From zero to Bombuzal
Normally I use to write tutorials explaining what I’ve done to try to replicate a famous game, but I always start with a “clean” actionscript, without all errors made during its creation This time, I will write a tutorial based about what I do, step by step (errors included) to replicate an old C64 glory. … From zero to Bombuzal
Jail Break: Flash game based on Security tutorials
Jail Break is an interesting game made by Joshua Thong starting from my Create a flash game like Security tutorial. Not only Joshua added new and fresh features like lasers, doors and keys, but he is releasing the source code! Moreover the is an instructions page and an end game one… will you see it? … Jail Break: Flash game based on Security tutorials
Find a sponsor for your Flash game with Flash Game License
If you developed a Flash game, you had this problem. Once your game is complete, you want to find a sponsor and get some cash for your hard work. Then, you start submitting the game to various Flash game portals… the first one only accepts form submissions, the second one only accepts mail submissions, the … Find a sponsor for your Flash game with Flash Game License
Softbody with Flash
As I supposed, it did not take long before some ideas posted in the forum become reality in the blog. I am talking about the post about soft body engine that I recommend you to read before continuing with this post. From Wikipedia: Soft body dynamics is an area of physics simulation software that focuses … Softbody with Flash
Create a Flash game like Metro Siberia Underground – Part 5
Multipart tutorial: available parts 1, 2, 3, 4 ,5 This tutorial reached the 5th part, and it’s time to add some new feature… something that wasn’t included in the original game. Always remember to add something to a game you are about to clone, or people will get bored very soon of your game. In … Create a Flash game like Metro Siberia Underground – Part 5
Protect your ActionScript with Amayeta’s SWF Encrypt
Ok… you made it… you made the Flash game that will kick asses and you are sure nobody knows Actionscript like you. Nobody will clone your game because you know ActionScript better than the rest. If you really know ActionScript, you should now that even if SWF files are compiled, they can be easily decompiled … Protect your ActionScript with Amayeta’s SWF Encrypt
Understanding Flash Objects
I know people usually get scared when someone talks about Objects. Object always mean OOP and tt sounds very hard to understand, and all in all you can code everything you want without using objects. That’s true, but let me clarify some concepts: 1) Using basic Flash Objects is much easier than OOP 2) You … Understanding Flash Objects
Create a Flash game like Metro Siberia Underground – Part 4
Multipart tutorial: available parts 1, 2, 3, 4 ,5 In this 4th part I’ll cover the code written in 3rd part. You should read parts 1 and 2 too, because I will comment only the new code. For a better understanding, I’ll re-publish the code import flash.filters.GlowFilter; var ship_filter:GlowFilter = new GlowFilter(0x00ff00, 0.8, 4, 4, … Create a Flash game like Metro Siberia Underground – Part 4
A new Flash game prototype
Some Flash preloading issues you’d better know
I never used a preloader in a game… all my games are quite light, and I used to preload movies only in some heavy website intros. Heavy, as I said, but 100% timeline and 0% actionscript Today, I was making a preloader for Glomb, because I am dealing with a sponsor (yes… maybe I am … Some Flash preloading issues you’d better know
Create a Flash game like Metro Siberia Underground – Part 3
Multipart tutorial: available parts 1, 2, 3, 4 ,5 In the 3rd part I’ll leave the tunnel for a future use and I will introduce some “asteroids”, some “fuel tanks” and the distance traveled so far. I suggest to read part 1 and 2 before reading this one It’s not a line-by-line commented tutorial, I … Create a Flash game like Metro Siberia Underground – Part 3