Talking about Flappy Bird game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.
While Phaser 3 is becoming more and more stable, there’s still a lot to do and learn with Phaser 2, especially if you have games developed with Phaser 2 and want to keep them up to date or port to Phaser 3.
I made a Flappy Bird prototype about three years ago and it’s time to update it to the latest Phaser 2 version before showing you how to port to Phaser 3 line by line.
Also, I added some more room for customization and I not destroy any sprite during the game, I only recycle them saving memory and improving performance.
Have a look at the prototype:
Use the mouse to flap.
Now, let me show you the source code, still uncommented but rather easy to read, with a lot of customizable options:
var game;
var gameOptions = {
// bird gravity, will make bird fall if you don't flap
birdGravity: 800,
// horizontal bird speed
birdSpeed: 125,
// flap thrust
birdFlapPower: 300,
// minimum pipe height, in pixels. Affects hole position
minPipeHeight: 50,
// distance range from next pipe, in pixels
pipeDistance: [220, 280],
// hole range between pipes, in pixels
pipeHole: [100, 130],
// local storage object name
localStorageName: "bestFlappyScore"
window.onload = function() {
game = new Phaser.Game(320, 480, Phaser.CANVAS);
game.state.add("Play", play, true);
var play = function(){}
play.prototype = {
game.load.image("bird", "bird.png");
game.load.image("pipe", "pipe.png");
game.stage.backgroundColor = "#87CEEB";
game.scale.scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL;
game.scale.pageAlignHorizontally = true;
game.scale.pageAlignVertically = true;
game.stage.disableVisibilityChange = true;
this.pipeGroup =;
this.score = 0;
this.topScore = localStorage.getItem(gameOptions.localStorageName) == null ? 0 : localStorage.getItem(gameOptions.localStorageName);
this.scoreText = game.add.text(10, 10, "-", {
font:"bold 16px Arial"
this.bird = game.add.sprite(80, 240, "bird");
this.bird.body.gravity.y = gameOptions.birdGravity;
game.input.onDown.add(this.flap, this);
var pipePosition = game.width
pipePosition += game.rnd.between(gameOptions.pipeDistance[0], gameOptions.pipeDistance[1]);
} while(pipePosition < game.width * 4);
game.physics.arcade.collide(this.bird, this.pipeGroup, this.die, null, this);
if(this.bird.y > game.height || this.bird.y < 0){
updateScore: function(inc){
this.score += inc;
this.scoreText.text = "Score: " + this.score + "\nBest: " + this.topScore;
flap: function(){
this.bird.body.velocity.y = -gameOptions.birdFlapPower;
die: function(){
localStorage.setItem(gameOptions.localStorageName, Math.max(this.score, this.topScore));
addPipe: function(posX){
var pipeHoleHeight = game.rnd.between(gameOptions.pipeHole[0], gameOptions.pipeHole[1]);
var pipeHolePosition = game.rnd.between(gameOptions.minPipeHeight + pipeHoleHeight / 2, game.height - gameOptions.minPipeHeight - pipeHoleHeight / 2);
var upperPipe = new Pipe(game, posX, pipeHolePosition - pipeHoleHeight / 2, -gameOptions.birdSpeed);
upperPipe.anchor.set(0.5, 1);
var lowerPipe = new Pipe(game, posX, pipeHolePosition + pipeHoleHeight / 2, -gameOptions.birdSpeed);
lowerPipe.anchor.set(0.5, 0);
Pipe = function (game, x, y, speed) {, game, x, y, "pipe");
game.physics.enable(this, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);
this.body.velocity.x = speed;
this.giveScore = true;
Pipe.prototype = Object.create(Phaser.Sprite.prototype);
Pipe.prototype.constructor = Pipe;
Pipe.prototype.update = function() {
if(this.x + this.width < game.state.states[game.state.current].bird.x && this.giveScore){
this.giveScore = false;
if(this.x < -this.width){
this.giveScore = true;
game.state.states[game.state.current].pipeGroup.sort("x", Phaser.Group.SORT_DESCENDING);
if(game.state.states[game.state.current].pipeGroup.getChildAt(0).x == game.state.states[game.state.current].pipeGroup.getChildAt(1).x){
this.x = game.state.states[game.state.current].pipeGroup.getChildAt(0).x + game.rnd.between(gameOptions.pipeDistance[0], gameOptions.pipeDistance[1]);
this.x = game.state.states[game.state.current].pipeGroup.getChildAt(0).x;
The game is managed by ARCADE physics, and during next days you will see it improved and ported to Phaser3, meanwhile download the source code.
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