Talking about Drag and Match game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.
My pure Javascript class to handle Match3 games is being downloaded a lot of times, and it’s easy to figure out why:
class handles everything happening under the hood and tells the framework how to move items on the screen, so you only need to manage input and animations.
Moreover, the class has been written in pure JavaScript, so it can be used together with any HTML5 framework and follows ECMAScript6 syntax.
I already built a Bejeweled and a Turnellio prototype using the class, so today I extended it a bit to manage Drag and Match games.
Drag and Match games are a little more complex to handle than Match3 games because you move an entire row or an entire column each time, but thanks to my class, I reduced the number of lines from almost 500 of the original prototype to about 250.
Have a look at the game:
Drag rows or columns to match 3 or more gems of the same color.
The source code is uncommented but the class has each method commented for you to understand how it works:
let game;
let gameOptions = {
gemSize: 100,
fallSpeed: 200,
destroySpeed: 400,
movementOffset: 10
window.onload = function() {
let gameConfig = {
type: Phaser.AUTO,
scale: {
mode: Phaser.Scale.FIT,
autoCenter: Phaser.Scale.CENTER_BOTH,
parent: "thegame",
width: 800,
height: 600
scene: playGame
game = new Phaser.Game(gameConfig);
class playGame extends Phaser.Scene{
this.load.spritesheet("gems", "assets/sprites/gems.png", {
frameWidth: gameOptions.gemSize,
frameHeight: gameOptions.gemSize
this.match3 = new Match3({
rows: 6,
columns: 8,
items: 6
this.canPick = true;
this.canDrag = false;
this.input.on("pointerdown", this.startMoving, this);
this.input.on("pointermove", this.keepMoving, this);
this.input.on("pointerup", this.stopMoving, this);
this.tempGem = this.add.sprite(0, 0, "gems");
this.tempGem.visible = false;
this.tempGem.setOrigin(0, 0);
this.poolArray = [];
for(let i = 0; i < this.match3.getRows(); i ++){
for(let j = 0; j < this.match3.getColumns(); j ++){
let gemX = gameOptions.gemSize * j;
let gemY = gameOptions.gemSize * i;
let gem = this.add.sprite(gemX, gemY, "gems", this.match3.valueAt(i, j));
gem.setOrigin(0, 0);
this.match3.setCustomData(i, j, gem);
this.movingRow = false;
this.movingCol = false;
this.canPick = false;
let row = Math.floor(pointer.y / gameOptions.gemSize);
let col = Math.floor(pointer.x / gameOptions.gemSize);
if(this.match3.validPick(row, col)){
this.match3.setSelectedItem(row, col)
this.canDrag = true;
this.canPick = true;
let vector = new Phaser.Math.Vector2(pointer.x - pointer.downX, pointer.y - pointer.downY);
if(this.movingRow === false && this.movingCol === false){
if(vector.length() > gameOptions.movementOffset){
let angle = vector.angle();
if((angle >= Math.PI / 4 && angle <= Math.PI * 3 / 4) || (angle >= Math.PI * 5 / 4 && angle <= Math.PI * 7 / 4)){
this.movingCol = this.match3.getSelectedItem().column;
this.movingRow = this.match3.getSelectedItem().row;
this.tempGem.visible = true;
for(let i = 0; i < this.match3.getRows(); i++){
for(let j = 0; j < this.match3.getColumns(); j++){
if(i === this.movingRow){
this.match3.customDataOf(i, j).x = (j * gameOptions.gemSize + vector.x) % (gameOptions.gemSize * this.match3.getColumns());
this.tempGem.y = this.match3.customDataOf(i, j).y;
let offset = Math.floor(Math.abs(vector.x) / gameOptions.gemSize);
if(vector.x > 0){
offset = offset * -1 - 1;
this.tempGem.x = vector.x % gameOptions.gemSize - gameOptions.gemSize;
this.tempGem.x = vector.x % gameOptions.gemSize;
this.tempGem.setFrame(this.match3.valueAtDelta(this.match3.getSelectedItem().row, 0, 0, offset))
if(this.match3.customDataOf(i, j).x < 0){
this.match3.customDataOf(i, j).x += gameOptions.gemSize * this.match3.getColumns();
if(j === this.movingCol){
this.match3.customDataOf(i, j).y = (i * gameOptions.gemSize + vector.y) % (gameOptions.gemSize * this.match3.getRows());
this.tempGem.x = this.match3.customDataOf(i, j).x;
let offset = Math.floor(Math.abs(vector.y) / gameOptions.gemSize);
if(vector.y > 0){
offset = offset * -1 - 1;
this.tempGem.y = vector.y % gameOptions.gemSize - gameOptions.gemSize;
this.tempGem.y = vector.y % gameOptions.gemSize;
this.tempGem.setFrame(this.match3.valueAtDelta(0, this.match3.getSelectedItem().column, offset, 0))
if(this.match3.customDataOf(i, j).y < 0){
this.match3.customDataOf(i, j).y += gameOptions.gemSize * this.match3.getRows();
this.canDrag = false;
let vector = new Phaser.Math.Vector2(pointer.upX - pointer.downX, pointer.upY - pointer.downY);
this.gemsToMove = [];
let movement = new Phaser.Math.Vector2(0, 0);
if(this.movingCol !== false){
let offset = Math.round(vector.y / gameOptions.gemSize);
let gemsToMove = this.match3.shiftColumnBy(this.movingCol, offset);
if(Math.abs(this.match3.customDataOf(gem.row, gem.column).y - gem.row * gameOptions.gemSize) > gameOptions.gemSize){
let temp = this.match3.customDataOf(gem.row, gem.column).y;
this.match3.customDataOf(gem.row, gem.column).y = this.tempGem.y;
this.tempGem.y = temp;
this.gemsToMove.push(this.match3.customDataOf(gem.row, gem.column));
let destination = (this.tempGem.y < 0) ? -gameOptions.gemSize : this.match3.getRows() * gameOptions.gemSize;
movement.y = destination - this.tempGem.y;
if(this.movingRow !== false){
let offset = Math.round(vector.x / gameOptions.gemSize);
let gemsToMove = this.match3.shiftRowBy(this.movingRow, offset);
if(Math.abs(this.match3.customDataOf(gem.row, gem.column).x - gem.column * gameOptions.gemSize) > gameOptions.gemSize){
let temp = this.match3.customDataOf(gem.row, gem.column).x;
this.match3.customDataOf(gem.row, gem.column).x = this.tempGem.x;
this.tempGem.x = temp;
this.gemsToMove.push(this.match3.customDataOf(gem.row, gem.column));
let destination = (this.tempGem.x < 0) ? -gameOptions.gemSize : this.match3.getColumns() * gameOptions.gemSize;
movement.x = destination - this.tempGem.x;
targets: this.gemsToMove,
props: {
y: {
value: "+=" + movement.y
x: {
value: "+=" + movement.x
duration: Math.abs(gameOptions.destroySpeed / gameOptions.gemSize * (movement.x + movement.y)),
callbackScope: this,
onComplete: function(event, sprite){
this.tempGem.visible = false;
let gemsToRemove = this.match3.getMatchList();
let destroyed = 0;
this.poolArray.push(this.match3.customDataOf(gem.row, gem.column))
destroyed ++;
targets: this.match3.customDataOf(gem.row, gem.column),
alpha: 0,
duration: gameOptions.destroySpeed,
callbackScope: this,
onComplete: function(event, sprite){
destroyed --;
if(destroyed == 0){
this.canPick = true;
let moved = 0;
let fallingMovements = this.match3.arrangeBoardAfterMatch();
moved ++;
targets: this.match3.customDataOf(movement.row, movement.column),
y: this.match3.customDataOf(movement.row, movement.column).y + movement.deltaRow * gameOptions.gemSize,
duration: gameOptions.fallSpeed * Math.abs(movement.deltaRow),
callbackScope: this,
onComplete: function(){
moved --;
if(moved == 0){
let replenishMovements = this.match3.replenishBoard();
moved ++;
let sprite = this.poolArray.pop();
sprite.alpha = 1;
sprite.y = gameOptions.gemSize * (movement.row - movement.deltaRow);
sprite.x = gameOptions.gemSize * movement.column,
sprite.setFrame(this.match3.valueAt(movement.row, movement.column));
this.match3.setCustomData(movement.row, movement.column, sprite);
targets: sprite,
y: gameOptions.gemSize * movement.row,
duration: gameOptions.fallSpeed * movement.deltaRow,
callbackScope: this,
onComplete: function(){
moved --;
if(moved == 0){
delay: 250,
callback: this.handleMatches()
this.canPick = true;
this.selectedGem = null;
class Match3{
// constructor, simply turns obj information into class properties
if(obj == undefined){
obj = {}
this.rows = (obj.rows != undefined) ? obj.rows : 8;
this.columns = (obj.columns != undefined) ? obj.columns : 7;
this.items = (obj.items != undefined) ? obj.items : 6;
// generates the game field
this.gameArray = [];
this.selectedItem = false;
for(let i = 0; i < this.rows; i ++){
this.gameArray[i] = [];
for(let j = 0; j < this.columns; j ++){
let randomValue = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.items);
this.gameArray[i][j] = {
value: randomValue,
isLocked: false,
isEmpty: false,
row: i,
column: j
} while(this.isPartOfMatch(i, j));
// locks a random Item and returns item coordinates, or false
let unlockedItems = [];
for(let i = 0; i < this.rows; i ++){
for(let j = 0; j < this.columns; j ++){
if(!this.isLocked(i, j)){
row: i,
column: j
if(unlockedItems.length > 0){
let item = unlockedItems[Math.floor(Math.random() * unlockedItems.length)];
this.lockAt(item.row, item.column)
return item;
return false;
// returns a random row number
return Math.floor(Math.random() * this.rows);
// returns a random column number
return Math.floor(Math.random() * this.columns);
// locks the item at row, column
lockAt(row, column){
this.gameArray[row][column].isLocked = true;
// returns true if item at row, column is locked
isLocked(row, column){
return this.gameArray[row][column].isLocked;
// returns true if there is a match in the board
for(let i = 0; i < this.rows; i ++){
for(let j = 0; j < this.columns; j ++){
if(this.isPartOfMatch(i, j)){
return true;
return false;
// returns true if the item at (row, column) is part of a match
isPartOfMatch(row, column){
return this.isPartOfHorizontalMatch(row, column) || this.isPartOfVerticalMatch(row, column);
// returns true if the item at (row, column) is part of an horizontal match
isPartOfHorizontalMatch(row, column){
return this.valueAt(row, column) === this.valueAt(row, column - 1) && this.valueAt(row, column) === this.valueAt(row, column - 2) ||
this.valueAt(row, column) === this.valueAt(row, column + 1) && this.valueAt(row, column) === this.valueAt(row, column + 2) ||
this.valueAt(row, column) === this.valueAt(row, column - 1) && this.valueAt(row, column) === this.valueAt(row, column + 1);
// returns true if the item at (row, column) is part of an horizontal match
isPartOfVerticalMatch(row, column){
return this.valueAt(row, column) === this.valueAt(row - 1, column) && this.valueAt(row, column) === this.valueAt(row - 2, column) ||
this.valueAt(row, column) === this.valueAt(row + 1, column) && this.valueAt(row, column) === this.valueAt(row + 2, column) ||
this.valueAt(row, column) === this.valueAt(row - 1, column) && this.valueAt(row, column) === this.valueAt(row + 1, column)
// increments the value of the item
incValueAt(row, column){
this.gameArray[row][column].value = (this.gameArray[row][column].value + 1) % this.items
// returns the value of the item at (row, column), or false if it's not a valid pick
valueAt(row, column){
if(!this.validPick(row, column)){
return false;
return this.gameArray[row][column].value;
// returns the value of the item at (row + deltaRow, column + deltaColumn), wrapping around the array if necessary, or false if (row, column) is not a valid pick
valueAtDelta(row, column, deltaRow, deltaColumn){
if(!this.validPick(row, column)){
return false;
let destinationRow = ((row + deltaRow) % this.getRows() + this.getRows()) % this.getRows();
let destinationColumn = ((column + deltaColumn) % this.getColumns() + this.getColumns()) % this.getColumns();
return this.valueAt(destinationRow, destinationColumn);
// returns true if the item at (row, column) is a valid pick
validPick(row, column){
return row >= 0 && row < this.rows && column >= 0 && column < this.columns && this.gameArray[row] != undefined && this.gameArray[row][column] != undefined;
// outputs the values to console, useful for debugging
let output = "";
for(let i = 0; i < this.getRows(); i++){
for(let j = 0; j < this.getColumns(); j++){
output += this.valueAt(i, j);
output += " ";
output += "\n";
// shifts a column by "offset" amount, returns an array with new gems position
shiftColumnBy(column, offset){
let resultArray = [];
let tempArray = [];
let moveArray = [];
for(let i = 0; i < this.getRows(); i++){
tempArray[i] = Object.assign(this.gameArray[i][column]);
for(let i = 0; i < this.getRows(); i++){
let actualShift = ((i - offset) % this.getRows() + this.getRows()) % this.getRows();
this.gameArray[i][column] = Object.assign(tempArray[actualShift]);
row: i,
column: column,
deltaRow: offset,
deltaColumn: 0
return moveArray;
// shifts a column by "offset" amount, returns an array with new gems position
shiftRowBy(row, offset){
let resultArray = [];
let tempArray = [];
let moveArray = [];
for(let i = 0; i < this.getColumns(); i++){
tempArray[i] = Object.assign(this.gameArray[row][i]);
for(let i = 0; i < this.getColumns(); i++){
let actualShift = ((i - offset) % this.getColumns() + this.getColumns()) % this.getColumns();
this.gameArray[row][i] = Object.assign(tempArray[actualShift]);
row: row,
column: i,
deltaRow: 0,
deltaColumn: offset
return moveArray;
// returns the number of board rows
return this.rows;
// returns the number of board columns
return this.columns;
// sets a custom data on the item at (row, column)
setCustomData(row, column, customData){
this.gameArray[row][column].customData = customData;
// returns the custom data of the item at (row, column)
customDataOf(row, column){
return this.gameArray[row][column].customData;
// returns the selected item
return this.selectedItem;
// set the selected item as a {row, column} object
setSelectedItem(row, column){
this.selectedItem = {
row: row,
column: column
// deleselects any item
this.selectedItem = false;
// checks if the item at (row, column) is the same as the item at (row2, column2)
areTheSame(row, column, row2, column2){
return row == row2 && column == column2;
// returns true if two items at (row, column) and (row2, column2) are next to each other horizontally or vertically
areNext(row, column, row2, column2){
return Math.abs(row - row2) + Math.abs(column - column2) == 1;
// swap the items at (row, column) and (row2, column2) and returns an object with movement information
swapItems(row, column, row2, column2){
let tempObject = Object.assign(this.gameArray[row][column]);
this.gameArray[row][column] = Object.assign(this.gameArray[row2][column2]);
this.gameArray[row2][column2] = Object.assign(tempObject);
return [{
row: row,
column: column,
deltaRow: row - row2,
deltaColumn: column - column2
row: row2,
column: column2,
deltaRow: row2 - row,
deltaColumn: column2 - column
// return the items part of a match in the board as an array of {row, column} object
let matches = [];
for(let i = 0; i < this.rows; i ++){
for(let j = 0; j < this.columns; j ++){
if(this.isPartOfMatch(i, j)){
row: i,
column: j
return matches;
// removes all items forming a match
let matches = this.getMatchList();
this.setEmpty(item.row, item.column)
// set the item at (row, column) as empty
setEmpty(row, column){
this.gameArray[row][column].isEmpty = true;
// returns true if the item at (row, column) is empty
isEmpty(row, column){
return this.gameArray[row][column].isEmpty;
// returns the amount of empty spaces below the item at (row, column)
emptySpacesBelow(row, column){
let result = 0;
if(row != this.getRows()){
for(let i = row + 1; i < this.getRows(); i ++){
if(this.isEmpty(i, column)){
result ++;
return result;
// arranges the board after a match, making items fall down. Returns an object with movement information
let result = []
for(let i = this.getRows() - 2; i >= 0; i --){
for(let j = 0; j < this.getColumns(); j ++){
let emptySpaces = this.emptySpacesBelow(i, j);
if(!this.isEmpty(i, j) && emptySpaces > 0){
this.swapItems(i, j, i + emptySpaces, j)
row: i + emptySpaces,
column: j,
deltaRow: emptySpaces,
deltaColumn: 0
return result;
// replenished the board and returns an object with movement information
let result = [];
for(let i = 0; i < this.getColumns(); i ++){
if(this.isEmpty(0, i)){
let emptySpaces = this.emptySpacesBelow(0, i) + 1;
for(let j = 0; j < emptySpaces; j ++){
let randomValue = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.items);
row: j,
column: i,
deltaRow: emptySpaces,
deltaColumn: 0
this.gameArray[j][i].value = randomValue;
this.gameArray[j][i].isEmpty = false;
this.gameArray[j][i].isLocked = false;
return result;
I will keep adding features to the class, so download the source code and stay tuned.
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