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Talking about Nano War game, Actionscript 2, Flash and Game development.

In the 1st step we created the units and the engine to select them.

Now it’s time to write the code to let selected unit(s) send troops to other unit.

I created a new frame for the sphere object, a green circle, representing the target unit.

Let’s make a recap:

Frame 1: black circle, unselected unit

Frame 2: red circle, selected unit

Frame 3: green circle, target unit

Obviously, an unit cannot be target of itself

So, once we have one or more selected units, the script will have to:

If the player does not press the mouse

Draw a line from selected unit(s) to current mouse position

If the mouse is not over an unselected unit, leave all unselected units to frame 1

If the mouse is over an unselected unit, play frame 3 for that unit and leave all unselected units to frame 1

If the player presses the mouse

If the mouse is clicked outside an unselected unit, deselect all selected units

If the mose is clicked inside a unselected unit, deselect all selected units and select the new unit (during next part we’ll see how to move troops to this unit)

Here it is the script:

// variable stating if I clicked the mouse
clicked = false;
// variable stating if I am dragging the mouse
dragging = false;
// flag determining if an unit was selected
unit_selected = false;
// 10 times loop
for (x=1; x<=10; x++) {
	// can_place = true: I can place the unit / false: I can't
	// initializing it to false to force entering the while loop
	can_place = false;
	// while loop to look for an empty space where to place the unit
	while (!can_place) {
		// setting can_place to true
		// you can always place an unit until you can't...
		can_place = true;
		// generating random x and y positions, and random width
		px = Math.floor(Math.random()*400)+50;
		py = Math.floor(Math.random()*300)+50;
		w = Math.floor(Math.random()*20)+30;
		// scanning all already placed units
		for (y=x-1; y>=1; y--) {
			// determining the distance between the y-th unit and the one I am trying to place
			dist_x = px-_root["sphere_"+y]._x;
			dist_y = py-_root["sphere_"+y]._y;
			distance = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(dist_x*dist_x+dist_y*dist_y));
			// this is the minimum distance I want between two units:
			// the sum of both radiuses plus 20 pixels
			min_distance = (w+_root["sphere_"+y]._width)/2+20;
			// if the new unit would be too close to an existing one...
			if (distanceMath.min(click_x, posx)) and (this._xMath.min(click_y, posy)) and (this._y

And this is the result

Download the source code and think about enemy's AI... this will be the hardest part

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