Emanuele Feronato + Packt Publishing = big news
Do you know Packt Publishing? It’s a publishing company specialized focused books on specific technologies and solutions for communities of developers, administrators, and newbies alike. I used to call Packt Publishing (PP from now on) books as “the books with great content and great photos on the cover”. I am sure you know what I … Emanuele Feronato + Packt Publishing = big news
Happy 2010!!
First of all… I wish you all a great and happy 2010 Then, I suggest you to use some time of this January 1st to make a list of achievements you want for this year. Here’s mine (related to the blog) 1) Release 10 Flash games 2) Release a new game portal and bring it … Happy 2010!!
On the horizon #1
I start today a new category called “On the horizon”. Since I ofter receive emails and comments asking when a tutorial will be released, I dediced to write every 10-15 days what’s coming soon on emanueleferonato.com It works this way: here it is a list of tutorials and projects I am actually working on. You … On the horizon #1