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Talking about Contests, Game development and iOS.

Last week I blogged about an awesome book called Learning iPhone Game Development with Cocos2D 3.0 – you can find the review here – now thanks to Packt Publishing three lucky readers will get a free copy of the book!

The rules of the giveaway are simple:

1) Be a fan of my Facebook page.

2) On my Facebook page you will find a post about the giveaway. Leave a comment, such as “I want one” or something similar followed by a number from 1 to 90

3) On this site, the official site of an Italian lottery, next Tuesday (September 30) six numbers will be published. You will see the numbers below “Combinazione Vincente” title. Also, you’ll also see “CONCORSO NUMERO 117” next to such title to make sure you’re watching the right numbers.

4) The first, leftmost number will be matched against the numbers written in the comments, and the first three readers with such number will win a copy of the book. If less than three readers have the first number, then remaining books will be given to readers with the second number, and so on.

Let’s make an example and suppose this is the winning streak:

The first winning number is 4, and we have three possibilities:

1) Three readers commented with a “4”: they all win a copy of the book

2) More than three readers commented with a “4”: the first three readers win a copy of the book

3) Less than three readers commented with a “4”: they all win a copy of the book and remaining books will be given to readers who commented with the second winning number, 45.

Winners will be announced in the evening of Tuesday, September 30 and will be contacted through Facebook to receive the book.

Remember you will have to see “CONCORSO N. 117” to be sure they are Tuesday, September 30 numbers. Also, remember to write a comment like “I want one” and a number from 1 to 90

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