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Talking about Bejeweled game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.

I was looking at all the Bejeweled prototypes I made during these years and I noticed each time I port the game in a new language or framework, I simply have to handle different ways to make the player interact and how to place and move stuff on the screen.

The rest of the engine basically remains the same. So I decided to split the prototype in two: a Match3 class which handles what happens under the hood and tells the framework how to move items on the screen, and the framework-specific part where I manage player input and move stuff around.

The class itself is still just a prototype because I have to add some more methods, but I was able to have my Bejeweled game running just by handling input and animations.

One feature I really like is the way the class tells the main script what to move and how to move: an array of objects with item row, item column, delta row – the amount of rows you have to move the item – and delta column – same concept applied to columns – is returned each time the player moves.

The class manages it all and returns this array, then you have to move stuff on the screen with your framework.

The class has been written in pure JavaScript, so it can be used together with any HTML5 framework and follows ECMAScript6 syntax.

This is the game I created with it:

Play Bejeweled with the rules you know. I disabled swipe detection to keep the code small and allow you to focus on the class. Any board size is allowed.

Here is the source code:

let game;
let gameOptions = {
    gemSize: 100,
    swapSpeed: 200,
    fallSpeed: 100,
    destroySpeed: 200,
    boardOffset: {
        x: 100,
        y: 50
window.onload = function() {
    let gameConfig = {
        width: 900,
        height: 900,
        scene: playGame,
        backgroundColor: 0x222222
    game = new Phaser.Game(gameConfig);
    window.addEventListener("resize", resize, false);
class playGame extends Phaser.Scene{
        this.load.spritesheet("gems", "assets/sprites/gems.png", {
            frameWidth: gameOptions.gemSize,
            frameHeight: gameOptions.gemSize
        this.match3 = new Match3({
            rows: 8,
            columns: 7,
            items: 6
        this.canPick = true;
        this.dragging = false;
        this.input.on("pointerdown", this.gemSelect, this);
        this.poolArray = [];
        for(let i = 0; i < this.match3.getRows(); i ++){
            for(let j = 0; j < this.match3.getColumns(); j ++){
                let gemX = gameOptions.boardOffset.x + gameOptions.gemSize * j + gameOptions.gemSize / 2;
                let gemY = gameOptions.boardOffset.y + gameOptions.gemSize * i + gameOptions.gemSize / 2
                let gem = this.add.sprite(gemX, gemY, "gems", this.match3.valueAt(i, j));
                this.match3.setCustomData(i, j, gem);
            this.dragging = true;
            let row = Math.floor((pointer.y - gameOptions.boardOffset.y) / gameOptions.gemSize);
            let col = Math.floor((pointer.x - gameOptions.boardOffset.x) / gameOptions.gemSize);
            if(this.match3.validPick(row, col)){
                let selectedGem = this.match3.getSelectedItem();
                    this.match3.customDataOf(row, col).setScale(1.2);
                    this.match3.customDataOf(row, col).setDepth(1);
                    this.match3.setSelectedItem(row, col);
                    if(this.match3.areTheSame(row, col, selectedGem.row, selectedGem.column)){
                        this.match3.customDataOf(row, col).setScale(1);
                        if(this.match3.areNext(row, col, selectedGem.row, selectedGem.column)){
                            this.match3.customDataOf(selectedGem.row, selectedGem.column).setScale(1);
                            this.swapGems(row, col, selectedGem.row, selectedGem.column, true);
                            this.match3.customDataOf(selectedGem.row, selectedGem.column).setScale(1);
                            this.match3.customDataOf(row, col).setScale(1.2);
                            this.match3.setSelectedItem(row, col);
    swapGems(row, col, row2, col2, swapBack){
        let movements = this.match3.swapItems(row, col, row2, col2);
        this.swappingGems = 2;
        this.canPick = false;
                targets: this.match3.customDataOf(movement.row, movement.column),
                x: this.match3.customDataOf(movement.row, movement.column).x + gameOptions.gemSize * movement.deltaColumn,
                y: this.match3.customDataOf(movement.row, movement.column).y + gameOptions.gemSize * movement.deltaRow,
                duration: gameOptions.swapSpeed,
                callbackScope: this,
                onComplete: function(){
                    this.swappingGems --;
                    if(this.swappingGems == 0){
                                this.swapGems(row, col, row2, col2, false);
                                this.canPick = true;
        let gemsToRemove = this.match3.getMatchList();
        let destroyed = 0;
            this.poolArray.push(this.match3.customDataOf(gem.row, gem.column))
            destroyed ++;
                targets: this.match3.customDataOf(gem.row, gem.column),
                alpha: 0,
                duration: gameOptions.destroySpeed,
                callbackScope: this,
                onComplete: function(event, sprite){
                    destroyed --;
                    if(destroyed == 0){

        let moved = 0;
        let fallingMovements = this.match3.arrangeBoardAfterMatch();
            moved ++;
                targets: this.match3.customDataOf(movement.row, movement.column),
                y: this.match3.customDataOf(movement.row, movement.column).y + movement.deltaRow * gameOptions.gemSize,
                duration: gameOptions.fallSpeed * Math.abs(movement.deltaRow),
                callbackScope: this,
                onComplete: function(){
                    moved --;
                    if(moved == 0){
        let replenishMovements = this.match3.replenishBoard();
            moved ++;
            let sprite = this.poolArray.pop();
            sprite.alpha = 1;
            sprite.y = gameOptions.boardOffset.y + gameOptions.gemSize * (movement.row - movement.deltaRow + 1) - gameOptions.gemSize / 2;
            sprite.x = gameOptions.boardOffset.x + gameOptions.gemSize * movement.column + gameOptions.gemSize / 2,
            sprite.setFrame(this.match3.valueAt(movement.row, movement.column));
            this.match3.setCustomData(movement.row, movement.column, sprite);
                targets: sprite,
                y: gameOptions.boardOffset.y + gameOptions.gemSize * movement.row + gameOptions.gemSize / 2,
                duration: gameOptions.fallSpeed * movement.deltaRow,
                callbackScope: this,
                onComplete: function(){
                    moved --;
                    if(moved == 0){
                delay: 250,
                callback: this.handleMatches()
            this.canPick = true;
            this.selectedGem = null;

class Match3{

    // constructor, simply turns obj information into class properties
        this.rows = obj.rows;
        this.columns = obj.columns;
        this.items = obj.items;

    // generates the game field
        this.gameArray = [];
        this.selectedItem = false;
        for(let i = 0; i < this.rows; i ++){
            this.gameArray[i] = [];
            for(let j = 0; j < this.columns; j ++){
                    let randomValue = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.items);
                    this.gameArray[i][j] = {
                        value: randomValue,
                        isEmpty: false,
                        row: i,
                        column: j
                } while(this.isPartOfMatch(i, j));

    // returns true if there is a match in the board
        for(let i = 0; i < this.rows; i ++){
            for(let j = 0; j < this.columns; j ++){
                if(this.isPartOfMatch(i, j)){
                    return true;
        return false;

    // returns true if the item at (row, column) is part of a match
    isPartOfMatch(row, column){
        return this.isPartOfHorizontalMatch(row, column) || this.isPartOfVerticalMatch(row, column);

    // returns true if the item at (row, column) is part of an horizontal match
    isPartOfHorizontalMatch(row, column){
        return this.valueAt(row, column) === this.valueAt(row, column - 1) && this.valueAt(row, column) === this.valueAt(row, column - 2) ||
                this.valueAt(row, column) === this.valueAt(row, column + 1) && this.valueAt(row, column) === this.valueAt(row, column + 2) ||
                this.valueAt(row, column) === this.valueAt(row, column - 1) && this.valueAt(row, column) === this.valueAt(row, column + 1);

    // returns true if the item at (row, column) is part of an horizontal match
    isPartOfVerticalMatch(row, column){
        return this.valueAt(row, column) === this.valueAt(row - 1, column) && this.valueAt(row, column) === this.valueAt(row - 2, column) ||
                this.valueAt(row, column) === this.valueAt(row + 1, column) && this.valueAt(row, column) === this.valueAt(row + 2, column) ||
                this.valueAt(row, column) === this.valueAt(row - 1, column) && this.valueAt(row, column) === this.valueAt(row + 1, column)

    // returns the value of the item at (row, column), or false if it's not a valid pick
    valueAt(row, column){
        if(!this.validPick(row, column)){
            return false;
        return this.gameArray[row][column].value;

    // returns true if the item at (row, column) is a valid pick
    validPick(row, column){
        return row >= 0 && row < this.rows && column >= 0 && column < this.columns && this.gameArray[row] != undefined && this.gameArray[row][column] != undefined;

    // returns the number of board rows
        return this.rows;

    // returns the number of board columns
        return this.columns;

    // sets a custom data on the item at (row, column)
    setCustomData(row, column, customData){
        this.gameArray[row][column].customData = customData;

    // returns the custom data of the item at (row, column)
    customDataOf(row, column){
        return this.gameArray[row][column].customData;

    // returns the selected item
        return this.selectedItem;

    // set the selected item as a {row, column} object
    setSelectedItem(row, column){
        this.selectedItem = {
            row: row,
            column: column

    // deleselects any item
        this.selectedItem = false;

    // checks if the item at (row, column) is the same as the item at (row2, column2)
    areTheSame(row, column, row2, column2){
        return row == row2 && column == column2;

    // returns true if two items at (row, column) and (row2, column2) are next to each other horizontally or vertically
    areNext(row, column, row2, column2){
        return Math.abs(row - row2) + Math.abs(column - column2) == 1;

    // swap the items at (row, column) and (row2, column2) and returns an object with movement information
    swapItems(row, column, row2, column2){
        let tempObject = Object.assign(this.gameArray[row][column]);
        this.gameArray[row][column] = Object.assign(this.gameArray[row2][column2]);
        this.gameArray[row2][column2] = Object.assign(tempObject);
        return [{
            row: row,
            column: column,
            deltaRow: row - row2,
            deltaColumn: column - column2
            row: row2,
            column: column2,
            deltaRow: row2 - row,
            deltaColumn: column2 - column

    // return the items part of a match in the board as an array of {row, column} object
        let matches = [];
        for(let i = 0; i < this.rows; i ++){
            for(let j = 0; j < this.columns; j ++){
                if(this.isPartOfMatch(i, j)){
                        row: i,
                        column: j
        return matches;

    // removes all items forming a match
        let matches = this.getMatchList();
            this.setEmpty(item.row, item.column)

    // set the item at (row, column) as empty
    setEmpty(row, column){
        this.gameArray[row][column].isEmpty = true;

    // returns true if the item at (row, column) is empty
    isEmpty(row, column){
        return this.gameArray[row][column].isEmpty;

    // returns the amount of empty spaces below the item at (row, column)
    emptySpacesBelow(row, column){
        let result = 0;
        if(row != this.getRows()){
            for(let i = row + 1; i < this.getRows(); i ++){
                if(this.isEmpty(i, column)){
                    result ++;
        return result;

    // arranges the board after a match, making items fall down. Returns an object with movement information
        let result = []
        for(let i = this.getRows() - 2; i >= 0; i --){
            for(let j = 0; j < this.getColumns(); j ++){
                let emptySpaces = this.emptySpacesBelow(i, j);
                if(!this.isEmpty(i, j) && emptySpaces > 0){
                    this.swapItems(i, j, i + emptySpaces, j)
                        row: i + emptySpaces,
                        column: j,
                        deltaRow: emptySpaces,
                        deltaColumn: 0
        return result;

    // replenished the board and returns an object with movement information
        let result = [];
        for(let i = 0; i < this.getColumns(); i ++){
            if(this.isEmpty(0, i)){
                let emptySpaces = this.emptySpacesBelow(0, i) + 1;
                for(let j = 0; j < emptySpaces; j ++){
                    let randomValue = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.items);
                        row: j,
                        column: i,
                        deltaRow: emptySpaces,
                        deltaColumn: 0
                    this.gameArray[j][i].value = randomValue;
                    this.gameArray[j][i].isEmpty = false;
        return result;

function resize() {
    var canvas = document.querySelector("canvas");
    var windowWidth = window.innerWidth;
    var windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
    var windowRatio = windowWidth / windowHeight;
    var gameRatio = game.config.width / game.config.height;
    if(windowRatio < gameRatio){ = windowWidth + "px"; = (windowWidth / gameRatio) + "px";
    else{ = (windowHeight * gameRatio) + "px"; = windowHeight + "px";

Match3 class has some comments, and I plan to add more comments and features to the class. I am also open to suggestions and feedback to make the class more and more powerful, having a complete Match 3 engine which handles the game leaving you only the audio/video part of the coding. Download the source code and give me feedback.

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