Full Totem Destroyer prototype
Some time ago I posted Create a Flash game like Totem Destroyer, and now I am showing you a complete prototype made by Collin Douch. The prototype features slimy and non-removable blocks and collision detection between the totem and the ground. Such detection was made customizing Box2D’s b2ContactListener class. For more information about this class … Full Totem Destroyer prototype
Talking about Totem Destroyer game, Actionscript 3, Box2D, Flash, Game development and Users contributions.
Create a Flash game like Totem Destroyer
An interesting game released these days is Totem Destroyer Your mission is to destroy the totems without letting the golden Idol (aka Tot) fall into the ground. It’s a game that can be easily done with the AS3 physics engine Box2DFlashAS3, recently updated at version 2.0.1 I already talked about it in the post Playing … Create a Flash game like Totem Destroyer