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Talking about Flash and Reviews.

Now you know Flash thieve is a problem.

With the latest SWF Protector from DCOM Soft you can firmly protect both ActionScript 1/2 and ActionScript 3, so none of your files, either old or new, will stay unguarded.

Version 3.0, actually available for Win and Linux (Mac version to be released soon) now supports Flash 10 including Flash CS5 files!!

You can see the complete features list at the official page, I am here for a test.

I protected the Basic Box2D editor using Flash movieclips as you can see in the picture:

Then I tried to decompile it with the best decompiler available at the moment.

This is the original draw_box function:

public function draw_box(x_origin:Number,y_origin:Number,box_width:Number,box_height:Number,angle:Number,is_dynamic:Number):void {
	var my_body:b2BodyDef= new b2BodyDef();
	if (is_dynamic) {
	var my_box:b2PolygonShape = new b2PolygonShape();
	my_box.SetAsOrientedBox(box_width/2/world_scale, box_height/2/world_scale, new b2Vec2(x_origin/world_scale,y_origin/world_scale),angle);
	var my_fixture:b2FixtureDef = new b2FixtureDef();
	var world_body:b2Body=world.CreateBody(my_body);

This is the one I decompiled from the original file:

public function draw_box(arg1:Number, arg2:Number, arg3:Number, arg4:Number, arg5:Number, arg6:Number):void
  var loc1:*=new b2BodyDef();
  if (arg6) 
      loc1.type = b2Body.b2_dynamicBody;
  var loc2:*;
  (loc2 = new b2PolygonShape()).SetAsOrientedBox(arg3 / 2 / this.world_scale, arg4 / 2 / this.world_scale, new b2Vec2(arg1 / this.world_scale, arg2 / this.world_scale), arg5);
  var loc3:*;
  (loc3 = new b2FixtureDef()).shape = loc2;
  var loc4:*;
  (loc4 =;

And this is what I get when I try to decompile the protected file:

(sorry for the italian UI – it’s a Windows7 error)

So I can say your actionscript will be more than safe with SWF Protector 3.

Get the 25% discount coupon: use this code REFLPRTCT-RTW5 when purchasing the software. It works!

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