Talking about Serious Scramblers game, Game development and HTML5.
Here I am with a massive update about Serious Scramblers game developed with no code using GDevelop.
The game now features:
* Fancy graphics by Pixel Frog.
* Endless runner action with recycling platforms
* Patrolling enemies you can kill by stomping on them
* Disappearing platforms
* Deadly saw you can’t kill, but you can use to kill enemies
* Death animation
* Increasing scrolling speed when you are close to the bottom of the stage.
But most of all, I learned a lot about GDevelop, and once the game is finished I will be ready to post a detailed tutorial about it.
Have a look at the game:
Focus on the canvas, then play with LEFT and RIGHT or A and D keys to move, SPACE, SHIFT or W to jump.
Do not fall down or disappear from the upper side, watch out for disappearing platforms, the grey ones, and avoid enemies, or kill them by landing on their head.
Saws are deadly for you and for the enemies too, and you can kill enemies by letting a saw drop on their heads-
Being GDevelop a no code tool, there isn’t any source code to show, anyway this is how I built the game.
These are the objects used in the game:
Hero: the player, the hero of the game.
Enemy: a simple enemy hero can kill by stomping it.
Platform: the platform, can be a normal platform or a disappearing platform.
Saw: a deadly rotating saw.
I also added seven scene variables:
maxYPos: here I store the lowest platform y position, useful to know where to place a newly recycled platform.
gameStarted: boolean variable to check if the game started.
enemyRatio: probability of an enemy to spawn on the platform (0: never – 99: always).
disappearingRatio: probability of a platform to disappear when the player lands on it (0: never – 99: always).
verticalSpeed: platform vertical speed movement, in pixels per second.
sawRatio: probability of a saw to spawn on the platform (0: never – 99: always).
gameOver: flag to check if the game is over.
Platform object has two interal variables:
initialized: boolean variable to check if a platform has been initialized (correctly placed, with an enemy on it, and so on)
disappearing: boolean variable to check if the platform is a disappearing platform.
Patrolling enemies have four internal variables:
left: maximum left position reachable before the enemy starts to move to the right
right: maximum right position reachable before the enemy starts to move to the left
goingRight: boolean variable. Is the enemy moving to the right? If not, it’s moving to the left.
dead: flag to check if the enemy is dead.
Saws also have four internal variables:
left: maximum left position reachable before the saw starts to move to the right
right: maximum right position reachable before the saw starts to move to the left
goingRight: boolean variable. Is the saw moving to the right? If not, it’s moving to the left.
falling: flag to check if the flag is falling.
Being a nocode tool, it’s a bit complicated to show you the entire project, anyway here it is (click and enlarge it)
Here is the full project for you to download, next time I am adding more enemy types and a score system.
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