Talking about One Tap RPG game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.
The prototype is vaguely based on a game I played on my iPhone, One Tap RPG
I didn’t like the game that much but it has potential in my opinion, so I developed a little Phaser prototype powered by P2 Physics.
Click/tap anywhere on the screen to make the hero fall in the same x-coordinate of your tap. Collect coins, kill enemies by falling on their head – you will lose a life if you touch them and you aren’t over their head – level up and advance through floors. If you die, reload the game clicking here.
Although the game is simple, it covers some interesting features, such as:
* P2 physics
* Gravity and restitution
* Contact listeners
* Static and dynamic bodies
Here is the fully commented source code, really easy to understand and to improve:
window.onload = function() { var game = new Phaser.Game(320,480,Phaser.CANVAS,"",{preload:onPreload, create:onCreate, update:onUpdate}); // the hero!! var hero; // an array which will contain all game items. Used just to be sure items will be placed // not so close to each others var gameItems=[]; // game text displaying floor,level, lives and so on var gameText = ""; // group which will contain all level assets var levelGroup; // starting level var level=1; // starting experience var exp=0; // starting lives var lives=3; // starting floor var floor=1; // starting gold var gold=0; function onPreload() { // preloading images game.load.image("skull","assets/skull.png"); game.load.image("coin","assets/coin.png"); game.load.image("hero","assets/hero.png"); } // going fullscreen function goFullScreen(){ game.scale.pageAlignHorizontally = true; game.scale.pageAlignVertically = true; game.scale.scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL; game.scale.setScreenSize(); } function onCreate() { goFullScreen(); // dark grey background color game.stage.backgroundColor = '#2d2d2d'; // starting P2 physics system game.physics.startSystem(Phaser.Physics.P2JS); // setting a soft gravity... game.physics.p2.gravity.y = 200; // ... but a high restitution game.physics.p2.restitution = 0.9; // level creation createLevel(); // listener for input down, to call addHero when triggered game.input.onDown.add(addHero, this); // setting physics world boundaries, only left and right (the first two "true") game.physics.p2.setBoundsToWorld(true, true, false, false, false); // adding the HUD text gameText = game.add.text(0,0, "",{font:"normal 12px arial",fill: "#ffffff"}) // updating the text updateText(); } function createLevel(){ // level creation is very easy, first we add a group levelGroup =; // the array of items starts as an empty array gameItems = []; // placing 18 items per level for(var i=0;i<18;i++){ // skulls will be placed more and more often if(Math.random()<0.6+(level/1000)){ gameItems[i] = game.add.sprite(0,0,"skull"); gameItems[i].name = "skull"; } // adding coins else{ gameItems[i] = game.add.sprite(0,0,"coin"); gameItems[i].name = "coin"; } // adding the last created item to levelgroup levelGroup.add(gameItems[i]); // setting its registration point in the middle gameItems[i].anchor.setTo(0.5,0.5); // keep moving the item until id does not ovelap with other items do{ gameItems[i].x = Math.random()*300+10; gameItems[i].y = Math.random()*360+100; } while(itemsOverlap()); // enabling item to react to physics game.physics.p2.enable(gameItems[i]); // setting it as a 24 pixels radius circle gameItems[i].body.setCircle(24); // setting items as static gameItems[i].body.static=true; } } function addHero(){ // once the hero is added, remove the listener game.input.onDown.remove(addHero, this); // placing hero sprite x = horizontal coordinate of your input, y = outside the stage at the top hero = game.add.sprite(game.input.worldX,-50,"hero"); // adding the hero to the group levelGroup.add(hero); // enabling the hero to react to physics game.physics.p2.enable(hero); // listener for hero contacts, heroHit to be called when triggered hero.body.onBeginContact.add(heroHit, this); } function heroHit(body){ // if the hero hits an ACTUAL body (not a world boundary) if(body){ switch({ // if it's a coin, remove the body, update the score case "coin": gold+=(level*floor); body.sprite.kill(); break; // if it's a skull, remove the body, update experience... case "skull": // ... but ONLY if the hero is above the skull if(hero.y<body.y){ body.sprite.kill(); exp+=1; if(exp>level*level/2){ level++; lives++; exp=0; } } else{ // otherwise decrease the lives and show a bit of "blood" lives--; game.stage.backgroundColor = "#ff0000"; } break; } } else{ // if the hero do not hit an ACTUAL body (that is it hit a world boundary) // decrease the lives and show a bit of "blood" lives--; game.stage.backgroundColor = "#ff0000"; } if(lives==0){ // no lives = game over hero.kill(); } // updating HUD text updateText(); } function updateText(){ // just writing a string gameText.setText("Floor: "+floor+" - Lives: "+lives+" - Level: "+level+" - Exp: "+exp+" - Gold: "+gold); } function onUpdate() { // set background color to dark grey. Should be optimized game.stage.backgroundColor = "#2d2d2d"; // if the hero is in game... if(hero){ // and its y position is more than 500 (outside the bottom of the screen) if(hero.y>500){ // preparing for next level hero.y=0; levelGroup.destroy(true); game.input.onDown.add(addHero, this); floor++; lives++; updateText(); createLevel(); } } } // just a function to see if the latest item overlaps with previous ones function itemsOverlap(){ for(var i=0;i<gameItems.length-1;i++){ var distance = manhattanDistance(gameItems[i],gameItems[gameItems.length-1]); if(distance<50){ return true; } } return false; } // manhattan distance. function manhattanDistance(from,to){ return Math.abs(from.x-to.x)+Math.abs(from.y-to.y) } };
How much gold will you get? Download the source code.
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