Flash game creation tutorial – part 3
March 14th update: part 5.3 released. March 3rd update: part 5.2 released. February 9th update: part 5.1 released. December 31st update: 5th part released. December 23rd update: 4th part released. Here we go with the 3rd step. Remember to read 1st and 2nd part if you are new to this tutorial, and let’s go. We … Flash game creation tutorial – part 3
Flash prototype: walking on disappearing tiles
I remember an old c64 game (and some flash and javascript remakes) where you had to walk over all tiles in a stage, never walking on the same tile twice, because as you leave a tile, it disappears. In this far-from-being-finished prototype, I took some pieces of code I found in a tutorial published on … Flash prototype: walking on disappearing tiles
Flash game creation tutorial – part 2
March 14th update: part 5.3 released. March 3rd update: part 5.2 released. February 9th update: part 5.1 released. December 31st update: 5th part released. December 23rd update: 4th part released. December 6th update: 3rd part released. Welcome to the second step. Read the 1st part and you’ll be ready to follow me with the game … Flash game creation tutorial – part 2
Flash game creation tutorial – part 1
March 14th update: part 5.3 released. March 3rd update: part 5.2 released. February 9th update: part 5.1 released. December 31st update: 5th part released. December 23rd update: 4th part released. December 6th update: 3rd part released. November 18th update: 2nd part released. This is a quite long tutorial, so I decided to split it in … Flash game creation tutorial – part 1
Flash Game Competition at Mousebreaker
Mousebreaker wants you to develop a Flash game, send it to them, and you could win one of the three cash prizes! 1st Prize – £2000 2nd Prize – £1000 3rd Prize – £500 In keeping with the style of games on Mousebreaker, your game should be: * New and original (Must not have appeared … Flash Game Competition at Mousebreaker
100 ROUNDS, a Flash game with Php/MySql hiscore table and explained source code
I want you all to play 100 ROUNDS, a game created for didactic pourpose. The game is simple: just enter your name, press “Play” and start moving your mouse clockwise trying to make 100 rounds as fast as you can to enter the highscore table. I took some ideas from a script found on actionscript.org… … 100 ROUNDS, a Flash game with Php/MySql hiscore table and explained source code
XML driven Flash slideshow
May, 13th 2007 update: improved gallery with linkable images here I found this very interesting script on Sephiroth’s site at http://www.sephiroth.it/file_detail.php?id=124. It’s a XML driven flash slideshow where the pause between images transition and the transition type, with nine defined transitions. Great script, but you can only define one pause value… it means that if … XML driven Flash slideshow
Perfect maze generation with Flash actionscript
In a perfect maze, there is one and only one path from any point in the maze to any other point. That is, there are no inaccessible sections, no circular paths, and no open regions. Viewing a maze as a two-dimensional matrix of square cells, a perfect maze is one in which any two cells … Perfect maze generation with Flash actionscript
Customizable flash gallery
This is a project resumed from an old template I can’t even remember where I found it. A flash gallery with some customizable effect, such as: – Thumbnail size and position – Final image size and position – Speed – Friction (the “bounce” effect) – Alpha fading There is room for much improvement such as … Customizable flash gallery
Designer vs Developer Contest at MDM
To celebrate its Fourth Birthday, MDM on 24th July 2006 launched a unique contest for both Flash Designer and Developer community. MDM are offering the winners of each contest brief a Flash Goodie Bag worth over $1000, including Swift 3D, SWF Encrypt, MDM Zinc, Squeeze for Flash and Components from Flash Loaded, and the chance … Designer vs Developer Contest at MDM
How to crop a Flash Movie
Sometimes we may need for some reason to “crop” a Flash Movie, but unlike Photoshop, there is not “crop” command. How can we do? Using the ‘size’ button, set a new height and width for the flash movie based on your flash design. At this point probably some of your movie images will be off … How to crop a Flash Movie