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Talking about 3D, Box2D, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.

2019 is about to end and it’s time to have a look at the game series published this year.

25 (twenty-five!) game series have been published or updated this year, so let’s enjoy this recap and don’t forget to leave a comment or drop me a message if there is some game/framework/language you would like to see explained during 2020 in this blog.

1 – A generic Endless Runner is always a nice place to start. This HTML5 prototype features some interesting stuff such as parallax background, textures, random platforms, coins to collect, player animation, object pooling and a collision management which is intentionally kind to the player.

2 – String Avoider is an old Flash glory which has been ported to Phaser 3, waiting for avoider games to gain popularity again.

3 – Stick Hero is an hyper casual game built with Phaser without any physics engine, only using tweens. The game Irresponsible Ninja was built starting from this prototype.

4 – One Tap RPG is a Pachinko game with some basic RPG elements, built with Phaser 3 using Matter physics.

5 – Mickey Hooks is one of the best casual platformers and this year was updated to Phaser 3 using Matter physics.

6 – Less famous than Mickey Hooks but still providing a lot of fun, Fling is a Unity game I ported to HTML5 using Phaser and Matter physics. My game Gems n’ Ropes was built starting from this prototype.

7 – Spinny Gun is an hyper casual game featuring a spinning gun and some targets moving along a path. The prototype was built with no physics, only using paths and tweens.

8 – Yeah Bunny is a platform game which can compete with Super Mario, and my prototype using Phaser and Arcade physics features jump, double jump, wall jump, wall slide, a “stop” and a “trampoline” tile.

9 – Radical is a vertical endless runner which allows you to dodge walls in three modes, and this year was updated to Phaser 3 featuring object pooling.

10 – SameGame has been also updated this year, featuring a pure JavaScript class with no dependencies and a reverse gravity option.

11 – Flappy Bird has been the king of hyper casual games for some time so I will be keeping updating it as long as new framework versions are released.

12 – Tipsy Tower has been ported in a lot of frameworks: Unity, Phaser + Box2D physics, Panda 2, Defold and this year Phaser 3 + Matter physics.

13 – Turnellio was another old Flash blockbuster. It’s a Match 3 game I ported to Phaser 3 using a pure JavaScript class with no dependencies.

14 – Hundreds concept absolutely required a mouse, but I managed to change input management and twist a bit the game play and now can be also played on touch devices, powered by Phaser 3.

15 – Dashy Panda is a hyper casual horizontal endless runner, this year improved by adding coins to collect. Featuring Arcade physics.

16 – Bouncing Ball has an innovative way to control player movement while remaining a quick and easy hyper casual endless runner. I built my take on this game using Phaser 3 and Arcade physics, adding a couple more features.

17 – Pocket Snap is a physics game I wanted to build using pure physics simulation, constraints and trigonometry. When I say “pure physics” I mean the ball is not launched by applying a force to it but thanks to a constraint acting like a spring.

18 – The Wheel of Fortune I started building back in 2015 got two updates this year and now features a huge list of options including prize esclusions, texts, emojis, icons, prizes probability, gradients, rings, inertia and much more.

19 – Bouncing Ball 2 is the sequel of – guess what – Bouncing Ball and adds a twist to the original game.

20 – Risky Road is a physics endless runner. You must drive a truck along a randomly generated terrain, and you carry a gem with you. If the gem falls off the truck, it’s game over. It features Matter physics and a randomly generated series of hills, mountains and bumps. My game RRRisky Hills was built starting from this prototype.

21 – Bouncy Light is another game featuring a bouncing ball and an endless terrain, it does its job and was built using Phaser 3 and Arcade physics.

22 – Fuse Ballz is something between a pool game and a match 3 game, and its gameplay requires some tweaks to real world physics. You could earn a lot about Matter physics from this tutorial.

23 – Don’t Touch the Spikes was initially built last year but in 2019 I added a 3D version powered by BuildBox with almost no code.

24 – Dash N Blast is my take on a 3D physics game using Phaser and no physics engines. Just tweens, arcs and good old trigonometry.

25 – Finally, Bejeweled is a game which must be updated no matter how old is the original game. The latest update features ECMA Script 6 conventions, a fix on the swipe gesture and a pure JavaScript class with no dependencies to build your match 3 game with any framework.

Thank you for being my reader in 2019, wish you a 2020 with almost no bugs.

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