“Dashy Panda” HTML5 game updated to Phaser 3.18.1 with more room for customization and object pooling
Talking about Dashy Panda game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.
We celebrate the release of Phaser 3.18 with the update of Dashy Panda, a fun hyper casual game which I prototyped three years ago.
It’s an endless runner with a Panda looking for rice bowls and avoiding spikes. When you touch the screen the Panda walks, when you release the screen the panda stops.
Like in most endless runner games, the character controlled by the player does not actually “run”, as it remains in a fixed position while the whole environment runs towards the character.
The key features developed in the first step are:
1) The panda isn’t completely immovable but it actually walks for a certain amount of pixels before stopping and having the environment run towards it
2) The spikes, the only deadly enemy at the moment, appear from the ground in a well randomized way, as they have random placement, raise to a random height at a random speed, then remain underground for a random amount of time.
We were able to replicate spikes movement only using tweens.
In the update, obviously now the game runs with Phaser 3.18 but we also added more room for customization as you will see looking at gameOptions
game object, and two new features:
3) Object pooling to reuse spikes when they leave the screen rather than destroying them to create new ones
4) Mercy for the player: we won’t use ARCADE physics bouding box collision, but we’ll create smaller bounding boxes to make the game easier: spikes will be less deadly.
Have a look at the game:
Tap/click and hold to make the panda walk, release to make it stop, do not touch spikes.
Purple lines represent the bounding boxes of bodies used to check for collisions. As you can see they are smaller than the sprites: this is what I call “mercy for the player”.
Have a look at the completely commented source code:
let game;
let gameOptions = {
// ground height, in pixels
groundHeight: 40,
// panda movement range, in pixels
pandaMovement: [40, 160],
// panda speed, in pixels per second
pandaSpeed: 200,
// pixels distance range between spikes
spikeGap: [50, 140],
// spike speed, in milliseconds to complete the tween
spikeSpeed: [350, 700],
// spike loop delay, in milliseconds
spikeDelay: [300, 700],
// height of the spike, in pixels
spikeHeight: [20, 55]
window.onload = function() {
let gameConfig = {
type: Phaser.AUTO,
scale: {
mode: Phaser.Scale.FIT,
autoCenter: Phaser.Scale.CENTER_BOTH,
parent: "thegame",
width: 480,
height: 320
physics: {
default: "arcade",
arcade: {
debug: true
scene: playGame
game = new Phaser.Game(gameConfig);
class playGame extends Phaser.Scene{
this.load.image("ground", "ground.png");
this.load.image("panda", "panda.png");
this.load.image("spike", "spike.png");
// physics group which contains all spikes
this.spikeGroup = this.physics.add.group();
// first spike position is in the horizontal center of the canvas
let spikeX = game.config.width / 2;
// we place 10 spikes. 10 are more than enough to give the feeling of an endless runner
for(let i = 0; i < 10; i++){
// spike creation
let spike = this.spikeGroup.create(spikeX, game.config.height - gameOptions.groundHeight, "spike");
// spike registration point is center / bottom
spike.setOrigin(0.5, 0);
// immovable - won't move if something collides with it
// set the physics body size smaller than the spike itself, so the game will sometimes forgive the player
spike.setSize(12, 40, true);
// method to create a tween and attach it to the spike
// determine next spike position
spikeX += Phaser.Math.Between(gameOptions.spikeGap[0], gameOptions.spikeGap[1]);
// add the panda to the game
this.panda = this.physics.add.sprite(gameOptions.pandaMovement[0], game.config.height - gameOptions.groundHeight, "panda");
this.panda.setOrigin(0.5, 1);
this.panda.setSize(24, 30, true);
// the panda can move only until it reaches pandaXLimit. Then the
// whole game will move towards the panda
this.panda.canMove = true;
// isMoving tells if the panda or the whole game are moving. In other
// words if the player wants to move the panda, no matter what is
// actually being moved
this.panda.isMoving = false;
// add the ground to the game
let ground = this.add.sprite(0, game.config.height - gameOptions.groundHeight, "ground");
ground.setOrigin(0, 0);
// move the panda when an input is pressed
this.input.on("pointerdown", this.movePanda, this);
// stop the panda when an input is released
this.input.on("pointerup", this.stopPanda, this);
// object affected by the tween
targets: object,
// y position to tween
y: game.config.height - gameOptions.groundHeight - Phaser.Math.Between(gameOptions.spikeHeight[0], gameOptions.spikeHeight[1]),
// tween duration
duration: Phaser.Math.Between(gameOptions.spikeSpeed[0], gameOptions.spikeSpeed[1]),
// play the tween forever
repeat: -1,
// playing the tween back and forth
yoyo: true,
// tween easing
ease: "Quint.easeIn"
// the idea is: if the panda can move, then move the panda, else
// move all spikes towards the panda. Then set isMoving to true
this.panda.body.velocity.x = gameOptions.pandaSpeed;
this.panda.isMoving = true;
// the idea is: stop the panda and all spikes, set isMoving to false
this.panda.body.velocity.x = 0;
this.panda.isMoving = false;
// getting rightmost spike
let rightmostSpike = 0;
rightmostSpike = Math.max(rightmostSpike, spike.x);
return rightmostSpike;
// this is how I make the panda stop when it reaches its maximum
// horizontal position and start moving the environment instead
if(this.panda.canMove && this.panda.x > gameOptions.pandaMovement[1]){
this.panda.canMove = false;
this.panda.body.velocity.x = 0;
// recycle spikes when they leave the screen
if(spike.getBounds().right < 0){
spike.x = this.getRightmostSpike() + Phaser.Math.Between(gameOptions.spikeGap[0], gameOptions.spikeGap[1]);
spike.y = game.config.height - gameOptions.groundHeight;
}, this);
// restart the game if the panda hits the spikes
this.physics.world.collide(this.panda, this.spikeGroup, function(){
}, null, this)
As you can see, in about 100 lines of code we built another cute hyper casual HTML5 game. Download the source code.
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