxSumLen; i++){

			// defining sumsArray[i] as an array of three empty arrays
			this.sumsArray[i]=[[], [], []];

			// looping from 1 to 3, which are the possible results of each sum
			for(var j = 1; j <= 3; j++){

				// buildTrees is the core of the script, see it explained
				// some lines below
				this.buildThrees(j, 1, i, j);

		// try this! You will see all possible combinations

		// questionText is the text object which will display the question
		this.questionText = game.add.text(250 , 160, "-", {
			font: "bold 72px Arial"

		// setting questionText registration point

		// scoreText will keep the current score
		this.scoreText = game.add.text(10, 10, "-", {
			font: "bold 24px Arial"

		// loop to create the three answer buttons
		for(i = 0;i < 3; i++){

			// creation of the answer button, set to frame "i".
			// Calls checkAnswer callback function once triggered
			var numberButton = game.add.button(50, 250 + i * 75, "buttons", this.checkAnswer, this).frame = i;

		// adding the time bar
		var numberTimer =  game.add.sprite(50, 250, "timebar");

		// creation of a graphic mask covering the three answer buttons
		this.buttonMask =, 250);
		this.buttonMask.drawRect(0, 0, 400, 200);
		numberTimer.mask = this.buttonMask;

		// method to ask next question

	// buildThrees method, it will find all possible sums
	// arguments:
	// initialNumber: the first number. Each question always start with a positive number
	// currentIndex: it's the amount of operands already placed in the sum
	// limit: the max amount of operands allowed in the question
	// currentString: the string generated so far
	buildThrees: function(initialNummber, currentIndex, limit, currentString){

		// the possible operands, from -3 to 3, excluding the zero
		var numbersArray = [-3, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3];

		// looping from 0 to numbersArray's length
		for(var i = 0; i < numbersArray.length; i++){

			// "sum" is the sum between the first number and current numberArray item
			var sum = initialNummber + numbersArray[i];

			// output string is generated by the concatenation of current string with
			// current numbersArray item. I am adding a "+" if the item is greater than zero,
			// otherwise it already has its "-"
			var outputString = currentString + (numbersArray[i] < 0 ? "" : "+") + numbersArray[i];

			// if sum is between 1 and 3 and we reached the limit of operands we want...
			if(sum > 0 && sum < 4 && currentIndex == limit){

				// then push the output string into sumsArray[amount of operands][result]
				this.sumsArray[limit][sum - 1].push(outputString);

			// if the amount of operands is still below the amount we want...
			if(currentIndex < limit){

				// recursively calling buildThrees, passing as arguments:
				// the current sum
				// the new amount of operands
				// the amount of operands we want
				// the current output string
				this.buildThrees(sum, currentIndex + 1, limit, outputString);

	// this method asks next question
	nextNumber: function(){

		// updating score text
		this.scoreText.text = "Score: " + this.score.toString() + "\nBest Score: " + this.topScore.toString();

		// if we already answered more than one question...
		if(this.correctAnswers > 1){

			// stopping time tween

			// resetting mask horizontal position
			this.buttonMask.x = 50;

		// if we already answered at least one question...
		if(this.correctAnswers > 0){

			// tween to slide out the mask, unvealing what's behind it
			this.timeTween = game.add.tween(this.buttonMask).to({
				x: -350
			}, gameOptions.timeToAnswer, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true);

			// callback to be triggered when the tween ends

				// calling "gameOver" method. "?" is the string to display
			}, this);

		// drawing a random result between 0 and 2 (it will be from 1 to 3)
		this.randomSum = game.rnd.between(0, 2);

		// choosing question length according to current score
		var questionLength = Math.min(Math.floor(this.score / gameOptions.nextLevel) + 1, 4)

		// updating question text
		this.questionText.text = this.sumsArray[questionLength][this.randomSum][game.rnd.between(0, this.sumsArray[questionLength][this.randomSum].length - 1)];

	// method to check the answer, the argument is the button pressed
	checkAnswer: function(button){

		// we check the answer only if it's not game over yet

			// button frame is equal to randomSum means the answer is correct
			if(button.frame == this.randomSum){

				// score is increased according to the time spent to answer
     			this.score += Math.floor((this.buttonMask.x + 350) / 4);

				// one more correct answer

				// moving on to next question

			// wrong answer

				// if it's not the first question...
     			if(this.correctAnswers > 1) {

					// stop the tween

				// calling "gameOver" method. "button.frame + 1" is the string to display
     			this.gameOver(button.frame + 1);

	// method to end the game. The argument is the string to write
	gameOver: function(gameOverString){

		// changing background color
		game.stage.backgroundColor = "#ff0000";

		// displaying game over text
		this.questionText.text = this.questionText.text + " = " + gameOverString;

		// now it's game over
		this.isGameOver = true;

		// updating top score in local storage
		localStorage.setItem(gameOptions.localStorageName, Math.max(this.score, this.topScore));

		// restart the game after two seconds * 2, function(){
		}, this);
If you want to play with the source code, download the project and turn it into a complete game.

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