3D Sokoban Prototype with Unity
If you are following my Sokoban3D series, after seeing the final examples made with Flare3D, Away3D and Alternativa3D, you probably wonder what can be done with Unity, “the most powerful engine this side of a million dollars” as said on the official site. I played a bit with the engine and I found the learning … 3D Sokoban Prototype with Unity
Flash 3D Sokoban Prototype with Alternativa3D – final version
Flare3D and Away3D versions of the Sokoban prototype have been published. What’s now? Directly from InspiritGames we have an Alternativa3D port of the prototype. It’s a great porting, although it looks a bit “flat” because Alternativa3D does not support light. In the same blog you can find the Alternativa3D first prototype and even a version … Flash 3D Sokoban Prototype with Alternativa3D – final version
Flash 3D Sokoban Prototype with Away3D – final version
This is the Away3D script which includes the same features I showed you in the Flare3D version. There are a couple of issues, like lines 246 and 248 which do not correctly change the crate top material once it’s over a goal, and a really low framerate if I enable the Z ordering at line … Flash 3D Sokoban Prototype with Away3D – final version
Flash 3D Sokoban prototype with Flare3D – Textures
The Flash 3D Sokoban prototype with Flare3D is growing, and this time I applied some textures to game elements. The following script, which will be explained after I’ll made the same thing with Away3D, show three interesting Flare3D features: * Applying textures on a Cube. * Applying textures only on some faces of a Cube. … Flash 3D Sokoban prototype with Flare3D – Textures