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Talking about Mass Attack game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript, Phaser and Users contributions.

When I showed you the Phaser 3.0 prototype of Mass Attack I wasn’t able to write optimized code due to a lack of documentation so I had to make some workaround to make things work. A few minutes after I published the game, Richard Davey rewrote my prototype in a more optimized way, and since he’s the brain behind Phaser, it’s an invaluable contribution, we can say we have an official blueprint for Phaser 3 games.
Click-touch and hold to create a sphere, release to drop the sphere, watch it bounce on the balance and move it accordingly. Here is the source code, for you to study:
var MassAttack = new Phaser.Class({

    Extends: Phaser.Scene,


    function MassAttack (config)
    {, config)

        this.gameOptions = {
            maxDiameter: 1,
            ballGrowingSpeed: 0.015,
            balanceFriction: 400

        this.growBall = false;
        this.canPlay = true;
        this.ball = null;
        this.balance = [];

    preload: function ()
        this.load.image('ball', 'ball.png');
        this.load.image('balance', 'balance.png');

    create: function ()
        for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++)
            var group =;

            group.weight = 0;
            group.saveYPosition = 0;

            var sprite = group.create( / 2 * i, 240, 'balance');

            sprite.setOrigin(0, 0.5);

        }'POINTER_DOWN_EVENT', this.placeBall.bind(this));'POINTER_UP_EVENT', this.dropBall.bind(this));

    placeBall: function (event)
        if (!this.growBall && this.canPlay)
            var side = Math.floor(event.x / ( / 2));

            this.ball = this.balance[side].create(event.x, 30, 'ball');
            this.ball.balance = side;

            this.growBall = true;

    dropBall: function ()
        if (this.growBall)
            this.growBall = false;
            this.canPlay = false;

            var group = this.balance[this.ball.balance];

            var ballDestination = / 2 + group.saveYPosition - group.children.entries[0].height / 2 - this.ball.height * this.ball.scaleY / 2;

            this.balance[this.ball.balance].weight += (4 / 3) * Math.PI * Math.pow((this.ball.width * this.ball.scaleX / 2), 3);

                targets: this.ball,
                y: ballDestination,
                duration: 2000,
                ease: 'Bounce',
                onComplete: this.adjustBalances,
                onCompleteScope: this

    adjustBalances: function ()
        var weightDifference = (this.balance[0].weight - this.balance[1].weight) / this.gameOptions.balanceFriction;
        var maxDifference = / 3;

        if (weightDifference > maxDifference)
            weightDifference = maxDifference;

        if (weightDifference < -maxDifference)
            weightDifference = -maxDifference;

        for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++)
            var difference = -this.balance[i].saveYPosition + weightDifference - (2 * i * weightDifference);

            this.balance[i].saveYPosition += difference;

                targets: this.balance[i].getChildren(),
                y: '+=' + difference.toString(),
                duration: 2000,
                ease: 'Quad',
                onComplete: function ()
                    this.canPlay = true;
                onCompleteScope: this

    update: function ()
        if (this.growBall && this.ball.scaleX < this.gameOptions.maxDiameter)
            this.ball.setScale(this.ball.scaleX + this.gameOptions.ballGrowingSpeed);


var config = {
    type: Phaser.AUTO,
    width: 320,
    height: 480,
    backgroundColor: '#222222',
    parent: 'phaser-example',
    scene: MassAttack

var game = new Phaser.Game(config);
While you download the source code, I would like to say “thank you” to Richard for spending his time fixing my code. Next time I will create something better.

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